International Journal of

Critical Care and Emergency MedicineISSN: 2474-3674

Editorial Board

Ozgur Karcioglu

Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine,Istanbul Education and Research Hospital, Turkey

Dr. Ozgur Karcioglu was graduated from Ege University Medical School, Turkey in 1993. He worked as a Chairman in Department of Emergency Medicine from Acıbadem University Medical School in 2009-2015. He served as a founder and a board member of The Emergency Medical Association of Turkey between 2007 and 2009, and also member of The American College of Emergency Physicians, National Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Association of Emergency Physicians, The European Society of Emergency Medicine-EuSEM. Dr. Ozgur Karcioglu's research interests are resuscitation, advanced life support, pain management, airway emergencies, disaster medicine, trauma and toxicology.

Dr. Ozgur Karcioglu was graduated from Ege University Medical School, Turkey in 1993. He worked as a Chairman in Department of Emergency Medicine from Acıbadem University Medical School in 2009-2015. He served as a founder and a board member of The Emergency Medical Association of Turkey between 2007 and 2009, and also member of The American College of Emergency Physicians, National Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Association of Emergency Physicians, The European Society of Emergency Medicine-EuSEM. Dr. Ozgur Karcioglu's research interests are resuscitation, advanced life support, pain management, airway emergencies, disaster medicine, trauma and toxicology.

Tobias R. Willich

Senior physician

Department of cardiology

St. Vincenz-Hospital Paderborn


Dr.Willich was born in Hamburg 1971. He attended the University of Hamburg, University Hospital Charite of Berlinand the University Hospital of Bern and graduated in 2000. He makes a dissertation on the development and clinical evaluation of a new test of fibrinolytic capacity and thus acquires the title of Doctor of Medicine (Dr. med.) 2005. From 2001 to 2010 he worked as an Assistant later as a specialist at the University Hospital Charite Berlin in the Department of Cardiology and at the Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin in the Department of Internal Medicine / Cardiology. He specialized in Internal Medicine in 2009 and

Dr.Willich was born in Hamburg 1971. He attended the University of Hamburg, University Hospital Charite of Berlinand the University Hospital of Bern and graduated in 2000. He makes a dissertation on the development and clinical evaluation of a new test of fibrinolytic capacity and thus acquires the title of Doctor of Medicine (Dr. med.) 2005. From 2001 to 2010 he worked as an Assistant later as a specialist at the University Hospital Charite Berlin in the Department of Cardiology and at the Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin in the Department of Internal Medicine / Cardiology. He specialized in Internal Medicine in 2009 and in Cardiology in 2010. Since 2010 he is a senior physician in the Department of Cardiology, St. Vincenz-Hospital Paderborn. His major interest concerns cardiological acute therapy, cardiological intensive care, therapy of cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure therapy, speciallydevice-based therapy. He is a member of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA).

Yasushi Shibata


Department of Neurosurgery

Mito Medical Center

University of Tsukuba


Dr. Yasushi Shibata graduated from the School of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan. He received medical and surgical training at the University Tsukuba Hospital and affiliated hospitals. He conducted basic and clinical research at the Harvard Medical School, Boston, the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. His main research interests are cerebrovascular diseases,head injury, neuroradiology, headache andbrain tumor. He published more than 100 research papers and more than 50 edited textbooks. He has received many research grants and awards. He is now the Director and full professor, Department of Neurosurgery,

Dr. Yasushi Shibata graduated from the School of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan. He received medical and surgical training at the University Tsukuba Hospital and affiliated hospitals. He conducted basic and clinical research at the Harvard Medical School, Boston, the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. His main research interests are cerebrovascular diseases,head injury, neuroradiology, headache andbrain tumor. He published more than 100 research papers and more than 50 edited textbooks. He has received many research grants and awards. He is now the Director and full professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Mito Medical Center, University of Tsukuba. He is the on the board of the Japan Neurosurgical Society, The Japan Stroke Society, and The Japanese Headache Society. He is the editorial member of many international journals.

