Journal of

Nutritional Medicine and Diet CareISSN: 2572-3278

Editorial Board

Yi Charlie Chen

Professor of Biology

Alderson Broaddus University


Dr. Yi Charlie Chen, professor of biology, has taught at Alderson Broaddus University since 2000. He received his B.S. and M.S. from Zhejiang University in China. He then received his second M.S. and Ph.D. from Washington State University. Dr. Chen has published over 54 different papers and book chapters in a wide range of scientific journals and books. Dr. Chen is currently working on molecular biology of cancer research. His research has focused on the inhibition of anti-cancer drugs, especially natural compounds, on cancer growth with emphasis on angiogenesis and apoptosis. Dr. Chen is also working on nanochemoprevention using

Dr. Yi Charlie Chen, professor of biology, has taught at Alderson Broaddus University since 2000. He received his B.S. and M.S. from Zhejiang University in China. He then received his second M.S. and Ph.D. from Washington State University. Dr. Chen has published over 54 different papers and book chapters in a wide range of scientific journals and books. Dr. Chen is currently working on molecular biology of cancer research. His research has focused on the inhibition of anti-cancer drugs, especially natural compounds, on cancer growth with emphasis on angiogenesis and apoptosis. Dr. Chen is also working on nanochemoprevention using nanoparticles as a novel approach for cancer control. Dr. Chen is the recipient of the Faculty of the Year Award in 2013. He was also the featured professor in the 2013 spring issue of the Neuron: West Virginia Journal of Science and Research.

Abdelmjid Chraibi


Department of Endocrinology & Metabolic diseases

Mohammed V University


Professor Abdelmjid Chraibi has been Head of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition department at Avicenne Hospital, Rabat, since 2006. Professor Chraibi's main research interests include diabetes and fasting Ramadan, goitre, insulin therapy, hypoglycaemic agents and medullary thyroid cancer, he has collaborated with international organisations including the World Health Organization concerning the Moroccan strategy against diabetes and its complications. He has authored over 100 articles in Arabic and in international scientific journals and has been involved with a number of national and international societies as President of the Moroccan Society of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition between 2006 and 2009; member of the

Professor Abdelmjid Chraibi has been Head of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition department at Avicenne Hospital, Rabat, since 2006. Professor Chraibi's main research interests include diabetes and fasting Ramadan, goitre, insulin therapy, hypoglycaemic agents and medullary thyroid cancer, he has collaborated with international organisations including the World Health Organization concerning the Moroccan strategy against diabetes and its complications. He has authored over 100 articles in Arabic and in international scientific journals and has been involved with a number of national and international societies as President of the Moroccan Society of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition between 2006 and 2009; member of the Mediterranean Group Study of Diabetes; and member of the Arabic Association for the Study of Diabetes. Professor Chraibi is also actively involved in in charitable organisations dealing with health problems in remote rural areas in Morocco.

Jun Kobayashi


Department of Clinical Dietetics and Human Nutrition

Josai University


After the clinical work as a pediatric cardiologist for 20 years, I started the research work in 2001, and currently investigating the therapeutic significance of dietary nitrite and nitrate. Because we and other researchers suggest that the therapeutic effect of nitrite and nitrate, rich in vegetables such as spinach, lettuce and beetroot, on life style-related diseases including hypertension, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. I believe that the decrease in endogenous vascular endothelial NO production with ageing might underlie these disease status, and dietary nitrite and nitrate easily achievable by the daily intake of vegetables could provide a NO backup system as

After the clinical work as a pediatric cardiologist for 20 years, I started the research work in 2001, and currently investigating the therapeutic significance of dietary nitrite and nitrate. Because we and other researchers suggest that the therapeutic effect of nitrite and nitrate, rich in vegetables such as spinach, lettuce and beetroot, on life style-related diseases including hypertension, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. I believe that the decrease in endogenous vascular endothelial NO production with ageing might underlie these disease status, and dietary nitrite and nitrate easily achievable by the daily intake of vegetables could provide a NO backup system as an on-demand NO donor.

