International Archives of

Public Health and Community MedicineISSN: 2643-4512

Editorial Board

Giuseppe Mancia

Emeritus Professor

Department of Internal Medicine

University of Milano-Bicocca



Dr. Giuseppe Mancia is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at University of Milano-Bicocca and Head of Hypertension Center of the Istituto Clinico Universitario, Verano Brianza, Italy. He has obtained his Ph.D. in Physiology in 1970 and graduation degree in 1964. Since many years he is in the list of the 'highly cited' scientists (Thompson Reuters) and has been regarded as one of the 400 most influential biomedical investigators in the world (EJCI 2013). Dr. Mancia has published more than 2000 original papers, reviews and editorials in peer-review journals. His papers have received more than 177.000 citations with

Dr. Giuseppe Mancia is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at University of Milano-Bicocca and Head of Hypertension Center of the Istituto Clinico Universitario, Verano Brianza, Italy. He has obtained his Ph.D. in Physiology in 1970 and graduation degree in 1964. Since many years he is in the list of the 'highly cited' scientists (Thompson Reuters) and has been regarded as one of the 400 most influential biomedical investigators in the world (EJCI 2013). Dr. Mancia has published more than 2000 original papers, reviews and editorials in peer-review journals. His papers have received more than 177.000 citations with a H-index of 157. Dr. Mancia has received many International and National research awards including the Heymans Award (International Pharmacology Society), Wright Award (Australian High Blood Pressure Council), Volhard and Tigersted Awards (ISH), Folkow Award (ESH), International Recordati Prize and Invernizzi Prize for Medicine. Dr. Mancia research interests focus on epidemiology pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of hypertension, heart failure, and coronary disease, as well as on the clinical aspects of diabetes, obesity and other metabolic abnormalities

Maria Pieri


Department of Advanced Biomedical Science-Legal Medicine Section

University 'Federico II' of Naples

Naples, Italy

Tel: +390817463474

Dr. Maria Pieri graduated in Industrial Chemistry in 2000 at University of Naples 'Federico II' (Italy). In 2004 Dr. Pieri completed the Ph.D. course in Occupational Medicine, Environmental Hygiene and Ergonomics at University of Bari (Italy), with a final thesis on 'Urinary mercapturic acids as exposure biomarkers for assessing occupational exposure to genotoxic agents'. Since 2000, Dr. Pieri collaborates with the Department of Advanced Biomedical Science, Legal Medicine Section (previously Department of Public Medicine and Social Safety) of the University of Naples 'Federico II' and the Department of Occupational Medicine of the Second University of Naples, working as researcher in

Dr. Maria Pieri graduated in Industrial Chemistry in 2000 at University of Naples 'Federico II' (Italy). In 2004 Dr. Pieri completed the Ph.D. course in Occupational Medicine, Environmental Hygiene and Ergonomics at University of Bari (Italy), with a final thesis on 'Urinary mercapturic acids as exposure biomarkers for assessing occupational exposure to genotoxic agents'. Since 2000, Dr. Pieri collaborates with the Department of Advanced Biomedical Science, Legal Medicine Section (previously Department of Public Medicine and Social Safety) of the University of Naples 'Federico II' and the Department of Occupational Medicine of the Second University of Naples, working as researcher in both Forensic Toxicology and Occupational Medicine fields. Since 2011, She is member of the Italian Forensic Toxicologist Association, and in the period 2015-2018 was part of the Board of the same Association. Since 2016, She is Researcher and directs the Forensic Toxicology Laboratory of the Department of Advanced Biomedical Science, Legal Medicine Section of the University of Naples 'Federico II'.

Federico Benetti


Cardiovascular Institution

Benetti Foundation

Rosario, Argentina

Professor Federico Benetti is the President of Benetti Foundation, Argentina. Dr. Benetti was a Professor of Cardiac Surgery at Salvador University BS in Argentina 1990-1995. Through the Benetti Foundation more than 150 Publications, Chapters and books are published. More than 1000 Courses Conferences conducted through this foundation. This Foundation got more than 25 prizes, Worldwide. Dr. Benetti is one of the 50 World Doctors who has a plate at the Hipocratic Foundation on the Island of KOS Greece Inventions.

Professor Federico Benetti is the President of Benetti Foundation, Argentina. Dr. Benetti was a Professor of Cardiac Surgery at Salvador University BS in Argentina 1990-1995. Through the Benetti Foundation more than 150 Publications, Chapters and books are published. More than 1000 Courses Conferences conducted through this foundation. This Foundation got more than 25 prizes, Worldwide. Dr. Benetti is one of the 50 World Doctors who has a plate at the Hipocratic Foundation on the Island of KOS Greece Inventions.

