International Journal of

Psychology and PsychoanalysisISSN: 2572-4037

Editorial Board

Gaia De Campora

Coordinator of Clinical Research

Center for Applied Psychology

Alliant International University

San Diego


Gaia De Campora earned her PhD in Dynamic, Clinical e Developmental Psychology in 2013 at the Sapienza, University of Rome. Same year, she started working as a PostDoc for the same Department. In 2014, Dr. de Campora, as Principal Investigator, is the recipient of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) Research Grant, for the research project "Maternal Skills and Overweight risk: a longitudinal study on the reflective functioning role". Previously, she has been the recipient of the "2012 Allan Rosenblatt Award" for Outstanding Presentation in Psychodynamic Research (San Diego Psychoanalytic Center).
She is now the Coordinator of Clinical Research at the

Gaia De Campora earned her PhD in Dynamic, Clinical e Developmental Psychology in 2013 at the Sapienza, University of Rome. Same year, she started working as a PostDoc for the same Department. In 2014, Dr. de Campora, as Principal Investigator, is the recipient of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) Research Grant, for the research project "Maternal Skills and Overweight risk: a longitudinal study on the reflective functioning role". Previously, she has been the recipient of the "2012 Allan Rosenblatt Award" for Outstanding Presentation in Psychodynamic Research (San Diego Psychoanalytic Center).
She is now the Coordinator of Clinical Research at the Center for Applied Psychology (Alliant International University, San Diego), and Professor for the Lab of Dynamic Psychology, at the University of Turin. She is in training as Prenatal Tutor at the International School of Prenatal and Perinatal Education, and as Autogenic Training Operator.
Dr de Campora's research interests are mainly focused on: 1) eating behaviors and weight related problems across the lifespan, with particular interest for the prenatal and perinatal stage of life; 2) emotion regulation and attachment framework, with special attention to the intergenerational transmission processes; 3) physiological evaluation of the emotion regulation processes, through the use of the Heart Rate Variability, and other indexes of the SNA functioning; 4) the use of the video-observation as a tool of early prevention and treatment; 5) validation studies and use of interdisciplinary measures (i.e., video-feedback, biofeedback). Her interests are also focused on the study of cross-cultural differences related to body image and to the risk factors for the onset of eating disorders.

Gianluca Serafini

Assistant Professor

Section of Psychiatry

University of Genoa


Tel: 0039-0103537668

Gianluca Serafini is born in Avezzano (L'Aquila), Italy, in 1978 from Italian parents. He took his degree in Medicine and Surgery at Sapienza University of Rome, becoming later psychiatrist. In 2012, he obtained his Ph.D. in Psychiatry: Early Interventions in Psychosis. From over ten years he worked as clinician and researcher at Sant'Andrea Hospital in Rome and his major research interests include neurobiology and neuroimaging of suicidal behaviour and major affective disorders, neuroplasticity, and psychopharmacology. He is actually Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at University of Genoa, Section of Psychiatry, IRCSS San Martino, Italy. He has been included in "2010, 2011,

Gianluca Serafini is born in Avezzano (L'Aquila), Italy, in 1978 from Italian parents. He took his degree in Medicine and Surgery at Sapienza University of Rome, becoming later psychiatrist. In 2012, he obtained his Ph.D. in Psychiatry: Early Interventions in Psychosis. From over ten years he worked as clinician and researcher at Sant'Andrea Hospital in Rome and his major research interests include neurobiology and neuroimaging of suicidal behaviour and major affective disorders, neuroplasticity, and psychopharmacology. He is actually Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at University of Genoa, Section of Psychiatry, IRCSS San Martino, Italy. He has been included in "2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Marquis Who's Who in the World" and he is a fellow of several scientific Societies. He is the author of more than 140 publications in scientific journals and from 2007 he was speaker in more than 110 national and international conferences. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Life Medicine and Journal of Medical Disorders, Associate Editor of 2 international journals, and reviewer for 74 peer reviewed international journals. Also, he is Editorial/Advisory Board member of 31 peer reviewed international journals.

