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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3656/1410201

Adsorption Isotherms and Kinetics of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs), Boron Nitride Nanotubes (BNNTs), Amorphous Boron Nitride Nanotubes (a-BNNTs) and Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanotubes (h-BNNTs) for Eliminating Carcinoma, Sarcoma, Lymphoma, Leukemia, Germ Cell Tumor and Blastoma Cancer Cells and Tissues

Alireza Heidari

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: January 31, 2018

Hydron, Transhumanism, H (S-train), Humanity+ (Humanity Plus), electron hole and Evolved High Speed Packet Access (or HSPA+ or HSPA (Plus) or HSPAP) from environment into human blood causes human blood cancer cells and tissues. Diagnosis and treatment of such human blood cancer before it is discharged into the human blood is essential. The present study investigated Hydron, Transhumanism, H (S-train), Humanity+ (Humanity Plus), electron hole and Evolved High Speed Packet Access (or HSPA+ or HSPA...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3656/1410200

Scalp Arteriovenous Fistula following Hair Transplantation: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Jason I Liounakos, Timur Urakov, Brian Snelling and Eric C Peterson

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: January 24, 2018

Scalp arteriovenous fistulae, as a result of hair transplantation, are exceedingly rare, with the current literature largely limited to few single case reports. Open surgical and endovascular treatments have been described with good results. We describe a case of scalp arteriovenous fistula following hair transplantation that was successfully treated by direct puncture embolization with n-butyl cyanoacrylate glue....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3656/1410199

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation due to Amniotic Fluid Embolism in an Early Molar Pregnancy

Veronika A Levin, John Villeneuve and Xuezhi Jiang

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: January 17, 2018

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a disruption of hemostasis and imbalance between thrombosis and thrombolysis. DIC can result in life-threatening bleeding, clot formation, and multi-system end organ damage. Although the prevalence of DIC in pregnancy is low, ranging from 0.03-0.35%, the prevalence increases in pregnancies complicated by comorbidities such as placental abruption, postpartum hemorrhage, pre-eclampsia, hemolysis elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP syndrom...

Volume 5
Issue 1