Chung-Yi Chen


School of Medical and Health Sciences

Fooyin University

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Dr. Chung-Yi Chen is a Professor at School of Medical and Health Sciences in Fooyin University, Taiwan. Dr. Chen obtained Ph.D. from Kaohsiung Medical University. He specialized in isolation, purification and structural analysis of active components of plants and directed against active constituents of oral cancer, liver cancer, and rectal cancer. He published more than 300 papers. Dr. Chung-Yi Chen is serving as an Editorial Board Member for several national and international journals. He secured numerous awards like lifetime achievement award and health care & biotechnology merit award. His research interest's include Pharmacognosy, Natural Products, Chinese Medicine, Natural Product Research.

Dr. Chung-Yi Chen is a Professor at School of Medical and Health Sciences in Fooyin University, Taiwan. Dr. Chen obtained Ph.D. from Kaohsiung Medical University. He specialized in isolation, purification and structural analysis of active components of plants and directed against active constituents of oral cancer, liver cancer, and rectal cancer. He published more than 300 papers. Dr. Chung-Yi Chen is serving as an Editorial Board Member for several national and international journals. He secured numerous awards like lifetime achievement award and health care & biotechnology merit award. His research interest's include Pharmacognosy, Natural Products, Chinese Medicine, Natural Product Research.

Josep Jansa


Department of Public Health

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control



Dr. Josep Jansa currently working as Head for section of Epidemic Intelligence and Response in the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Solna, Sweden. Dr. Jansa is also Deputy Head of the Surveillance and Response Support Unit. Dr. Jansa is a Medical Doctor graduated at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, specialized in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. He is teaching Epidemiology and International health for more than 20 years and he is also been coordinating the Master on International Health and Tropical Medicine in the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has been holding different positions at Local, Regional,

Dr. Josep Jansa currently working as Head for section of Epidemic Intelligence and Response in the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Solna, Sweden. Dr. Jansa is also Deputy Head of the Surveillance and Response Support Unit. Dr. Jansa is a Medical Doctor graduated at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, specialized in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. He is teaching Epidemiology and International health for more than 20 years and he is also been coordinating the Master on International Health and Tropical Medicine in the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has been holding different positions at Local, Regional, National and International levels in Catalonia, Spain and in several countries in the areas of Epidemiology of infectious diseases, Public health surveillance and health threats, Community health, Drug abuse, etc. Dr. Jansa involved in different missions of the most recent ones during the current Ebola Crisis with WHO response teams in Guinea and the first Public Health international teams within the European Medical Corps in Angola for the epidemic of yellow fever, mission of Health cooperation, Humanitarian & Public health crisis and Consultancy on health services. Dr. Jansa research areas include Tuberculosis, Epidemiology of infectious diseases, Migrants health and International health.

Francesca Mancianti

Professor and Chair

Department of Parasitology

University of Pisa



Dr. Francesca Mancianti is a Professor and Chair in Department of Parasitology at University of Pisa, Italy. In 1980, she completed her postgraduate education in Microbiology and Virology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pisa, Italy. She worked as a full Professor in Veterinary Parasitology in 2006. Dr. Mancianti is the member of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, The Society of Protozoologists and International Society for Human and Veterinary Mycology. She published more than 150 peer reviewed papers dealing with Parasitology, Mycology, Zoonotic Parasites and Fungi. Dr. Mancianti research interest includes Application of biomolecular quantitative technologies in the clinical

Dr. Francesca Mancianti is a Professor and Chair in Department of Parasitology at University of Pisa, Italy. In 1980, she completed her postgraduate education in Microbiology and Virology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pisa, Italy. She worked as a full Professor in Veterinary Parasitology in 2006. Dr. Mancianti is the member of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, The Society of Protozoologists and International Society for Human and Veterinary Mycology. She published more than 150 peer reviewed papers dealing with Parasitology, Mycology, Zoonotic Parasites and Fungi. Dr. Mancianti research interest includes Application of biomolecular quantitative technologies in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of leishmaniasis and toxoplasmosis in dogs, cats and foxes; Epidemiological studies on piroplasmosis; Epidemiology, biochemical and molecular characterization of yeasts belonging to the genus Malassezia; Study of essential oils as antimycotic drugs in fungi impacting on human health as well as animal welfare; Epidemiology and molecular classification of haemoparasites of avian species, etc.