Francesco Rotella

Adjunct professor

University of Florence



Francesco Rotella, MD, was born in Florence, 1979. He graduated in Medicine from the University of Florence in 2004 (top grade), and was subsequently certified in Psychiatry in 2008 (top grade). In 2008 he obtained the European Master in "Affective Neuroscience" from the University of Florence (Italy) and from the University of Maastrict (Holland). In 2013 he completed a PhD in: "Translational Medicine: Molecular methodologies for Diagnosis and Therapy applied to Psycocomportamental Medical Sciences" at the University of L'Aquila, Italy. Since 2003 he works for the Department of Phatophysiology, Unit of Endocrinology, Metabolic Disease Clinic, University of Florence with research

Francesco Rotella, MD, was born in Florence, 1979. He graduated in Medicine from the University of Florence in 2004 (top grade), and was subsequently certified in Psychiatry in 2008 (top grade). In 2008 he obtained the European Master in "Affective Neuroscience" from the University of Florence (Italy) and from the University of Maastrict (Holland). In 2013 he completed a PhD in: "Translational Medicine: Molecular methodologies for Diagnosis and Therapy applied to Psycocomportamental Medical Sciences" at the University of L'Aquila, Italy. Since 2003 he works for the Department of Phatophysiology, Unit of Endocrinology, Metabolic Disease Clinic, University of Florence with research functions. Since 2004 he works for the Psychiatric Unit, Department of Neuropsychiatric Sciences, University of Florence with both clinical and research functions. Since 2012, he works for the Careggi Teaching Hospital, Diabetes Agency with research functions. In 2014 he won the research grant "Post-Doctoral Fellowship 12 mesi" at the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, Milan, Italy.
Research Interests: Psychiatry, Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology, Affective Disorders, Eating Disorders, Diabetes, Obesity.

Luciano Giromini

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology

University of Turin


Tel: 39-011-091-3060

Luciano Giromini, Ph.D., is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology,University of Turin, Italy. He has received intensive training in personality assessment, statistics, and psychometrics and has taught these subjects (at the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral level) at two Italian and one Californian universities.During the past few years, he has served post-doctoral research fellowship at Alliant International University in San Diego, California, and has contributed to the development of the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS), by co-authoring some key papers. Hisneuro-physiological studies on the Rorschach have been published in various, high quality journals (e.g., Biological Psychology), and have been

Luciano Giromini, Ph.D., is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology,University of Turin, Italy. He has received intensive training in personality assessment, statistics, and psychometrics and has taught these subjects (at the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral level) at two Italian and one Californian universities.During the past few years, he has served post-doctoral research fellowship at Alliant International University in San Diego, California, and has contributed to the development of the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS), by co-authoring some key papers. Hisneuro-physiological studies on the Rorschach have been published in various, high quality journals (e.g., Biological Psychology), and have been the recipient of important, internationally recognized awards (e.g., the Mary Cerney Award, issued by the Society for Personality Assessment). As a result, Dr. Giromini was recently issued an "Alien of Extraordinary Ability in Personality Assessment" U.S. Visa by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Research interests (GIROMINI): The Rorschach inkblot test and personality assessment, assessment of malingering, emotion dysregulation, cross-cultural adaptation of assessment tools.

Jose Luis Rosario


Federal University of Sao Paulo

Rua das Glicinias 300


Tel: 646-203-6058

Dr.Rosario is a Physical Therapist, Naturopath, Chiropractor and Acupuncturist in Brazil. His interest and expertise extend from the areas of manual therapy, posture to acupuncture and especially emotions. As a Post-doctoral fellow at one of the best Medical School in South America, he created a methodology called Emotional Balance, which is a way of treating emotions through the body and postural correction. He is also a University Faculty and International lecturer. He has trained over 500 course participants in the Postural Balance concept and methodology. Author of several books and book chapters, his research is focused on clinical practice, aiming

Dr.Rosario is a Physical Therapist, Naturopath, Chiropractor and Acupuncturist in Brazil. His interest and expertise extend from the areas of manual therapy, posture to acupuncture and especially emotions. As a Post-doctoral fellow at one of the best Medical School in South America, he created a methodology called Emotional Balance, which is a way of treating emotions through the body and postural correction. He is also a University Faculty and International lecturer. He has trained over 500 course participants in the Postural Balance concept and methodology. Author of several books and book chapters, his research is focused on clinical practice, aiming to achieve better treatment results for patients. In search of cheap and efficient treatment he has recently studied the effect of mindfulness and meditation or the effect of religious beliefs on the human emotional-postural system.