Vrroj Wiwanitkit


Hainan Medical University


Dr. Viroj Wiwanitkit is currently working as a medical professor and Asian Scholar. He graduated in medical doctor (M.D). (honors) and works in medical academics in many universities. At present he is appointed as a visiting University Professor, Hainan Medical University, China ; visiting professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis, Serbia ; adjunct professor, Joseph Ayobabalola University, Nigeria and Professor, Senior Expert, Surin Rajabhat University, Thailand. He has many international publications in medical field. His research interest includes tropical medicine and public health, Laboratory medicine, clinical biochemistry, molecular biology and microbiology. At present, he is the medical

Dr. Viroj Wiwanitkit is currently working as a medical professor and Asian Scholar. He graduated in medical doctor (M.D). (honors) and works in medical academics in many universities. At present he is appointed as a visiting University Professor, Hainan Medical University, China ; visiting professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis, Serbia ; adjunct professor, Joseph Ayobabalola University, Nigeria and Professor, Senior Expert, Surin Rajabhat University, Thailand. He has many international publications in medical field. His research interest includes tropical medicine and public health, Laboratory medicine, clinical biochemistry, molecular biology and microbiology. At present, he is the medical scientist who has more than 1,500 article publications and he has the most number (the first world rank) of international publications as the first and the last author. He also serve as editor in chief and editorial board of about 100 international medical journals published from several countries around the world.

Mohsen Mohammad El-Shafey


Chest Medicine department

Mansoura University


Dr. Mohsen Mohammad El-Shafey is a Professor of critical care medicine at Mansoura University Hospital.His study includes the onset and outcome predictors in acute lung injury,tissue oxygenation during weaning from mechanical ventilation,predictors of pulmonary critical care recidivism. He attended Egyptian thoracic society conference,Alexandria thoracic society conference.

Dr. Mohsen Mohammad El-Shafey is a Professor of critical care medicine at Mansoura University Hospital.His study includes the onset and outcome predictors in acute lung injury,tissue oxygenation during weaning from mechanical ventilation,predictors of pulmonary critical care recidivism. He attended Egyptian thoracic society conference,Alexandria thoracic society conference.

Pradeep Kumar Bhatia

Professor & Head

Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care

All India Institute of Medical Sciences


Dr. Pradeep Kumar Bhatia is a Professor and Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur. Dr. Bhatia is a Fellow of Indian College of Critical Care Medicine and Indian College of Anaesthesiologists. He started and is the Chief Editor of India's first On-line Journal of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care: 'The Indian Anaesthetists Forum'. His special interest is Intensive Care and particularly Ventilatory Management of critically ill patients.

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Bhatia is a Professor and Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur. Dr. Bhatia is a Fellow of Indian College of Critical Care Medicine and Indian College of Anaesthesiologists. He started and is the Chief Editor of India's first On-line Journal of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care: 'The Indian Anaesthetists Forum'. His special interest is Intensive Care and particularly Ventilatory Management of critically ill patients.

Loganovsky Konstantin Nikolayevich


Department of Radiation Psychoneurology

Institute of Clinical Radiology of NRCRM


Dr. Loganovsky Konstantin Nikolayevich is Head of the Department of Radiation psychoneurology of Institute of Clinical Radiology of NRCRM. He received his PhD on Neurology and Psychiatry from NRCRM. His main achievements includes the evidence based data on radiosensitivity of the brain to low doses of ionizing radiation; disrupted development of the dominant (left) hemisphere of the brain, namely its cortico-limbic system; the specificity of prenatal brain damage under the influence of radioactive iodine; postradiation cognitive disorders, schizophrenia spectrum disorders; cortical-limbic neurogenesis asymmetry as possible cerebral basis of brain laterality following exposure to ionizing radiation. Excess cerebrovascular and cognitive disorders,