Fang-Rong Chang


Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources

National Sun Yat-sen University


Prof. Fang-Rong Chang has received his Master and PhD in degrees in Pharmacognosy from College of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU) , Taiwan during the period of 1990to 1995. Currently, he is the full Professor of Pharmacognosy of Graduate Institute of Natural Products (GINP) and the Vice Dean of Global Affairs of KMU. He is mainly interested in Natural Products Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Transgenic Plant (Arabidopsis) Reporter Assay, Epigenetic Approaches on Secondary Metabolites of Microbial, Functional Food and New Drug Development.Prof. Chang got many awards and served as reviewer board for Taiwanese government. He published more than 250 research articles

Prof. Fang-Rong Chang has received his Master and PhD in degrees in Pharmacognosy from College of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU) , Taiwan during the period of 1990to 1995. Currently, he is the full Professor of Pharmacognosy of Graduate Institute of Natural Products (GINP) and the Vice Dean of Global Affairs of KMU. He is mainly interested in Natural Products Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Transgenic Plant (Arabidopsis) Reporter Assay, Epigenetic Approaches on Secondary Metabolites of Microbial, Functional Food and New Drug Development.Prof. Chang got many awards and served as reviewer board for Taiwanese government. He published more than 250 research articles in SCI journals, more than 30 patents issued or in application, the reviewer of more than 70 different international journals, as well as several technique transfer to industries.

Jane C-J Chao


School of Nutrition and Health Sciences

Taipei Medical University


Dr. Jane C-J Chao graduated from the Department of Human Nutrition and Food Management at the Ohio State University and obtained her PhD degree in 1993. Subsequently, she had the post-doctoral training in the Division of Foods and Nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1993 to 1994, and returned to her alma mater Taipei Medical University to be the faculty member in the School of Nutrition and Health Sciences since 1995. She is currently in the position of Professor in the School of Nutrition and Health Sciences, and Adjunct Professor in the Master Program in Global Health

Dr. Jane C-J Chao graduated from the Department of Human Nutrition and Food Management at the Ohio State University and obtained her PhD degree in 1993. Subsequently, she had the post-doctoral training in the Division of Foods and Nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1993 to 1994, and returned to her alma mater Taipei Medical University to be the faculty member in the School of Nutrition and Health Sciences since 1995. She is currently in the position of Professor in the School of Nutrition and Health Sciences, and Adjunct Professor in the Master Program in Global Health and Development at Taipei Medical University. She conducted research in the effects of growth factors in human milk on the development of the gastrointestinal tract in the beginning of her research career. Over the past 15 years, she has transited her research interests to herbal extract and active components, and primarily focused on the effects of herbal extracts and active components on gastrointestinal diseases such as peptic ulcer, liver disease, and liver cancer.

Isaias Dichi


Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition

State University of Londrina


Isaias Dichi graduated in Medicine and specialized in Internal Medicine He obtained Master's degree, in 1993, and PhD, in 1997, in Physiopathology in Internal Medicine: Nutrition and Metabolism at Sao Paulo State University (UNESP-Botucatu). Dr. Dichi is currently Professor of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition at the State University of Londrina, in Parana, Brazil. He works in the following research areas: physiopathology and diet therapy in metabolic syndrome with fish oil n-3 fatty acids, olive oil, soy, berries and probiotics; physiopathology and diet therapy in other inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid disease, and systemic erythematosus lupus with

Isaias Dichi graduated in Medicine and specialized in Internal Medicine He obtained Master's degree, in 1993, and PhD, in 1997, in Physiopathology in Internal Medicine: Nutrition and Metabolism at Sao Paulo State University (UNESP-Botucatu). Dr. Dichi is currently Professor of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition at the State University of Londrina, in Parana, Brazil. He works in the following research areas: physiopathology and diet therapy in metabolic syndrome with fish oil n-3 fatty acids, olive oil, soy, berries and probiotics; physiopathology and diet therapy in other inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid disease, and systemic erythematosus lupus with fish oil n-3 fatty acids, olive oil, and probiotics, prevention and treatment of iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia, and nutrition and metabolism in chronic diseases. Medical education and film interpretation are other areas of interest. He was director of the Health Sciences Center of the University of Londrina (2006-2010).