Wei Wang


Department of Psychology

Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Dr. Wei Wang, Professor of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. He graduated from Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1989, and obtained D.Sc from The University of Liege, Belgium in 1995. Dr. Wang worked as the Professor and Principle Investigator of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, Zhejiang University College of Medicine. He has consistently investigated some topics in Clinical Psychology/Psychiatry-personality and cognitive neuroscience, explored in the areas relating to the treatment-resistant depression, bipolar disorder, personality disorder and schizophrenia, especially to the structure, causes and functions of the personality traits. He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed articles

Dr. Wei Wang, Professor of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. He graduated from Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1989, and obtained D.Sc from The University of Liege, Belgium in 1995. Dr. Wang worked as the Professor and Principle Investigator of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, Zhejiang University College of Medicine. He has consistently investigated some topics in Clinical Psychology/Psychiatry-personality and cognitive neuroscience, explored in the areas relating to the treatment-resistant depression, bipolar disorder, personality disorder and schizophrenia, especially to the structure, causes and functions of the personality traits. He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed articles in the international journals, with an H-index of 17. Research interests: 1. Normal and disordered personality traits in neurological and psychiatric disorders 2. Emotion functions in neurological and psychiatric disorders 3. Normal and abnormal cognitive processes in neurological and psychiatric disorders 4. Diagnosis and psychological treatment of bipolar disorder, treatment-resistant depression, schizophrenia, and personality disorders

Handan Ankarali


Biostatistics Department

Duzce University


Tel: 0380 5421416

Dr. Handan Ankarali completed Ms.C. and Ph.D. in Biometry and Genetic Department of University of Ankara. Now, she is a Professor from 2011 in Biostatistics department in Medical School of Duzce University. She made many contributions to the studies done in the field of psychiatry. Also, She has supervised six Msc Thesis. She has alot of reviewer for some journals and assistant editor of a journal in biostatistics area. She has totally 250 paper which were published in some journals indexed in SCI, SSCI, AHCI, other international or natinal indexes. She has four book related to biostatistics.

Dr. Handan Ankarali completed Ms.C. and Ph.D. in Biometry and Genetic Department of University of Ankara. Now, she is a Professor from 2011 in Biostatistics department in Medical School of Duzce University. She made many contributions to the studies done in the field of psychiatry. Also, She has supervised six Msc Thesis. She has alot of reviewer for some journals and assistant editor of a journal in biostatistics area. She has totally 250 paper which were published in some journals indexed in SCI, SSCI, AHCI, other international or natinal indexes. She has four book related to biostatistics.

Manoj Sharma


Behavioral & Environmental Health

Jackson State University


Tel: 601-979-8850

Manoj Sharma, MBBS, MCHES, Ph.D., FAAHB is a physician by initial training and has completed his Ph.D. in Preventive Medicine from the College of Public Health at The Ohio State University in 1997. He is currently a tenured Full Professor in Behavioral & Environmental Health at theJackson State University in the public health department. He has taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in health behavior, health education, and health promotion in his career at eight different universities working as full-time or part-time faculty. He is a prolific researcher and as of January 2015 has published nine books, 145

Manoj Sharma, MBBS, MCHES, Ph.D., FAAHB is a physician by initial training and has completed his Ph.D. in Preventive Medicine from the College of Public Health at The Ohio State University in 1997. He is currently a tenured Full Professor in Behavioral & Environmental Health at theJackson State University in the public health department. He has taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in health behavior, health education, and health promotion in his career at eight different universities working as full-time or part-time faculty. He is a prolific researcher and as of January 2015 has published nine books, 145 peer-reviewed research articles, and over 250 other publications. He has worked on professional projects in 13 countries. His research interests are in developing and evaluating theory-based health behavior change interventions, community-based participatory research, and integrative mind-body interventions.

