The first type of diabetes is insulin dependent. As a rule, in such patients, more often children or adolescents, the full range of consequences of reduced immunity is revealed [1]. At the same time, cholecystitis is diagnosed, possibly gallstones, pyelonephritis, and kidney stones. As a rule, chlamydia, a large number of viruses, fungi, helminths are detected. All this is entered into the prescription for the preparation of the drug for treatment.
Beta-cells of the pancreas in some patients with the first type of diabetes, in principle, can be healthy. But the problem is that they are suppressed by the autoimmune process. The initial push is an inflammatory process in the pancreas. It occurs due to the infiltration of cells of the immune system (T-lymphocytes) into the islets of Langerhans. Due to a coding defect, T-lymphocytes recognize outsiders in beta cells, carriers of infection. Since the task of T-lymphocytes is to destroy such cells, they destroy beta cells.
Treatment of diabetes mellitus is possible with pancreas transplantation, transplantation of the islets of Langerhans and individual beta cells. In addition, the "fashionable" method is the treatment of diabetes mellitus with stem cells [2].
The main cause of diabetes is a dysfunction of the immune system. Stem cell treatment for diabetes is based on the replacement of dead pancreatic cells (beta cells) with stem cells. After the stem cells are attached to the pancreatic tissues, they are transformed into active cells.
In diabetes mellitus, the introduction of stem cells is carried out using a catheter through the pancreatic artery using an X-ray scanner, which lasts 90 minutes. But at the first stage, bone marrow is taken from the pelvic bone of a diabetic using a thin needle (under local anesthesia). From the bone marrow taken, stem cells are isolated in the laboratory. The quality of the extracted cells is tested in the laboratory and their number is counted. The effect of treatment the patient can feel in 2-3 months after the start of treatment. For an effective result, the treatment is performed one or several times repeatedly.
Side effects of stem cell treatment for diabetes mellitus.
1. Expensive method. Insurance companies do not include it in the list of compulsory health insurance.
2. Frequent illnesses with viral and infectious diseases, tk. there is no body protection.
3. There is uncontrolled cell division, which provokes the oncological process.
4. The method is quite controversial and does not have full effectiveness and evidence. It is under development and requires a long period of research and practice.
In 80% of people with type 2 diabetes, so-called misfolded islet amyloid polypeptide proteins (IAPPs) accumulate in tissues. IAPPs grow in a process called folding, and misfolded IAPPs are thought to damage pancreatic beta cells, impairing the body's ability to produce insulin. In other words, in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, pancreatic beta cells are weakened or completely disappear.
Resonance has been used for many years in the treatment of various diseases [3-10].
For the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, bioresonance therapy is used, which arose thanks to the German researchers R Foll, F Werner [11], Shimmel H W [12]. In the diagnosis and treatment of bioresonance therapy, the so-called "nosodes" are used - wave copies of various diseases and "organopreparations" - wave copies of normally functioning organs. A feature of the use of nosodes and organopreparations in our work was that we used not only low potencies of nosodes and organo preparations, but also high ones [3-9], while in previous works we used only low potencies of nosodes and organopreparations [10,13-15].
In our previous article (Praznikov V "Resonant Medicine". "International Journal of Medical Sciences and Clinical Inventional" 9(2), p. 5962-5973, 2022) [3] and monographs [4-9] it is shown that both the resonance of destruction and the resonance of creation are used in the treatment of various diseases.
Destruction resonance is possible with the use of nosodes. Initially, testing (diagnosis) of the patient is carried out. On the device for bioresonance therapy, a disease nosode is set, for example, "stomach cancer" and this nosode is tested in a patient. If the nosode is being tested, the arrow on the display does not reach the value 100 and falls, for example, at a value of 50. This indicates that this patient is diagnosed with stomach cancer. The task of the doctor using the method of bioresonance therapy is to select in the device selector connected to the computer that potency of the nosode "stomach cancer", which will enter into resonance with the nosode that is tested on the computer of the device in the patient. If the nosode is chosen correctly, it will resonate with the nosode that is initially tested in the patient. The effectiveness of this selection of nosode potency is revealed in such a way that when testing the gastric cancer nosode in a patient, together with the selected potency of this nosode, it leads to the fact that the original nosode, which is in the computer program of the device for bioresonance therapy, ceases to be tested.
Each organ, each disease has its own frequency of oscillations. A nosode with such a potency is selected, which will have the same vibration frequency to create resonance and destroy, for example, a tumor. In the event that the potency of the selected nosode is not sufficient (the frequency of oscillations of the nosode is less than the frequency of oscillations of the tumor), the initial nosode in the bioresonance therapy device itself continues to be tested. In other words, under these conditions, the method used does not cause resonance and does not lead to the destruction of the tumor.
In senile diseases, in which the process of degeneration, destruction of an organ or part of an organ occurs, the use of the destruction resonance method to restore the organ is not possible. It is necessary to use those methods that restore the destroyed organ, destroyed tissue. And this method is the resonance of creation. It has been shown that the use of the resonance of creation is extremely effective in the treatment of degenerative diseases - Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, etc. [3-9]. It is possible to create a resonance of creation in a patient with an organopreparation of one or another organ or part of it. It is not possible to create the resonance of creation with the nosode of this or that disease. How is the resonance of creation created?