Claudia Cardoso Netto


Department of Biochemistry - Institute of Biomedicine

University of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)


Claudia Cardoso Netto is a biochemistry professor and researcher from Institute of Biomedicine of University of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO- RJ / Brazil). She is Master and PhD in Food and Nutrition by University of Campinas (UNICAMP – SP/Brazil) and specialist in Women's Health. Her search area is nutrition and endocrinology, with an emphasis in chronic diseases aging associated.

Claudia Cardoso Netto is a biochemistry professor and researcher from Institute of Biomedicine of University of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO- RJ / Brazil). She is Master and PhD in Food and Nutrition by University of Campinas (UNICAMP – SP/Brazil) and specialist in Women's Health. Her search area is nutrition and endocrinology, with an emphasis in chronic diseases aging associated.

Ezekiel Wong Toh Yoon

Chief of Nutrition Support Physician

Department of Internal Medicine

Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital


Ezekiel Wong Toh Yoon received his Bachelor of Medicine from Hiroshima University, and is currently the Chief Gastroenterologist as well as Nutrition Support Physician-in-Chief at Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital. He is a member of the International Network of Health Promoting Hospital & Health Services. He is board certified not only in the field of Internal Medicine, Primary Care and Gastroenterology, but also received certifications from the Japan Society of Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition as well as the Japanese Society of Clinical Nutrition. He is also a scientific council member of the Japanese Society of Clinical Nutrition and the Japanese Society of

Ezekiel Wong Toh Yoon received his Bachelor of Medicine from Hiroshima University, and is currently the Chief Gastroenterologist as well as Nutrition Support Physician-in-Chief at Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital. He is a member of the International Network of Health Promoting Hospital & Health Services. He is board certified not only in the field of Internal Medicine, Primary Care and Gastroenterology, but also received certifications from the Japan Society of Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition as well as the Japanese Society of Clinical Nutrition. He is also a scientific council member of the Japanese Society of Clinical Nutrition and the Japanese Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. He is a regional Editor-in-Chief of the journal Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy (GHE), and an editorial board member of the Journal of Nutritional Disorders and Therapy. His area of expertise is in the field of clinical and enteral nutrition, focusing on percutaneous enteral tube feeding.

Raul Sanz Rojo


Center of Genetics Studies ATG Medical

Madrid, Spain

Tel: +34-619-145-860

Dr. Raul Sanz Rojo obtained his PhD in Biology (Genetics) from Complutense de Madrid University, Spain, and his MSc in Molecular Oncology from Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO) and European School of Oncology. Over the past twenty years, Dr. Sanz had worked as clinician and researcher in hospitals and non-profit research institutes focused in the research and development for new diagnostic tests in several genetic diseases, mainly on rare diseases. He had participated in several research projects which had resulted in the publication of more than forty articles. Currently, he is genetic diagnostic director at Center of Genetics Studies

Dr. Raul Sanz Rojo obtained his PhD in Biology (Genetics) from Complutense de Madrid University, Spain, and his MSc in Molecular Oncology from Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO) and European School of Oncology. Over the past twenty years, Dr. Sanz had worked as clinician and researcher in hospitals and non-profit research institutes focused in the research and development for new diagnostic tests in several genetic diseases, mainly on rare diseases. He had participated in several research projects which had resulted in the publication of more than forty articles. Currently, he is genetic diagnostic director at Center of Genetics Studies ATG Medical. In the nutrition research area, his main interest is focused on the analysis of genetic polymorphisms related to nutrigenomics area, and its research, development and application in precision medicine.