Rosa Angela Fabio

Professor of General Psychology

Department of Cognitive Science and Education

University of Messina


Rosa Angela Fabio PhD is full professor of General Psychology at the Department of Cognitive Science and Education, university of Messina. Prior to this current position, Rosa Angela Fabio PhD was coordinator at the faculty of Psychological Science and Technique of the University of Messina. She was a professor of General Psychology at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milano, 2005-2008.From 2002 to 2005 shewas a Contract professor of Empowerment Psychology, and Clinical psychology at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart of Milan and Piacenza. In the same years, from 2002 to

Rosa Angela Fabio PhD is full professor of General Psychology at the Department of Cognitive Science and Education, university of Messina. Prior to this current position, Rosa Angela Fabio PhD was coordinator at the faculty of Psychological Science and Technique of the University of Messina. She was a professor of General Psychology at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milano, 2005-2008.From 2002 to 2005 shewas a Contract professor of Empowerment Psychology, and Clinical psychology at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart of Milan and Piacenza. In the same years, from 2002 to 2005 she was also a Contract professor of methodology and statistics at the Statal University of Milano, Milano. She is author of numerous international paper and books.

Joaquim JF Soares


Psychology and public health sciences

Mid Sweden University


PhD in clinical psychology (Uppsala University). Licensed psychologist and psychotherapist. Professor in psychology and public health sciences (Mid Sweden University). Main tutor/by-tutor of 12 PhD students in the areas of psychology and public health sciences. Reviewer of such journals as Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Quality of Life Research, Psychosomatic Medicine, The European Journal of Pain and Stress and Health. Previous member of editorial boards such as The European Journal of Pain. Over 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals in the areas of psychology, public health and epidemiology. Awarded several research grants, including grants from the European Union. Some

PhD in clinical psychology (Uppsala University). Licensed psychologist and psychotherapist. Professor in psychology and public health sciences (Mid Sweden University). Main tutor/by-tutor of 12 PhD students in the areas of psychology and public health sciences. Reviewer of such journals as Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Quality of Life Research, Psychosomatic Medicine, The European Journal of Pain and Stress and Health. Previous member of editorial boards such as The European Journal of Pain. Over 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals in the areas of psychology, public health and epidemiology. Awarded several research grants, including grants from the European Union. Some areas of interest are women's health, psychosocial problems among parents of children with congenital heart disease, psychosocial factors in chronic pain, violence against women/men, suicide behaviours among adolescents and the psychosocial situation of older persons.

Carla Sharp

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology

University of Houston

Texas, USA

Tel: +1 713 743 8612

Dr. Sharp trained as a clinical psychologist (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) from 1994-1997, after which she completed a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychopathology at Cambridge University, UK, 1997-2000. In 2001, she obtained full licensure as a clinical psychologist in the UK. From 2001-2004 she was appointed as a Research Post-doctoral Fellow in Developmental Psychopathology, Cambridge University. In 2004, she moved to the United States to take up an appointment as Assistant Professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine. She obtained provisional licensure as Clinical Psychologist in Texas in 2008. In 2009, she was appointed as

Dr. Sharp trained as a clinical psychologist (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) from 1994-1997, after which she completed a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychopathology at Cambridge University, UK, 1997-2000. In 2001, she obtained full licensure as a clinical psychologist in the UK. From 2001-2004 she was appointed as a Research Post-doctoral Fellow in Developmental Psychopathology, Cambridge University. In 2004, she moved to the United States to take up an appointment as Assistant Professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine. She obtained provisional licensure as Clinical Psychologist in Texas in 2008. In 2009, she was appointed as Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Houston. Her published work includes over 100 publications reflecting her interests in the social-cognitive basis of psychiatric problems and problems of behavioral health, and the application of this work in developing diagnostic tools and interventions. Her research has been funded by the NIMH, NARSAD, the American Psychoanalytic Association and other foundations. She has co-authored three books: An edited volume with Springer titled The Handbook of Borderline Personality Disorder in Children and Adolescents, an edited volume with Oxford University Press titled Social cognition and developmental psychopathology and a book with MIT Press titled Midbrain mutiny: Behavioral economics and neuroeconomics of gambling addiction as basic reward system disorder.