In the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus, the doctor finds an organ preparation of the pancreas tail (organopreparation) in a computer selector connected to a bioresonance therapy device and tests it in a patient on a bioresonance therapy device. If the organ is functioning normally, then during testing, the arrow on the computer display reaches the value 100 and does not fall. In the same case, if the organ does not function normally, then when testing the organopreparation, the arrow does not reach the value of 100 and falls. The doctor needs to restore to normal the functioning of the organ under study - the tail of the pancreas. As shown in the published article and in monographs [3-9], for this purpose it is necessary to create a resonance between the organopreparation, which is in the selector of our computer and is tested in the patient, and the corresponding organopreparation, which must enter into resonance with the tested organopreparation in the patient. The organopreparation taken from the device selector is recorded and the potency (most often high) is selected for it, which will enter into resonance with the organopreparation being tested in the patient. The selected organopreparation with the required potency remains in the device for bioresonance therapy. If the potency is chosen correctly, then testing the original organopreparation in the device selector leads to the fact that the organopreparation of the pancreatic tail ceases to be tested in the patient, i.e. the arrow of the device reaches the value of 100. If the potency of the organopreparation is not chosen correctly, then the arrow of the device falls below the value of 100.
So, we have selected the potency of the organopreparation - the tail of the pancreas, and thus it enters into resonance with the organopreparation that is being tested in the patient. What is the meaning of the resonance we create? In contrast to the resonance of destruction, the new resonance of organopreparations created by us does not lead to the destruction of the organ. It leads to the restoration of the organ - the tail of the pancreas and the beta cells that are in it.
The doctor writes down on sugar grains the information that is available on the selected organopreparation with the necessary potency, and this sugar grain becomes a medicine for the patient. The patient takes sugar grains and is treated - the degenerated organ is restored. This is evidenced by the testing of the organ under study throughout the entire period of treatment. In the process of treatment, the computer arrow during testing gets closer and closer to the value of 100 without falling, and the doctor understands that the degenerated organ is being restored. At the same time, the normalization of blood sugar levels occurs, and the need for insulin drops to zero.
Thus, the use of the resonance of creation can lead not only to the cure of those diseases that arise as a result of degeneration or senility (Parkinson's disease, etc. [3-9]), but also to the restoration of an organ that was in a state of degeneration or a pathological state namely, the tail of the pancreas.
We knew that without repairing the pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin, hormone replacement therapy would not be able to cure diabetes.
When testing a patient, problematic organs are found - the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, limbic structures of the brain. Organopreparations of these formations are included in the treatment. We consider it extremely important that we tested the nosodes "multiple sclerosis" and "myelin sheath" in all patients with the first type of diabetes mellitus. In other words, our patients had multiple sclerosis, but not widespread, which affects numerous structures of the nervous system, but limited, which is present only in those structures of the nervous system that innervate the pancreas and, more precisely, the tail of the pancreas. That is why we included the treatment of multiple sclerosis in the treatment program for all patients with diabetes. In addition to lowering blood sugar, the patient is often tested for cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver, gallbladder stones, pyelonephritis, kidney stones, microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, fungi and, most importantly, chlamydia. Destruction resonance is used to treat these comorbidities. As a result of treatment, antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal immunity rises in patients.
The diabetologist understands that the cure of diabetes mellitus cannot be stable until the autoimmune process, which is associated with degradation, dementia of lymphocytes, is cured. The autoimmune process is cured with the help of the resonance of creation [3-9]. That is why, in the present conditions, when the process of restoring the activity of lymphocytes has been found and tested, the process of curing diabetes and other autoimmune diseases can give a positive long-term prognosis in the cure.
Thus, the treatment of autoimmune diseases can be effective if at least two components are used: 1) Treatment of nosodes or organopreparations of the disease itself and 2) Treatment of the autoimmune process, namely the cure of lymphocytes. The effectiveness of the treatment is revealed already in the process of the treatment itself, when the blood sugar content is normalized and the need for insulin is reduced to zero. The resonance method of treatment is absolutely safe, has no side effects.
In the second type of diabetes mellitus, in addition to the nosode "diabetes mellitus of the second type", those organopreparations were tested that were also detected in the first type of diabetes mellitus - the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, diencephalon. It is important to pay attention once again to the fact that manifestations of multiple sclerosis also occur in type 2 diabetes mellitus, as evidenced by the testing of the nosode "multiple sclerosis" and the organopreparation "myelin sheath". It is clear that all tested nosodes and organopreparations, including drugs for the treatment of the autoimmune process, were included in the prescription for the treatment of patients.
In the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, it is necessary first of all to treat amyloidosis by the destruction resonance method. This is due to the fact that amyloid strands in this form of diabetes are located on the beta cells of the pancreas.
In patients with the second type of diabetes mellitus, as well as in patients with the first type of diabetes mellitus, not only elevated blood sugar is determined, in connection with which the nosode is tested "diabetes mellitus of the second type", but also the nosode "multiple sclerosis", organopreparations "myelin sheath", "hypophysis", "hypothalamus", "diencephalon", "tail of the pancreas". These nosodes and organopreparations were included in the treatment plan for patients.
Thus, the treatment of the second type of diabetes mellitus was carried out effectively using the method of resonance of creation and resonance of destruction, as well as using the nosode "autoimmune process".
In patients with type 1 diabetes, degeneration occurs not only in the tail of the pancreatic gland, but also in the entire pancreas. In this regard, in such patients, it is necessary to restore the entire pancreas, which is carried out using the resonance of creation. A similar method is used to restore the pancreas in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
An equally important task in the treatment of diabetes mellitus is the restoration of the pancreatic arteries - the lower pancreatoduodenal artery and the upper pancreatoduodenal artery, which is carried out using the resonance of creation.
This article discusses the treatment of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus using the methods of resonance medicine - the resonance of destruction and the resonance of creation. It has been established that diabetes mellitus can be effectively treated by methods of resonance medicine. This method is not only effective, but also absolutely safe.