Ross Stewart Grant

Clinical Associate professor

Sydney Adventist Hospital Clinical school

University of Sydney


Dr. Grant is a Biochemical Pharmacologist and Clinical Associate Professor at the Sydney Adventist Hospital Clinical School, University of Sydney and Head of the Australasian Research Institute. Dr Grant's research focusses on characterizing, at the molecular level, how lifestyle and environment (e.g. emotional stress, diet and exercise), produce changes in the body's biochemistry that lead toward either health or disease; including oxidative stress, inflammation and changes in NAD(H) metabolism. A practical goal of this research is identification of a profile of early subclinical disease markers enabling effective intervention before irreparable damage to tissue occurs precipitating a clinical crisis.

Dr. Grant is a Biochemical Pharmacologist and Clinical Associate Professor at the Sydney Adventist Hospital Clinical School, University of Sydney and Head of the Australasian Research Institute. Dr Grant's research focusses on characterizing, at the molecular level, how lifestyle and environment (e.g. emotional stress, diet and exercise), produce changes in the body's biochemistry that lead toward either health or disease; including oxidative stress, inflammation and changes in NAD(H) metabolism. A practical goal of this research is identification of a profile of early subclinical disease markers enabling effective intervention before irreparable damage to tissue occurs precipitating a clinical crisis.

Nieves Gonzalez Gomez

Research Associate

Laboratorio de Patologa Renal

Vascular y Diabetes

Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria-Fundacion Jimez Diaz



Dr. Gonzalez has more than 16 years experience in metabolic disorders as diabetes and obesity. She has conducted a scientific work mainly related to both diseases, in human and animal models. Specifically, she has performed significantly and relevant studies focus on the effects and mechanisms of action of anti-diabetic compounds (v.g.: GLP-1, exendins, amylin) in extrapancreatic tissues. Moreover, she developed pharmacological studies of bombesin receptor family-GRPR, NMBRy BRS-3-which are involved in multiples pathologies (prostatic, breast, pancreatic, colorectal, gastric and esophageal cancers). Recently, she has carried out in vitro assays in human muscle and adipose cells, which propose BRS-3 as a

Dr. Gonzalez has more than 16 years experience in metabolic disorders as diabetes and obesity. She has conducted a scientific work mainly related to both diseases, in human and animal models. Specifically, she has performed significantly and relevant studies focus on the effects and mechanisms of action of anti-diabetic compounds (v.g.: GLP-1, exendins, amylin) in extrapancreatic tissues. Moreover, she developed pharmacological studies of bombesin receptor family-GRPR, NMBRy BRS-3-which are involved in multiples pathologies (prostatic, breast, pancreatic, colorectal, gastric and esophageal cancers). Recently, she has carried out in vitro assays in human muscle and adipose cells, which propose BRS-3 as a potential molecular target for diabetes and obesity. Beyond that, her future projects include the study of the influence of impaired glucose homeostasis in neuronal function. The treatment of peripheral and central pathology of Huntington disease could form the basis for a more effective therapeutic strategy, since the maintenance of a healthy nervous system, is closely linked to metabolic health. Research Interests includes Antidiabetic treatments,Type 2 diabetes and cancer,Molecular targets for obesity and diabetes,Diabetes and Obesity Care,Neurodegenerative diseases: Huntington disease (HD), Nutritional and Diet care in HD patients

Chun-Yan Yeung

Deputy Director

Department of Gastroenterology and Nutrition

Mackay Children's Hospital


Dr. Chun-Yan Yeung, MD, PhD, obtained his medical degree from the National Taiwan University, Taiwan and his PhD from the Institute of Biochemical and Biotechnology, National Taipei University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Currently, he is in the position of Deputy Chief of Department of Medicine and Senior Attending Physician in Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, MacKay Children's Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. He also serves as the Assistant Professor of College of Medicine, MacKay Medical College. He is board-certified in Pediatrics, Neonatology, Pediatric Intensive Care, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. Dr. Yeung has published almost 70 peer review articles in