Tracy Knight Lackey

Associate Professor

Alcorn State University


Tel: 601-877-6203

Tracy Knight Lackey defines herself as simply, a teacher. She has approximately 15 years of professional experience as a special education classroom teacher and teacher educator including stints at Syracuse and Mercer University. She is currently an associate professor of special education at Alcorn State University in Mississippi where she was born and raised. The crux of her research and teaching is the development of instructional strategies for students with severe and multiple disabilities, inclusive practices, and the facilitation of familial participation in education. As an educator and disability advocate, Knight Lackey is dedicated to fostering an optimal quality of

Tracy Knight Lackey defines herself as simply, a teacher. She has approximately 15 years of professional experience as a special education classroom teacher and teacher educator including stints at Syracuse and Mercer University. She is currently an associate professor of special education at Alcorn State University in Mississippi where she was born and raised. The crux of her research and teaching is the development of instructional strategies for students with severe and multiple disabilities, inclusive practices, and the facilitation of familial participation in education. As an educator and disability advocate, Knight Lackey is dedicated to fostering an optimal quality of life and the equitable inclusion of individuals with disabilities into all facets of society.

Erick Messias

Associate Professor

Department of Psychiatry

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences


Tel: 501-526-8232

Erick Messias was born and raised in Brazil, where he completed medical school and practiced family medicine in rural areas. He completed his residency training in psychiatry at the University of Maryland, in 2001, and in preventive medicine at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in 2003. While at Hopkins he also received a master in public health and a PhD in Psychiatric Epidemiology. He's been practicing psychiatry in private practice and academic institutions. He's currently medical director of the Walker Family Clinic and the House Staff Mental Health Service at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Erick Messias was born and raised in Brazil, where he completed medical school and practiced family medicine in rural areas. He completed his residency training in psychiatry at the University of Maryland, in 2001, and in preventive medicine at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in 2003. While at Hopkins he also received a master in public health and a PhD in Psychiatric Epidemiology. He's been practicing psychiatry in private practice and academic institutions. He's currently medical director of the Walker Family Clinic and the House Staff Mental Health Service at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, Arkansas, since 2010. Research interests: risk factors for suicide and depression, psychiatric epidemiology, history of psychiatry, existential psychotherapy, philosophy and mental health

Jesus Vicente Cobo Gomez

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona


Dr. Jesus Cobo, MD, PhD, obtained his Degree in Medicine at Cantabria University and completed their Psychiatry specialization at Bellvitge University Hospital (Barcelona, 2000). He earned two master's degree (History of Science, 2004; Affective Neurosciences; 2009). He also obtained a PhD degree in History of Science (Autonoma University of Barcelona, 2006). Dr. Jesus Cobo currently works as a Senior Psychiatrist at the Corporacio Sanitaria Parc Tauli (Sabadell, Barcelona). He has participated in different research studies and authored or co-authored several scientific papers, primarily on women's mental health, but also on bipolar disorders, psychoneuroinmunoendocrinology, psychopathology and psychopharmacology. He is currently Associate

Dr. Jesus Cobo, MD, PhD, obtained his Degree in Medicine at Cantabria University and completed their Psychiatry specialization at Bellvitge University Hospital (Barcelona, 2000). He earned two master's degree (History of Science, 2004; Affective Neurosciences; 2009). He also obtained a PhD degree in History of Science (Autonoma University of Barcelona, 2006). Dr. Jesus Cobo currently works as a Senior Psychiatrist at the Corporacio Sanitaria Parc Tauli (Sabadell, Barcelona). He has participated in different research studies and authored or co-authored several scientific papers, primarily on women's mental health, but also on bipolar disorders, psychoneuroinmunoendocrinology, psychopathology and psychopharmacology. He is currently Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, where he has supervised different doctoral dissertations and academic papers. He is an active member of the Catalan Research Workgroup on Women's Mental Health of the Catalan Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health and co-organises several meetings in the field.