Carlos Hernandez Giron


Department of Reproductive Health and Epidemiology

National Institute of Public Health


Tel: +777-329-3000

Dr. Carlos Hernandez Giron is currently working as Professor in the Department of Reproductive Health and Epidemiology at National Institute of Public Health (INSP), Mexico. He received a Master's degree in Sociomedical Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a PhD in Public Health from the National Institute of Public Health, Mexico. Dr. Giron is currently Researcher in Medical Sciences 'D' of the Center for Research in Population Health, member of the National System of Researchers (SNI I) and president of the College of Teachers Reproductive Health chapter of the INSP. Since 2000 he has been a member

Dr. Carlos Hernandez Giron is currently working as Professor in the Department of Reproductive Health and Epidemiology at National Institute of Public Health (INSP), Mexico. He received a Master's degree in Sociomedical Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a PhD in Public Health from the National Institute of Public Health, Mexico. Dr. Giron is currently Researcher in Medical Sciences 'D' of the Center for Research in Population Health, member of the National System of Researchers (SNI I) and president of the College of Teachers Reproductive Health chapter of the INSP. Since 2000 he has been a member of the Research Committee of National Institute of Public Health. Dr. Giron is the author and co-author of 20 scientific articles with arbitration and 30 National and International presentations in the areas of public health, reproductive health, epidemiology of STIs and cancer, neurological diseases.

Elena Carrillo Alvarez


Department of Public Health

University of Ramon Llull



Dr. Elena Carrillo Alvarez is Currently Working as a Professor of Sports Nutrition, Sociology and Nutrition in Social Exclusion at Blanquerna School of Health Science, Ramon Llull University, Spain. She is a member of Global Community Health Foundation and team leader of the Future Leader/Volunteer Program which mentors young scholars with a promising future in the field of health promotion. She is a Visiting Scholar at the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Elena Carrillo Alvarez is member of the PSITIC research group on Pedagogy Society and Innovation with ICT support and an associate professor at the FCS Blanquerna, teaching

Dr. Elena Carrillo Alvarez is Currently Working as a Professor of Sports Nutrition, Sociology and Nutrition in Social Exclusion at Blanquerna School of Health Science, Ramon Llull University, Spain. She is a member of Global Community Health Foundation and team leader of the Future Leader/Volunteer Program which mentors young scholars with a promising future in the field of health promotion. She is a Visiting Scholar at the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Elena Carrillo Alvarez is member of the PSITIC research group on Pedagogy Society and Innovation with ICT support and an associate professor at the FCS Blanquerna, teaching Sports Nutrition, Sociology of food and nutrition and Nutrition in social exclusion. She received awards to several presentations made in international conferences and also to the development of teaching material to promote healthy eating habits in teenagers. Dr. Carrillo Alvarez develops her research around Healthy eating and Youth obesity prevention using an ecological approach and around educational governance networks that connect social, health and educational organizations and empower communities to succeed in front of today's comprehensive challenges.

Scialfa Exequiel Alejandro


Department of Veterinary Sciences

National University of Central Buenos Aires

Tandil, Buenos Aires


Dr. Scialfa Exequiel Alejandro is veterinarian Doctor in Animal Science, graduated from the National University of Central Buenos Aires (UNCPBA), Argentina. Dr. Scialfa is a Professor at the Faculty of Agronomy (UNCPBA, Azul) and also a Professor of Livestock in Agrarian School. He is Specialist in Biological Control in the Division of Rural Zoonosis, Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires province, since 2001. Dr. Scialfa has carried out several activities of epidemiological surveillance of zoonoses prevalent in the region (Leptospirosis, Hantavirus and Hydatidosis) and is responsible of provincial Leptospirosis Reference Laboratory. Dr. Scialfa develops research on the Epidemiology of

Dr. Scialfa Exequiel Alejandro is veterinarian Doctor in Animal Science, graduated from the National University of Central Buenos Aires (UNCPBA), Argentina. Dr. Scialfa is a Professor at the Faculty of Agronomy (UNCPBA, Azul) and also a Professor of Livestock in Agrarian School. He is Specialist in Biological Control in the Division of Rural Zoonosis, Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires province, since 2001. Dr. Scialfa has carried out several activities of epidemiological surveillance of zoonoses prevalent in the region (Leptospirosis, Hantavirus and Hydatidosis) and is responsible of provincial Leptospirosis Reference Laboratory. Dr. Scialfa develops research on the Epidemiology of Zoonotic diseases, mainly on 'Leptospirosis'.