Dr. Chun-Yan Yeung, MD, PhD, obtained his medical degree from the National Taiwan University, Taiwan and his PhD from the Institute of Biochemical and Biotechnology, National Taipei University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Currently, he is in the position of Deputy Chief of Department of Medicine and Senior Attending Physician in Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, MacKay Children's Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. He also serves as the Assistant Professor of College of Medicine, MacKay Medical College. He is board-certified in Pediatrics, Neonatology, Pediatric Intensive Care, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. Dr. Yeung has published almost 70 peer review articles in high profile journals together with invited reviews and book chapters. He is currently serving as an Editorial Board Members for World Journal of Hepatology, Pediatrics and Neonatology, Austin Journal of Pediatrics, International Journal of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatal Care. Research interests include pediatric gastrointestinal and hepatic diseases, infant and breast milk nutrition, sonography, gut microbiota, probiotics and tight junction of intestinal epithelium. He is recently working on nanotechnology using 16s ribosomal DNA probe-gold nanoparticle in the rapid detection of Salmonella in clinical specimens.

Santiago Navas-Carretero

Center for Nutrition Research

University of Navarra


Tel: +34-948-42-56-00

Dr Santiago Navas-Carretero obtained his MSc in Pharmacy and PhD in Nutrition at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). Since 2008 he is research associate at the University of Navarra, first in the Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Physiology, and since 2013 in the Center for Nutrition Research in the Personalized Nutrition Area. He is coordinator of the Metabolic Unit, where nutritional interventions designed for the treatment and prevention of obesity and metabolic syndrome are carried out. He is currently collaborating in two EU funded projects, Food4Me and PREVIEW. His main research interests are focused on personalized nutrition research development

Dr Santiago Navas-Carretero obtained his MSc in Pharmacy and PhD in Nutrition at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). Since 2008 he is research associate at the University of Navarra, first in the Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Physiology, and since 2013 in the Center for Nutrition Research in the Personalized Nutrition Area. He is coordinator of the Metabolic Unit, where nutritional interventions designed for the treatment and prevention of obesity and metabolic syndrome are carried out. He is currently collaborating in two EU funded projects, Food4Me and PREVIEW. His main research interests are focused on personalized nutrition research development and application. More specifically his research interests are based on studying the effects of dietary treatments, differing in macronutrient distribution, or the inclusion of functional foods in diet, on obesity and related metabolic disorders, in adults and children. He has published 50 research articles and reviews and has participated in more than 20 national research projects.

Andrea Mario Pompeo Romani

Associate Professor

Department of Physiology & biophysics

Case Western Reserve University


Dr. Andrea M P Romani, MD, PhD, obtained his medical degree from the University of Siena, Italy and his PhD from the University of Turin, Italy. Upon completing his postdoctoral studies under Dr. Scarpa, he joined the faculty in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Case Western Reserve University, where he is currently Associate Professor. Dr. Romani has published almost 90 peer review articles in high profile journals together with numerous invited reviews and book chapters. He is currently serving as an Editorial Board Member for Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Magnesium Research, World Journal of Gastro-Intestinal Physio-Pathology among others.

Dr. Andrea M P Romani, MD, PhD, obtained his medical degree from the University of Siena, Italy and his PhD from the University of Turin, Italy. Upon completing his postdoctoral studies under Dr. Scarpa, he joined the faculty in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Case Western Reserve University, where he is currently Associate Professor. Dr. Romani has published almost 90 peer review articles in high profile journals together with numerous invited reviews and book chapters. He is currently serving as an Editorial Board Member for Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Magnesium Research, World Journal of Gastro-Intestinal Physio-Pathology among others. Research Interests include Magnesium homeostasis and metabolism; obesity; insulin signaling; insulin resistance; metabolic syndrome; liver physiopathology; alcoholism; liver inflammation; Hepatocytes; Kupffer cells; Hepatic Stellate cells; mitochondria; endoplasmic reticulum functions.

