The article discusses two forms of resonance in medicine in the treatment of Autoimmune diseases. The first form is the destruction resonance. It is well known and we have used it to destroy tumors or infection diseases. The second form of resonance is the resonance of creation. It leads to the restoration of degenerated or destroyed organs. We have used the resonance of creation to repair organs.
In our previous works 1. (Praznikov V. "Resonant Medicine" - "International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention". 9 (4), p. 5962-5973, 2022 [1], 2. Praznikov V. «Resonance Medicine as a Method of Augmentation Life Expectaney». - Internation Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Research. - SCIRES Literature. ISSN: 2688-8548, p.1-4. 2022 [2], 3. Praznikov V. «Effective prevention and effective treatment oncological diseases with methods resonance destruction and resonance of creation». Journal of cancer Prevention and Current Research. V.13, Issue 2 - 2022 [3] and in monographs [2-7] considered two options for using resonance in medicine - the resonance of destruction and the resonance of creation. Resonance has been used for many years in the treatment of various diseases [6-11]. In this paper, we will consider the possibilities of effective treatment of immune diseases using the methods resonance of creation. In the diagnosis and treatment of bioresonance therapy, the so-called "nosodes" are used - wave copies of various diseases, including oncological ones, and "organŠ¾ preparations" - wave copies of normally functioning organs. A feature of the use of nosodes and organo preparations in our work was that we used not only low potencies of nosodes and organŠ¾ preparations, but also high ones [2,3,5], while in previous works we used only low potencies of nosodes and organo preparations [6-11].
Questions of diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases are preceded by a summary of what is called "resonance".
Resonance was discovered by Galeleo Galelei in 1604 [1]. The resonance can be most clearly described as follows. A platoon of soldiers approaches the wooden bridge and the officer gives the command to go out of step because if a platoon of soldiers crosses the wooden bridge in step, the bridge can collapse from resonance. The vibrations of the bridge will coincide with the vibrations of the marching soldiers, a resonance will arise, from which the bridge will collapse.
In this review, the role of the bridge is "played" by the disease, and the role of the marching soldiers is "performed" by the therapeutic effect. The soldier commander did not want the bridge to collapse due to the possible resonance. The physician, by contrast, absolutely needs resonance to destroy the disease.
Resonant methods for the study of matter have found wide application in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. For example, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR).
At the end of the 20th century, the method of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was developed on the basis of NMR. It is used to obtain images of the human brain, heart, and organs of the digestive tract. For the development of MRI in 2003, the American biophysicist Paul Lauterbur and his English colleague Peter Monsfield were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
In 1975, the German physician Frank Morell came to a completely logical conclusion that if a disease of the organs of the human body is inevitably accompanied by disturbances in their frequency rhythm, then the essence of treatment should be to suppress the emerging "unhealthy" vibrations and restore normal ones.
The vegetative resonance test - VRT, originally proposed in 1991 by the German scientist G. Schimmel [12], allows one point to be examined. Testing only one biologically active point with it makes it possible to assess the state of not only all organs and systems, but also their interconnection.
The vegetative resonance test - VRT, originally proposed in 1991 by the German scientist G. Schimmel [12], allows one point to be examined. Testing only one biologically active point with it makes it possible to assess the state of not only all organs and systems, but also their interconnection.
Each test drug has a wave effect on the patient. It is necessary to restore the spectral (frequency) harmony of the patient.
Waves associated with moving particles have nothing to do with the propagation of any electromagnetic field, i.e. to electromagnetic waves. In the physics of electromagnetic, acoustic and other waves, there is no analogue of waves associated with moving particles of matter. In other words, de Broglie waves are waves of a special nature. Particle wave theory has a lot to do with bioresonance therapy.
All cells, organs and organ systems have wave characteristics, which are a manifestation of the material world, and they can be controlled by a device for bioresonance therapy.
