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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-9004/1410159

Immature Fetiform Teratoma: An Unexpected Cause of Retroperitoneal Mass

Fernando Vazquez Rueda, Maria Rosa Ibarra Rodriguez, Francisco Javier Murcia Pascual, Sharmila Devi Ramnarine Sanchez, Sandra Rocio Wiesner Torres and Rosa Maria Paredes Esteban

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: February 06, 2020

A 5-month-old with normal prenatal checks, with a right permeable hydrocele antecedent, a non-painful and well-delimited mass, which occupied the entire right hemi abdomen, was incidentally detected. Ultrasound and abdominal CT show a retroperitoneal lesion that occupied the entire abdominal cavity, with the presence of fat bulbs and calcifications, which did not depend on any organic structure. Tumor markers were normal. Laparotomy was performed with complete exéresis of tumour. Histopathologi...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-9004/1410158

Uterine Rupture Following Misoprostol Induction of Labour at 36 Weeks Gestation in an Unscarred Uterus

Ansong G, Sebuabe SA and Afrani AK

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: January 30, 2020

Case report of a 33-year-old G5P3+1SA diagnosed with an intrauterine foetal death at 36 weeks gestation and induction of labour started with 400 ug of misoprostol vaginally, which was complicated by a uterine rupture with subsequent referral and management in our facility. Intra-operative findings during laparotomy revealed uterine rupture with a macerated still birth intra-abdominally and moderate hemoperitoneum. Uterine rupture in an unscarred uterus following unsuccessful induction is an adve...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-9004/1410157

A Rare Form of Dermoid Cyst: A Fetiform Teratoma

Erciyestepe SG, Turan H and Kahramanoglu I

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: January 24, 2020

Thirty three-years-old patient presented with abdominal distention and intermittent abdominal pain. She gave vaginal birth 2 times; last one three years ago. She didn’t have history of any abdominal operation, family history, or comorbidities. Her menstrual periods were regular. Review of the systems were unremarkable. In the pelvic examination, a 10 cm abdominal mass palpated which deviated to the left side. The pelvic mass had a soft consistency and free mobility. In the ultrasonography, 80*...

Volume 7
Issue 1