William Pitchot

Associate Head of the Psychiatric Unit

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liege


Tel: +3242703228

William Pitchot, MD, received his medical degree from and completed his psychiatric residency at the Universite de Liege in Liege, Belgium. For 6 years, he served as head of a psychiatric hospital in Luxembourg. Since 2005, Dr Pitchot has been Associate Head of the Psychiatric Unit of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liege. He is engaged in training and teaching activities in neuropsychopharmacology and clinical psychiatry for medical students, psychiatrists, general practitioners, residents, and nurses. His clinical activities focus on the field of mood and anxiety disorders, and also include gender identity disorders. Pr Pitchot is involved in clinical research programs

William Pitchot, MD, received his medical degree from and completed his psychiatric residency at the Universite de Liege in Liege, Belgium. For 6 years, he served as head of a psychiatric hospital in Luxembourg. Since 2005, Dr Pitchot has been Associate Head of the Psychiatric Unit of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liege. He is engaged in training and teaching activities in neuropsychopharmacology and clinical psychiatry for medical students, psychiatrists, general practitioners, residents, and nurses. His clinical activities focus on the field of mood and anxiety disorders, and also include gender identity disorders. Pr Pitchot is involved in clinical research programs related to biological aspects of major depression, anxiety disorders, personality dimensions, and suicidal behavior, as well as clinical and therapeutic aspects of unipolar and bipolar disorders. He has presented 202 scientific communications (oral and posters) at international congresses. Pr Pitchot has authored or coauthored 76 papers published in international journals such as The Lancet, American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Journal of Psychopharmacology, Biological Psychiatry, and Psychopharmacology. He has been a reviewer for a number of journals, including Archives of General Psychiatry, Psychiatry Research, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, and European Psychiatry, among others, and served as a member of the editorial board of European Psychiatry. He has received several grants and awards including 2 ECNP Fellowship Awards and 2 CINP Rafaelsen Fellowship Awards. A member of several professional organizations, Pr Pitchot has also served as vice president of the Society Royale de MedecineMentale de Belgique.

Roger P Watts

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Concordia University

United states of America

Dr. Roger P Watts is a research psychologist, a lecturer and trainer, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology Concordia University. He is a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC), a Master of Addictions Counseling (MAC), and Licensed Social Worker (LSW) and has served as a counselor for co-occurring disorders in all levels of care. He received his undergraduate degree at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts and his master’s degree in counseling psychology at Cambridge College, Cambridge, MA. He completed his Ph.D. in general psychology at Capella University in Minneapolis, MN. He is also a Certified Criminal Justice Specialist (CCJS),

Dr. Roger P Watts is a research psychologist, a lecturer and trainer, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology Concordia University. He is a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC), a Master of Addictions Counseling (MAC), and Licensed Social Worker (LSW) and has served as a counselor for co-occurring disorders in all levels of care. He received his undergraduate degree at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts and his master’s degree in counseling psychology at Cambridge College, Cambridge, MA. He completed his Ph.D. in general psychology at Capella University in Minneapolis, MN. He is also a Certified Criminal Justice Specialist (CCJS), having worked for the Federal Bureau of Prisons in addition to working within both medium and maximum-security state prisons. He was a member of the core faculty the Graduate School of Addiction Studies at the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, and has academic interests in group psychology, group therapy, and co-occurring disorders of chemical dependency and mental illness. His research interests include focusing on willpower in the treatment of alcoholism and spirituality as a construct in addictions counseling.

