Urinary tract infections (UTI) and allergic conditions in individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM) may evolve to serious complications unless managed properly. Early diagnosis and evaluation of these conditions of DM pa-tients are important to maintain the quality of life of the patients. The objective of the current study was to identify the incidence of UTIs among type 2 DM patients.
A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 260 type 2 DM patients, who participated in a diabetic clinic conducted in the District General Hospital, Ampara. The study was conducted for a period of one month. Information like demography, history of UTI reported in the last 12 months, glycemic control of patients and other relevant details were collected via a questionnaire. In addition, Urine Full Report (UFR) of spot urine sample and Full Blood Count (FBC) investigations were performed in the hospital laboratory and analyzed.
The incidence of UTI in the study population was 27.2% (n = 72). UFR showed 25% of the study population had evidence of UTI (presence of 10 or more puss cells/high power field of the microscope). A significant association was noticed between the incidence of UTI and the gender (p < 0.01). High incidence of UTI was ob-served in females (81.9%) with a relative risk of 2.0 (95% CI 0.208, 0.701). Moreover, the study showed a sta-tistically significant association between the incidence of UTI (p < 0.05, relative risk, 2.5 (95% CI = 1.053, 5.936)) and female patients having poor glycemic control. A statistically significant association was also shown between the incidence of UTI and the duration of DM (p < 0.05) which was seen to be greater than 6.5 years. The incidence of allergic conditions in the study population was 25.8% (n = 67).
Female subjects are more affected with UTI than male subjects in the study population. In addition, a signifi-cant association was found between the prevalence of UTI and female patients with poor glycemic control. Duration of DM also showed significant association with UTI.