In the activity of a doctor using bioresonance therapy, a similar process takes place using modern technologies. Diagnostics is performed first. For this, the nosode of the alleged disease is displayed on the computer screen connected to the device for bioresonance therapy, and it is tested in the patient. If the nosode is "not tested", then there is no resonance and the arrow on the computer screen does not fall down in the middle of the screen. Therefore, the patient does not have the disease that is displayed by the nosode. In the same case, if the nosode is tested, a resonance arises between the patient and the test drug - the arrow on the computer screen falls and indicates that the patient has the disease, the name of which is the nosode. This is a diagnostic resonance, but not a curative one. This is how resonance diagnostics are carried out in bioresonance therapy.
To treat the identified disease, the doctor must destroy either the tumor or the infectious process with the help of resonance, and for this it is necessary to potentiate the nosode identified in the patient, i.e. find the potency of the nosode that will resonate with the pathological process in the patient and destroy the disease, in other words, a therapeutic resonance is needed. To do this, find that potency of the nosode (usually high), which leads to the fact that when testing this nosode in a patient, the arrow stops falling. Such a potency of the nosode leads to a resonant destruction of the structures of the disease. In other words, the informational content of the nosode in a certain potency is used for the resonant destruction of the structure of the disease, namely the treatment of the found disease. The doctor writes down the informational content of the potentiated nosode on the sugar crumbs and the patient takes this sugar crumbs and is thus treated, i.e. there is a resonant destruction of the structure of the disease.
The use of bioresonance therapy for the treatment of various diseases only of extremely low potencies, as in classical homeopathy, did not allow and does not allow to effectively treat many diseases, including oncological diseases, many infectious diseases, etc. In other words, for many years there has been a crisis in bioresonance therapy, and thus, in general, in resonance medicine. This can be seen in the materials of the annual scientific conferences on bioresonance therapy [4].
When it is said that drugs are used in works that exceed the LM potency of drugs, they mean those potencies that are prepared electronically [6-11].
... The prepared classical homeopathic preparations and the electronic potentiation preparations, which are used in bioresonance therapy, do not fundamentally differ from each other. We have not seen in the literature indications of the difference between homeopathic preparations prepared by the usual, classical method and preparations of electronic potentiation.
Since 2016, materials have been published on the use of high potency drugs for treatment [6-11]. It was found that drugs of high and ultra-high potency do not cause any side effects, including toxic effects on sick and healthy people. However, high potency drugs have proven to be extremely effective in the treatment of severe and extremely serious diseases such as cancer, infectious diseases, including HIV, stones and cysts in organs [6-11]. In particular, metastatic forms of oncology are effectively treated. It has been established that all those forms of oncological diseases that are in the selector of the device for bioresonance therapy are effectively treated with drugs of high and ultra-high potencies.
Treatment of patients with nosode preparations exceeding the LM potency (hereinafter - in the F-potency) was not an end in itself. This method was found in Leche.
Since 2016, materials have been published on the use of the second direction of therapeutic resonance - "resonance of creation" [6-11]. Resonance can not only destroy, for example, diseases, but also create lost biological structures. This made it possible to treat degenerative diseases.
Resonance can be not only a "resonance of destruction", but also a "resonance of creation". This is obviously due to the fact that it is not easy to imagine how the coincidence of frequencies leads to a response that is not destructive, but constructive. In this review, we have presented illustrations of how resonance can be not only destructive, but also constructive, in particular for the treatment of degenerative diseases.
In the treatment with the help of the resonance of destruction, nosodes of diseases were used, from which preparations in the F potency were prepared. This principle has not been effective in the treatment of degenerative diseases. The creation and formation of the principle of "resonance of creation" became possible only as a result of the fact that not nosodes, but orano products exceeding the LM potency were used for treatment. Without organo preparations in the F potency, it is impossible to imagine the use of this principle.
This review presents material related to the treatment of degenerative diseases. This means that treatment is nothing more than the process of restoring organs or organ systems that have undergone changes as a result of diseases or as a result of an aging degenerative process.
Degenerative diseases can also be congenital. It is clear that a significant part of congenital diseases is a consequence of the underdevelopment of an organ or organ system.
In practice, most often after an illness, for example, inflammation or as a result of the senile process, the level of health of the organ falls down to its destruction. Such an organ requires restoration (rehabilitation). The resonance of creation makes it possible to restore an organ or part of it.