Dr. Loganovsky Konstantin Nikolayevich is Head of the Department of Radiation psychoneurology of Institute of Clinical Radiology of NRCRM. He received his PhD on Neurology and Psychiatry from NRCRM. His main achievements includes the evidence based data on radiosensitivity of the brain to low doses of ionizing radiation; disrupted development of the dominant (left) hemisphere of the brain, namely its cortico-limbic system; the specificity of prenatal brain damage under the influence of radioactive iodine; postradiation cognitive disorders, schizophrenia spectrum disorders; cortical-limbic neurogenesis asymmetry as possible cerebral basis of brain laterality following exposure to ionizing radiation. Excess cerebrovascular and cognitive disorders, schizophrenia spectrum disorders, demyelinating diseases of the nervous system, depression, specific post-traumatic stress disorder. Cognitive variant of chronic fatigue syndrome by exposure to low and very low doses and general industrial risk factors. Dr. Nikolayevich areas of research includes neuropsychiatric effects of ionizing radiation at acute, chronic and prenatal exposure. Radiocerebral effects of low doses of radiation. Molecular and biological basis of the sensitivity of the nervous system to exposure to ionizing radiation. Schizophrenia spectrum disorders and lateralization (neolocalizationism) of radiocerebral effects. Neurophysiological and neuropsychological patterns of radiation. Neurocognitive effects of irradiation. Cerebrovascular and demyelinating lesions of the nervous system exposure to low-dose radiation. Chronic fatigue syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, somatoform and paroxysmal disorders.

Valery A Voinov


Head of Department of Apheresis Therapy

First State Medical University of Saint-Petersburg


Professor Valerii A. Voinov, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Apheresis Therapy of the I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg Medical University. He is the author of more than 450 scientific publications (among which more than 20 monographs), 25 patents and authorship certificates. The scope of scientific interest includes treatment of patients with multiple organ failure, allergic and autoimmune diseases in various spheres of medicine such as pulmonology, rheumatology, nephrology, neurology, surgery and critical care, obstetrics, neonatology and many others.

Professor Valerii A. Voinov, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Apheresis Therapy of the I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg Medical University. He is the author of more than 450 scientific publications (among which more than 20 monographs), 25 patents and authorship certificates. The scope of scientific interest includes treatment of patients with multiple organ failure, allergic and autoimmune diseases in various spheres of medicine such as pulmonology, rheumatology, nephrology, neurology, surgery and critical care, obstetrics, neonatology and many others.

Ivan Ortega Deballon

Associate Professor

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

University of Acala de Henares

Madrid. Spain

Tel: 346-075-25212

Dr. Ivan Ortega Deballon is a Research Associate, working within the Deceased Organ Donation research program at MCH and the Loeb Chair and Research Consortium at the University of Ottawa. He is interested in working on the complex intersection of pre-mortem life-saving versus post-mortem organ-preserving interventions. His proposal seeks for a comprehensive management of refractory cardiac arrest both in adults and children, seeking for reversible underlying causes of cardiac arrest, benefiting selected patients of Extracorporeal CPR or cat lab interventions under ongoing CPR. When such an approach be judged futile or not indicated case-by-case, the option of deceased organ donation

Dr. Ivan Ortega Deballon is a Research Associate, working within the Deceased Organ Donation research program at MCH and the Loeb Chair and Research Consortium at the University of Ottawa. He is interested in working on the complex intersection of pre-mortem life-saving versus post-mortem organ-preserving interventions. His proposal seeks for a comprehensive management of refractory cardiac arrest both in adults and children, seeking for reversible underlying causes of cardiac arrest, benefiting selected patients of Extracorporeal CPR or cat lab interventions under ongoing CPR. When such an approach be judged futile or not indicated case-by-case, the option of deceased organ donation after circulatory determination of death would still remain. So that, Ivan will also be involved with health policy development relevant to deceased donation with Canadian Blood Services. Dr. Ivan is a specialist in Health Law (LL.B.) and in Medical Ethics as an Emergency Flight Nurse Practitioner (NP) and has been working in the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service and ground Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) in Madrid, Spain and Dijon, France. Dr.Ivan is ALS/ACLS/PALS & ATLS/PHTLS instructor and teaches at several universities in Europe as associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Alcala de Henares at Madrid where he has done a Masters in University Teaching. He is involved in several projects that seek for the public access to Automated External Defibrillation (AED) looking for increasing the survival outcomes rates of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. He has been participating in uncontrolled DCD since 2000, involved in the care of more than 60 potential donors as part of his work in the HEMS of Madrid which is currently the most active uDCD program worldwide.