Anna Campagnoli

Department of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety

University of Milan


Dr. Campagnoli is DVM, PhD, specialised in hygiene of food of animal origin at Department of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety (VESPA). Her research activities are focused on food safety assurance on the basis of the EU integrated approach founded on From farm to table measures. Thus, the risk on human health of inadequate food of animal origin supplying was approached starting from animal feed chain as source of pathogens or undesirable substances. Campagnoli activity started in 2003 with investigations of feedstuffs role on spread of prion diseases. Further interests are focused on mycotoxins cereal contamination, with studies regarding

Dr. Campagnoli is DVM, PhD, specialised in hygiene of food of animal origin at Department of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety (VESPA). Her research activities are focused on food safety assurance on the basis of the EU integrated approach founded on From farm to table measures. Thus, the risk on human health of inadequate food of animal origin supplying was approached starting from animal feed chain as source of pathogens or undesirable substances. Campagnoli activity started in 2003 with investigations of feedstuffs role on spread of prion diseases. Further interests are focused on mycotoxins cereal contamination, with studies regarding in vitro effects on cells metabolism, rapid analytical techniques development for detection & quantification and approaches to food decontamination. At last, she investigated on health effects of naturally enriched foods of animal origin and performed in vivo experiments to improve concentration of naturally high bioavailable vitamins in milk.

Guoxun Chen

Associate Professor

Department of Nutrition

The University of Tennessee at Knoxville


Tel: 865-974-6257

Dr. Guoxun Chen is currently serving as associate professor in department of nutrition at University of Tennessee at knoxville, USA. He was the PI of a proposal supported by American Heart Association National Program to investigate the mechanism by which retinoids synergized with insulin to induce the hepatic glucokinase gene expression. He is member at American Society for Nutrition and American Heart Association

Dr. Guoxun Chen is currently serving as associate professor in department of nutrition at University of Tennessee at knoxville, USA. He was the PI of a proposal supported by American Heart Association National Program to investigate the mechanism by which retinoids synergized with insulin to induce the hepatic glucokinase gene expression. He is member at American Society for Nutrition and American Heart Association

Kyong Park

Associate Professor

Department of Food and Nutrition

Yeungnam University

South Korea

Dr. Kyong Park received her PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Minnesota. During her PhD education, she investigated the relationships of adiposity, oxidative stress, and inflammation in the progression of type-2 diabetes using the CARDIA study, an ongoing prospective, multi-center study of the natural history of cardiovascular risk development in young adulthood.In addition, as a research assistant for the Iowa Women's Health Study, she extensively contributed to the management of the study protocols and publishing manuscripts on nutrition - disease related issues. After graduation, she investigatedthe effects of trace elements and dietary supplements on the risk of metabolic disease

Dr. Kyong Park received her PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Minnesota. During her PhD education, she investigated the relationships of adiposity, oxidative stress, and inflammation in the progression of type-2 diabetes using the CARDIA study, an ongoing prospective, multi-center study of the natural history of cardiovascular risk development in young adulthood.In addition, as a research assistant for the Iowa Women's Health Study, she extensively contributed to the management of the study protocols and publishing manuscripts on nutrition - disease related issues. After graduation, she investigatedthe effects of trace elements and dietary supplements on the risk of metabolic disease conditions at Harvard School of Public Health as a post-doctoral research fellow. She also performed the genome-wide association study in the Nurse’s Health Study and Health Professional Follow-up Study.