Organo preparations are wave preparations (wave copies) of healthy organs or parts of them. Nosodes are wave drugs of the disease.
In the selectors of hardware and software complexes for bioresonance therapy, there are various organo preparations. For the restoration, rehabilitation of organs, we used organo preparations in the F potency. They were done in the same way as the F potency nosodes.
When a patient is tested for a destroyed organ by a tumor, degenerative processes or inflammation, it is no longer tested as normal. In other words, it is tested as problematic. Those on the computer screen, an arrow falls in the middle of the screen, which indicates that the organo preparation has been found correctly. There is a resonance between the organo preparation and the patient. This is a diagnostic resonance, but not a curative one.
We find the potency of the organo preparation that leads to resonance with the affected organ, namely, the termination of testing this organ or organ section as problematic. In this case, the arrow stops falling on the computer screen. It is a therapeutic resonance, but not diagnostic. The doctor prepares preparations of healthy organs in the F potency for the patient, writes them down on the sugar crumbs, which the patient takes.
Autoimmune diseases are a wide class of diseases of heterogeneous clinical manifestations that develop as a result of pathological production of autoimmune antibodies or the multiplication of autoaggressive clones of killer cells against healthy, normal body tissues, leading to damage and destruction of normal tissues and the development of autoimmune inflammation [12-15].
The main characters of adaptive immunity - B and T - lymphocytes. They originate from bone marrow stem cells. B cells are specialized to fight bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. They secrete proteins - antibodies that attach to disease-causing organisms and help break them down. Thymosin is a hormone of the thymus gland (thymus) that supports the functioning of B and T cells. T cells primarily attack and destroy foreign bodies such as cancer cells and transplants. Helper T cells are lymphocytes that mature in the thymus, and those that mature in lymphocytes are B lymphocytes. The leading role in the autoimmune process is played by autoimmune lymphocytes, which mistake the cells of their own body for foreign ones and attack them.
In a healthy state, with their completely normal functioning, they (autoimmune lymphocytes) are contained in small quantities and do not attack any structures.
So, autoimmune diseases are caused by a dysfunction of the immune system as a whole or its individual components. In particular, suppressor T-lymphocytes are involved in the development of systemic lupus erythematosus, myasthenia gravis or diffuse toxic goiter. In these diseases, there is a decrease in the function of this group of lymphocytes, which normally inhibit the development of the immune response.
Thus, in autoimmune diseases, the immune system perceives tissues as foreign elements and begins to damage them. In contrast, in the normal state of the body, the immune system exerts tight control over such a cell. But under certain conditions, for example, with aging of lymphocytes, their degeneration, degeneration of the lymphatic system as a whole, violation of their own functions in the human body, control over such cells can be lost and as a result they begin to act in such a way that they destroy already normal, full-fledged cells. This is how an autoimmune disease develops.
With the development of systemic lupus erythematosus, myasthenia gravis or diffuse toxic goiter, suppressor T-lymphocytes are involved. We repeat - in these diseases, there is a decrease in the function of this group of lymphocytes, which normally inhibit the development of the immune response and prevent the aggression of the body's own tissues.
Degeneration, aging of lymphocytes and, in general, the lymphatic system of organs is a necessary condition, but not always sufficient for the occurrence of an autoimmune process. Other causes of autoimmune disease are also important.
Exposure to the external environment - such as infection or others (inflammation and secreted biologically active substances) promote the entry of lymphocytes into tissues and the activation of autoreactive clones of T cells, which leads to tissue damage and the maintenance of autoimmune processes, further developing an organ-specific autoimmune disease.
Thus, the production of pathological antibodies of pathological killer cells can be associated with the infection of the body with such an infectious agent, the antigenic determinants (epitopes) of the most important proteins of which resemble the antigenic determinants of the host tissues. It is by this mechanism that glomerulonephritis develops after a streptococcal infection or autoimmune reactive arthritis after gono. The autoimmune reaction can also be associated with the destruction or necrosis of tissues caused by an infectious agent, or a change in their antigenic structure so that the diseased tissue becomes immunogenic for the host organism. It is by this mechanism that autoimmune chronic active hepatitis develops after hepatitis B.