Jagdish Desai

Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, The University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA

Jagdish Desai, MD, MPH, FAAP is a neonatologist who has been an Attending Physician affiliated with University of Mississippi Medical Center since 2015. He is currently the Director of Neonatal Simulation in the NICU and a physician in a follow-up program for former preterm infants and for children with medical and surgical disorders cared for in the NICU following birth. His special educational interest is focused on "Neonatal Simulation" and improving delivery room management. Jagdish Desai’s special research interest is focused on improving cardiovascular outcomes related to congenital heart disease and hypotension in neonates” he says. In addition to his

Jagdish Desai, MD, MPH, FAAP is a neonatologist who has been an Attending Physician affiliated with University of Mississippi Medical Center since 2015. He is currently the Director of Neonatal Simulation in the NICU and a physician in a follow-up program for former preterm infants and for children with medical and surgical disorders cared for in the NICU following birth. His special educational interest is focused on "Neonatal Simulation" and improving delivery room management. Jagdish Desai’s special research interest is focused on improving cardiovascular outcomes related to congenital heart disease and hypotension in neonates” he says. In addition to his research on neonatal cardiology, he has been principal investigator/sub-investigator for numerous clinical investigations and randomized trials. He has also received specialized degree (MPH) in epidemiology & biostatistics and he is involved with national administrative database analysis.

Julie Kalabalik

Assistant Professor

Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Pharmacy

New Jersey


Dr. Kalabalik is an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Pharmacy in New Jersey. She is a course coordinator for critical care, integrated pharmacotherapy, and professional pharmacy practice courses. Dr. Kalabalik received her Doctor of Pharmacy from St. John's University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in New York in 2008. She completed her first year post-graduate residency training at Valley Hospital in New Jersey and second year post-graduate residency training in Critical Care at New York Methodist Hospital in New York. Prior to joining Fairleigh Dickinson University, Dr. Kalabalik served as clinical faculty member

Dr. Kalabalik is an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Pharmacy in New Jersey. She is a course coordinator for critical care, integrated pharmacotherapy, and professional pharmacy practice courses. Dr. Kalabalik received her Doctor of Pharmacy from St. John's University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in New York in 2008. She completed her first year post-graduate residency training at Valley Hospital in New Jersey and second year post-graduate residency training in Critical Care at New York Methodist Hospital in New York. Prior to joining Fairleigh Dickinson University, Dr. Kalabalik served as clinical faculty member at Rutgers University Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy and critical care pharmacist at Somerset Medical Center. Dr. Kalabalik has been a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist since 2011. Research interests include sepsis, intensive care unit delirium, pharmacy education, and use of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation.

Anastasia Rivkin

Assistant Dean for Faculty

Professor of Pharmacy Practice

Fairleigh Dickinson University | School of Pharmacy

Tel: 973-443-8420


Dr. Anastasia Rivkin is a professor of Pharmacy Practice and an Assistant Dean for Faculty providing curriculum oversight at the Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Pharmacy in Florham Park, NJ. She has been in this position for 3 years. Dr. Rivkin received her B.S. in pharmaceutical sciences in 1998 and her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2000 from the College of Pharmacy at North Dakota State University. She went on to complete her post-graduate ASHP-accredited residency training at Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven, CT. After completing her training, Dr. Rivkin joined Long Island University Arnold and Marie Schwartz

Dr. Anastasia Rivkin is a professor of Pharmacy Practice and an Assistant Dean for Faculty providing curriculum oversight at the Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Pharmacy in Florham Park, NJ. She has been in this position for 3 years. Dr. Rivkin received her B.S. in pharmaceutical sciences in 1998 and her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2000 from the College of Pharmacy at North Dakota State University. She went on to complete her post-graduate ASHP-accredited residency training at Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven, CT. After completing her training, Dr. Rivkin joined Long Island University Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. She worked there for over a decade, starting with a faculty appointment in the division of pharmacy practice. Dr. Rivkin educated students and provided clinical pharmacy services as a critical care pharmacy specialist at St. Luke's/Roosevelt Hospital Center in Manhattan for over 10 years. In the last three years at Long Island University, Dr. Rivkin was leading the Division of Pharmacy Practice as Division Director. Currently, Her research interests includes Critical care, Gastrointestinal and liver disease, Pharmacy student education.