Rosa Tundis

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy, Health and Nutritional Sciences

University of Calabria


She graduated cum laude in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Calabria. She attended Post-graduate School in Clinical Pathology. Then she had positions of Post-doctoral fellowship (2004-2005) and of Researcher (2005-2014) at Department of Pharmacy, Health and Nutritional Sciences of University of Calabria. Research interests include the development of analytical strategies for the qualitative and quantitative determination of constituents of extracts, isolation, structural characterization and the in vitro evaluation of biological activities of extracts and secondary metabolites of medicinal plants and plant foods. These investigations have been focused on the determination of anti proliferative

She graduated cum laude in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Calabria. She attended Post-graduate School in Clinical Pathology. Then she had positions of Post-doctoral fellowship (2004-2005) and of Researcher (2005-2014) at Department of Pharmacy, Health and Nutritional Sciences of University of Calabria. Research interests include the development of analytical strategies for the qualitative and quantitative determination of constituents of extracts, isolation, structural characterization and the in vitro evaluation of biological activities of extracts and secondary metabolites of medicinal plants and plant foods. These investigations have been focused on the determination of anti proliferative activity against different human tumor cell lines, hypoglycaemic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and neuroprotective properties.

Chureeporn Chitchumroonchokchai

Researcher Associate

Department of Human Nutrition

The Ohio State University


Dr. Chureeporn Chitchumroonchokchoi received the MS degree in Nutrition from Mahidol University, Thailand, and the PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from the Ohio State University. She also completed advanced training courses in the separation and identification of compounds in foods, bio-fluids and tissues in Australia, France and USA (CDC and USDA). After returning to Mahidol University to teach and conduct research, she returned to the Ohio State University where she has worked as a Senior Research Associate since 2007. Her research has focused on the bioaccessibility, bioavailability and bioefficacy of dietary micronutrients and non-essential, bioactive compounds such

Dr. Chureeporn Chitchumroonchokchoi received the MS degree in Nutrition from Mahidol University, Thailand, and the PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from the Ohio State University. She also completed advanced training courses in the separation and identification of compounds in foods, bio-fluids and tissues in Australia, France and USA (CDC and USDA). After returning to Mahidol University to teach and conduct research, she returned to the Ohio State University where she has worked as a Senior Research Associate since 2007. Her research has focused on the bioaccessibility, bioavailability and bioefficacy of dietary micronutrients and non-essential, bioactive compounds such as carotenoids, isoflavonoids, xanthones and catechins.

Constantinos Giaginis

Assistant Professor

Department of Food Science and Nutrition

University of the Aegean


Constantinos Giaginis has received MSc and PhD degrees from the School of Pharmacy of the University of Athens, Greece and a second PhD degree from the Medical School of the same university. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of Human Physiology in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of the Aegean, Greece. He has currently published more than 100 peer reviewed articles in international journals. His research focuses on the clinical evaluation of new biomarkers and molecular mediators in pathophysiological states, such as atherosclerosis and cancer, highlighting also on their relationship with human nutrition and public health. His

Constantinos Giaginis has received MSc and PhD degrees from the School of Pharmacy of the University of Athens, Greece and a second PhD degree from the Medical School of the same university. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of Human Physiology in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of the Aegean, Greece. He has currently published more than 100 peer reviewed articles in international journals. His research focuses on the clinical evaluation of new biomarkers and molecular mediators in pathophysiological states, such as atherosclerosis and cancer, highlighting also on their relationship with human nutrition and public health. His research interests also include the development of predictive-classification models and Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSARs) in the area of pharmacology and toxicology, highlighting on the physicochemical and molecular properties, such as the lipophilicity of drugs, natural bioactive and toxic compounds in relation with their biological activity and toxicity.

Simona Bertoli

Assistant Professor

Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Science

University of Milan


Researcher at the Department of Food Science, Technology and Microbiology (DISTAM). She carries out clinical research activity at the International Center for the Assessment of Nutritional status (ICANS). Main research areas: nutritional status, body composition, resting energy expenditure and relative methods. Assessment of food intake and dietary habits. Metabolic activity of visceral fat by plasma adipocytokines concentrations measurements (i.e.leptin, adiponectin, interleukins). Teacher of Human Nutrition and Nutraceutical foods at University of Milan in the degree courses o Food Science and Technology and Plant, Food and Agri-environmental Biotechnologies . Vice-head of the outpatient clinic