The third possible cause of an autoimmune reaction is a violation of the integrity of tissue (histo-hematous) barriers, which normally separate some organs and tissues from the blood and, accordingly, from the immune aggression of the host's lymphocytes.
The fourth possible cause of the body's autoimmune reaction is a hyperimmune state (pathologically enhanced immunity) or an immunological imbalance with a violation of the "selector", suppressing autoimmunity, thymus function or with a decrease in the activity of the T-suppressor subpopulation of cells and an increase in the activity of killer and helper subpopulations.
Immunosuppressants: Azathioprine, prednisone, thymodepressin, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine. Biologically active agents: TNF-a blockers (infliximab, adalimumab, etanercept, CD40 receptor blockers: Rituximab, T-lymphocyte differentiation blockers - halofuginone.
Is it possible to cure the degradation, "aging" of lymphocytes, return them to a normal, non-degenerated state and thereby exclude the possibility of lymphocytes attacking normal tissues? Lymphocytes are part of the whole lymphatic system, including the lymph nodes. Degeneration of lymphacytes is part of the degeneration of the entire lymphatic system. This is why it is extremely important to heal the degenerated lymphatic system.
It was suggested that the beta cells of the pancreas in diabetes mellitus could be restored by means of creative resonance therapy and this was the way to cure diabetes mellitus. A fundamentally similar process is possible with the loss of the substantia nigra of the midbrain in Parkinson's disease and with the degradation of the myelin sheath during multiple sclerosis. Creative resonance therapy is able to restore lost morphological formations and provide a way to cure Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis [6-11].
For a complete cure of these diseases, it is important to what extent it is possible to restore the functional state of the lymphatic system and its part - lymphocytes in the listed autoimmune diseases.
In patients with autoimmune diseases, organ products were tested: lymph nodes, "lymphocytes". It turned out that in all nineteen patients with various autoimmune diseases, lymph nodes, lymphocytes were tested as being in a degenerative state. There was no patient whose lymph nodes and lymphocytes were tested as normal.
The task was to normalize the functional state of the lymph nodes and lymphocytes in our patients and thereby take an important step towards curing their autoimmune disease. To this end, it was necessary to raise the potency of the lymph nodes and lymphocytes in the same way as we did in relation to the beta cells of the pancreas in patients with diabetes mellitus, in relation to the substantia nigra of the midbrain in patients with Parkinson's disease and in relation to the myelin sheath nerves in multiple sclerosis [6-11].
After testing organ products: "lymph nodes", "lymphocytes" in patients with autoimmune diseases, the potency was selected, which led to the fact that the lymph nodes and lymphocytes were no longer tested as degenerated formations. It was this potency of the lymph nodes and lymphocytes that was the basis for the manufacture of sugar crumbs, which patients took and were treated with.
Already on the first day of treatment, all patients noted that when testing organo preparations "lymph nodes" and "lymphocytes" with them, there was a significant noticeable shift in the normalization of their potency. From the very first days of treatment, testing the "autoimmune condition" nosode in patients and in their diseases showed that they were tested less and less until they stopped being tested.rrhea.
The above shows that if in autoimmune diseases the lymph nodes and lymphocytes were in a state of degeneration and thereby led to the onset of the disease, their treatment contributed to the normalization of the state of the lymph nodes and lymphocytes, which opened the way for the cure of autoimmune diseases.
It is important to pay attention to the fact that in the works cited, degraded, aged lymphocytes were not destroyed, but transformed into healthy, normal cells. At the same time, the number of lymphocytes in the body did not decrease, but remained exactly the same as before their transformation.
Thus, the materials of this review article meet the three principles of evidence-based medicine - scientific (resonance - scientific non-direction), efficiency and safety.
The problem of the treatment of autoimmune disease - remains very relevant. The review article for the first time presents an original and effective method of treating autoimmune disease - the resonance of creation, which allows curing the disease. The method of resonance therapy is technically reliable, does not cause side effects and complications.