Erwin Lemche

Section of Cognitive Neuropsychiatry

Department of Psychosis Studies

King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry

Institute of Psychiatry

London, United Kingdom

Tel: 44-20-7848-5110

Erwin Lemche did undergraduate studies at Free University Berlin, and his graduate studies in collaboration with Max Planck Institute for Human Development. After postdocs in Denver, CO, USA, and Free University Berlin, he became 1998 assistant medical director in psychosomatic medicine, and in 2001 head of laboratory for developmental psychobiology and cognitive neuroscience at Dresden University of Technology, Germany. 2007-2011 he was a group leader at BCN Neuroimaging Center Groningen, Netherlands. 2011-2012 he was locum tenens full professor (chair) in developmental psychology, and acting head of department, University of Constance, Germany. Lemche is founding member of the International Society of

Erwin Lemche did undergraduate studies at Free University Berlin, and his graduate studies in collaboration with Max Planck Institute for Human Development. After postdocs in Denver, CO, USA, and Free University Berlin, he became 1998 assistant medical director in psychosomatic medicine, and in 2001 head of laboratory for developmental psychobiology and cognitive neuroscience at Dresden University of Technology, Germany. 2007-2011 he was a group leader at BCN Neuroimaging Center Groningen, Netherlands. 2011-2012 he was locum tenens full professor (chair) in developmental psychology, and acting head of department, University of Constance, Germany. Lemche is founding member of the International Society of Neuro-Psychoanalysis. Since 2000 he works as research associate at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, UK. He is author of numerous publications. His main interests are: Multimodal neuroimaging, imaging genetics, experimental and developmental psychopathology, body image and its disorders, developmental neuroscience including myelination and neurotrophic factors.

Marion Wallace

Clinical Director

Mental Health Adolescent Unit

Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

University of Alabama


Dr. Marion Wallace completed her undergraduate degree in Psychology in New Orleans, La, and her master's degree at The University of southern Mississippi in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in child psychology. Her Ph.D. was awarded from The University of Southern Mississippi in 2012. Dr. Wallace joined the University of Alabama at Birmingham as an assistant professor in 2013. Dr. Wallace joined the Psychiatry department in the division of child and adolescent psychiatry. She currently serves as clinical director for the Department of Mental Health (DMH) child and adolescent inpatient unit. Her research interests are self-perception variables as they relate

Dr. Marion Wallace completed her undergraduate degree in Psychology in New Orleans, La, and her master's degree at The University of southern Mississippi in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in child psychology. Her Ph.D. was awarded from The University of Southern Mississippi in 2012. Dr. Wallace joined the University of Alabama at Birmingham as an assistant professor in 2013. Dr. Wallace joined the Psychiatry department in the division of child and adolescent psychiatry. She currently serves as clinical director for the Department of Mental Health (DMH) child and adolescent inpatient unit. Her research interests are self-perception variables as they relate to negative behaviors or social consequences. Dr. Wallace served as an editorial assistant and co-author on book chapters examining narcissism and youth implications. Dr. Wallace has also authored or been co-author on 10 posters, 3 symposia, and 1 paper presentation at regional and national conferences.

Fabrizio Stasolla

Assistant Professor

University of Bari


Fabrizio Stasolla, PhD, is assistant professor at University of Bari. His topic concerns the assistive technologies for children with multiple disabilities, developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, Rett and Down syndromes, cerebral palsy. His interest deals with cognitive-behavioral interventions and alternative augmentative communication strategies for non verbal individuals. He teaches psychology of disabilities and rehabilitation to educational sciences students. The author works on PECS, VOCA, literacy process, ambulation responses, self-monitoring and self management of instruction cues to promote on-task behavior by students with learning disabilities. He his ad-hoc reviewer for Autism-open access, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Journal of Behavioral

Fabrizio Stasolla, PhD, is assistant professor at University of Bari. His topic concerns the assistive technologies for children with multiple disabilities, developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, Rett and Down syndromes, cerebral palsy. His interest deals with cognitive-behavioral interventions and alternative augmentative communication strategies for non verbal individuals. He teaches psychology of disabilities and rehabilitation to educational sciences students. The author works on PECS, VOCA, literacy process, ambulation responses, self-monitoring and self management of instruction cues to promote on-task behavior by students with learning disabilities. He his ad-hoc reviewer for Autism-open access, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Journal of Behavioral Education, Life Span and Disability, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Research in Developmental Disabilities. Moreover, he is a member of editorial board of the International Journal of Behavioral Research & Psychology (ISSN 2332-3000, SCI DOC Publishers).


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