Researcher at the Department of Food Science, Technology and Microbiology (DISTAM). She carries out clinical research activity at the International Center for the Assessment of Nutritional status (ICANS). Main research areas: nutritional status, body composition, resting energy expenditure and relative methods. Assessment of food intake and dietary habits. Metabolic activity of visceral fat by plasma adipocytokines concentrations measurements (i.e.leptin, adiponectin, interleukins). Teacher of Human Nutrition and Nutraceutical foods at University of Milan in the degree courses o Food Science and Technology and Plant, Food and Agri-environmental Biotechnologies . Vice-head of the outpatient clinic facility for nutritional diseases. Care of patients with overweight, obesity, binge eating disorder, malnutrition and metabolic disease

Basil h. Aboul-enein

Assistant Professor

University of South Dakota


Dr. Basil Aboul-Enein received his dual Master degrees in Nutrition and Public Health from Texas Woman's University and University of Texas Health Science Center, respectively. He also holds a Master of Arts in Historical Studies from Norwich University Military College of Vermont. He earned his Doctorate in Health Education from A.T. Still University of Health Sciences, Kirksville, Missouri. Prior to commissioning in the U.S Air Force Biomedical Science Corps where he served as Chief of Medical Intelligence, he worked in several institutions including Baylor College of Medicine, the USDA WIC nutrition program for the city of Houston, Texas, and the

Dr. Basil Aboul-Enein received his dual Master degrees in Nutrition and Public Health from Texas Woman's University and University of Texas Health Science Center, respectively. He also holds a Master of Arts in Historical Studies from Norwich University Military College of Vermont. He earned his Doctorate in Health Education from A.T. Still University of Health Sciences, Kirksville, Missouri. Prior to commissioning in the U.S Air Force Biomedical Science Corps where he served as Chief of Medical Intelligence, he worked in several institutions including Baylor College of Medicine, the USDA WIC nutrition program for the city of Houston, Texas, and the King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He has taught at the University of South Dakota, Northeastern University, and the University of London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. He has published several manuscripts on topics covering public health historiography, history of preventive medicine, preventive nutrition, cultural competency in health education, and international health (North Africa and Near East focus). He is an editorial board member of the Journal of Cultural Diversity and a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health.

Louisa Chung

Assistant Professor

Hong Kong Institute of Education

Hong Kong

Louisa Chung is currently a full-time Assistant Professor at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. She is a registered nutritionist and has published actively in reputed journals and participated vigorously in reviewing manuscripts for some high ranking journals. Chung has been highly involved in weight management and nutrition assessment with the application of technology in recent 10 years. Recently, she developed a model in dietetics delivery model and hypothesized behavioural feedback in weight reduction and weight maintenance. Chung has 20 manuscripts published in peer-reviewed journals in recent 7 years, in which, 11 manuscripts published in international-wide journals. Dr. Chung is

Louisa Chung is currently a full-time Assistant Professor at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. She is a registered nutritionist and has published actively in reputed journals and participated vigorously in reviewing manuscripts for some high ranking journals. Chung has been highly involved in weight management and nutrition assessment with the application of technology in recent 10 years. Recently, she developed a model in dietetics delivery model and hypothesized behavioural feedback in weight reduction and weight maintenance. Chung has 20 manuscripts published in peer-reviewed journals in recent 7 years, in which, 11 manuscripts published in international-wide journals. Dr. Chung is also a specialist (nutrition and health sciences) at the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications. She is a member of Safe & Healthy School Advisory Committee of Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Association and the Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Association of Organic Industry. Her research interest includes eating habits, diet modification, nutrition assessment, teledietetics, nutrition education and physical wellness.


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New Issues


International Journal of Clinical Cardiology

ISSN: 2378-2951 | ICV: 89.24



Obstetrics and Gynaecology Cases - Reviews

ISSN: 2377-9004 | ICV: 88.42



Journal of Hypertension and Management

ISSN: 2474-3690 | ICV: 87.69



International Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Research

ISSN: 2377-3634 | ICV: 87.97



Journal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology

ISSN: 2474-3658 | ICV: 91.55