Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3243.1510125
Application of Trimano Universal Manipulator in Clinical and Teaching of Shoulder Arthroscopy
Dongqiang Gu, Haoran Gu, Lei Chen and WeiLi
Article Type: Original Research | First Published: 2023/06/19
Orthopaedics is a subject with a wide variety of diseases and strong specialties, among which the sports medicine subspecialty is a rapidly developing specialty. In particular, the sports medicine department has been subdivided in the orthopedics department of the national super first-class comprehensive hospital, and on the basis of the sports medicine specialty, professional groups have been subdivided by location, and teaching tasks from various sources and at different levels have been under...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3243.1510124
Impacts and Attitudes of Posture on Daily Function, Disability, and Psychological Measures in College Students
Samuel T. Lauman, Cynthia Trowbridge, Meredith Decker-Hamm, Mark Ricard, David I. Anderson and Debi Iba
Article Type: Original Article | First Published: 2023/06/10
College students engage in large amounts of sedentary behavior which have been linked to adverse mental health outcomes. Poor postural habits due to the increase in this behavior, in conjunction with prolonged mobile phone usage, can lead to poor posture in these younger populations. As such, this study aims to identify how college-students feel about their posture, the prevalence of pain patterns, psychological status, and their knowledge of intervention options available....
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3243.1510123
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Patellar Tendinopathy: A Comprehensive Review of Current Literature
Sara A. Naessig, BS, Christopher T. Eberlin, MD, Nathan J. Cherian, MD, Zachary L. LaPorte, BA*, Wendy M. Meek, BBA, Michael P. Kucharik, MD and Scott D. Martin, MD
Article Type: Narrative Review | First Published: 2023/06/07
Patellar tendinopathy is frequently seen among athletes, particularly those involved in sports that heavily utilize the extensor mechanisms of the leg (i.e., basketball and volleyball). Symptoms are commonly exacerbated by load-related activities (i.e., jumping) due to the storage and distribution of stress forces through the patellar tendon potentiating small tears....
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3243.1510122
“SPIMON” A Wearable System for Real Time Spine Observation
Vasileios Syrimpeis, Emil Valchinov, Aris Dermitzakis and Nicolas Pallikarakis
Article Type: Original Research | First Published: 2023/05/31
Spinal deformities are referred to Scoliosis and Kyphosis-Lordosis following human race from birth, under the phenomenon of congenital anomalies, later as adolescent spinal deformities, till the last period of human life under the term of aging Spine....