Abhishek Lunagariya, MD, MHA

Assistant Professor of Neurology,

Vascular Neurology,

Creighton University, School of Medicine, USA

Dr. Abhishek Lunagariya, MD, is a Neurologist with additional training/ expertise in Stroke and Vascular Neurology. He is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at Creighton University School of Medicine, one of the oldest, reputed medical school in the USA. He received Neurology training at University of Florida- Gainesville under world renowned Neurologists as Dr Kenneth Heilman. Later on he received Vascular Neurology training at a prestigeous University of California- San Diego under world renowned Vascular Neurologist- Scientist Dr Justin Zivin, who has been credited for revolutionizing Stroke treatment with invention of tPA. He is a recipient of prestigious "National Institute

Dr. Abhishek Lunagariya, MD, is a Neurologist with additional training/ expertise in Stroke and Vascular Neurology. He is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at Creighton University School of Medicine, one of the oldest, reputed medical school in the USA. He received Neurology training at University of Florida- Gainesville under world renowned Neurologists as Dr Kenneth Heilman. Later on he received Vascular Neurology training at a prestigeous University of California- San Diego under world renowned Vascular Neurologist- Scientist Dr Justin Zivin, who has been credited for revolutionizing Stroke treatment with invention of tPA. He is a recipient of prestigious "National Institute of Health StrokeNet- SPOTRIAS" funding awarded to very few. In additional to Neurology, he holds strong interests in physician leadership/ healthcare administration. He graduated Masters in Healthcare Administration wiht honors at University of Houston - Texas Medical Center.

Ashwin Belle

Analytics Architect

Research Investigator

Department of Emergency Medicine

Michigan Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care


Tel: 734-647-7259

Dr. Ashwin Belle is the Analytics Architect at the Michigan Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC) and is also a research faculty in the Department of Emergency Medicine at University of Michigan. He received his PhD with a specialization in Bio-medical Image and Signal Processing from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). He also holds an M.Sc in Computer Science with a focus in embedded systems. Dr. Ashwin Belle's research interests have led him to investigate complex problems in physiology and medical sciences while developing solutions with an engineering perspective. His expertise is in signal processing, image processing, machine learning

Dr. Ashwin Belle is the Analytics Architect at the Michigan Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC) and is also a research faculty in the Department of Emergency Medicine at University of Michigan. He received his PhD with a specialization in Bio-medical Image and Signal Processing from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). He also holds an M.Sc in Computer Science with a focus in embedded systems. Dr. Ashwin Belle's research interests have led him to investigate complex problems in physiology and medical sciences while developing solutions with an engineering perspective. His expertise is in signal processing, image processing, machine learning and real-time decision support systems. His research focuses on developing algorithms and analytics for application in the emergency departments and critical care units. He is also involved in developing a technological infrastructure designed for researchers to tackle big-data analytic challenges in healthcare.

Lavrentieva Athina


AHEPA University


Tel: 306-949-121458

Dr. Lavrentieva Athina is an Anaesthesiologist-Intensivist at Papanikolaou Hospital. She recieved specialisation in Intensive Care medicine at AHEPA University. Dr. Athina received her Ph.D diploma, Title of thesis 'Coagulation abnormalities in burn patients'. she is a Clinical director in General ICU patients and in Burn ICU in Thessaloniki at Greece. She is a Member of the Hellenic Society of Intensive Care Medicine, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, International Society for Burn Injuries. Her research interests are burn care, inflammation, sepsis, coagulation, nutrition, acute kidney injury.

Dr. Lavrentieva Athina is an Anaesthesiologist-Intensivist at Papanikolaou Hospital. She recieved specialisation in Intensive Care medicine at AHEPA University. Dr. Athina received her Ph.D diploma, Title of thesis 'Coagulation abnormalities in burn patients'. she is a Clinical director in General ICU patients and in Burn ICU in Thessaloniki at Greece. She is a Member of the Hellenic Society of Intensive Care Medicine, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, International Society for Burn Injuries. Her research interests are burn care, inflammation, sepsis, coagulation, nutrition, acute kidney injury.


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Clinical Medical Image Library: 93.51

International Journal of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine: 92.83

International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine: 91.84

International Journal of Womens Health and Wellness: 91.79

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Journal of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology: 91.55

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