Jose Luis Turabian


Family Doctor

Health Center Industrial Park

Family and Community Medicine Teaching Unit


Dr. Jose Luis Turabian is Professor of numerous training courses in Family Medicine, Family Doctor in the Health Center Industrial Park which belongs to the Health Service of Castilla La Mancha, Tutor of resident doctors of Family Medicine at the Family and Community Medicine Teaching Unit. He received his PhD, MD from Complutense University. Dr. Jose Luis Turabian is an Author of the books of Family Medicine: Apuntes, esquemas y ejemplos de Participacion Comunitaria en la Salud; Cuadernos de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria, etc. His research interest includes Mental health, Morbilidad, Continuity, variability, context, Cycle Family life and Genogram,

Dr. Jose Luis Turabian is Professor of numerous training courses in Family Medicine, Family Doctor in the Health Center Industrial Park which belongs to the Health Service of Castilla La Mancha, Tutor of resident doctors of Family Medicine at the Family and Community Medicine Teaching Unit. He received his PhD, MD from Complutense University. Dr. Jose Luis Turabian is an Author of the books of Family Medicine: Apuntes, esquemas y ejemplos de Participacion Comunitaria en la Salud; Cuadernos de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria, etc. His research interest includes Mental health, Morbilidad, Continuity, variability, context, Cycle Family life and Genogram, Psycho-Social Factors, etc.

M. Walid Qoronfleh


Healthcare Research and Policy

World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH)


Tel: +974-4454-6475

Dr. M. Walid Qoronfleh is currently the Director of Healthcare Research and Policy at Qatar Foundation-WISH. Dr. Qoronfleh leads the WISH Doha-based research unit which is engaged in research areas that are of immediate global and local healthcare relevance to Qatar. The research is undertaken with a view to positively impacting healthcare research, innovation and health policy. These areas include autism, mental health, dementia, patient safety, non-communicable diseases (cancer, diabetes & obesity), precision medicine and bioethics. Immediately prior to WISH Walid was the Biotechnology Development Director at HBKU-QBRI in Qatar. Dr. Qoronfleh has over 20 years of scientific, technology, business,

Dr. M. Walid Qoronfleh is currently the Director of Healthcare Research and Policy at Qatar Foundation-WISH. Dr. Qoronfleh leads the WISH Doha-based research unit which is engaged in research areas that are of immediate global and local healthcare relevance to Qatar. The research is undertaken with a view to positively impacting healthcare research, innovation and health policy. These areas include autism, mental health, dementia, patient safety, non-communicable diseases (cancer, diabetes & obesity), precision medicine and bioethics. Immediately prior to WISH Walid was the Biotechnology Development Director at HBKU-QBRI in Qatar. Dr. Qoronfleh has over 20 years of scientific, technology, business, and commercial experience. He has held several senior management and executive positions with increasing responsibilities at GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, US_NIH-NCI, ThermoFisher, NextGen Sciences (VP, Personalized Medicine) and SDIX (Executive Director, Diagnostics business, Nasdaq: SDIX). Dr. Qoronfleh is the founder of three biotechnology companies and he is a co-founder and the managing director of the boutique consulting company Q3CG. Dr. Qoronfleh has published over 100 combined peer reviewed abstracts and papers. He is also an editor and an ad hoc reviewer for various scientific journals plus a frequent speaker at national and international conferences. He holds degrees from The University of Louisville–School of Medicine (graduate medical), Penn State University (MBA), and The University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Prof. Mustafa Z Younis

Full Professor

Department of Health Policy & Management

School of Health Sciences

Jackson State University

Mississippi, USA

Dr. Mustafa Z Younis is Professor from Department of Health Policy & Management at Jackson State University, Mississippi, USA. Mustafa 'Mike' Z Younis is an internationally recognized scholar and served as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Research of Healthcare Financial Management. Dr. Younis has authored and published over 200 articles, abstracts and presentations in refereed journals and meetings, and has presented at national and international conferences. Dr. Younis has administrative experience as Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at Florida International University (FL, USA), where he led the accreditation efforts for

Dr. Mustafa Z Younis is Professor from Department of Health Policy & Management at Jackson State University, Mississippi, USA. Mustafa 'Mike' Z Younis is an internationally recognized scholar and served as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Research of Healthcare Financial Management. Dr. Younis has authored and published over 200 articles, abstracts and presentations in refereed journals and meetings, and has presented at national and international conferences. Dr. Younis has administrative experience as Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at Florida International University (FL, USA), where he led the accreditation efforts for the Healthcare Management Program & Senior Advisor to the President of Zirve University. Dr. Younis has a history of playing visible roles on the editorial boards of journals as Chief Editor, Guest Editor and Editorial board member of leading journals, such as IJMR, JHCF, Inquiry, JHHSA, JPBAFM. Dr. Younis is a frequent speaker for both academic and professional audiences. His talks often feature his latest research and work in progress, as well as cross-industry trends and strategy implications. He has provided workshops and presentations for world-wide organizations. His research and findings apply to for-profit, non-profit, and government settings. Dr. Younis has consulted with several organizations on healthcare finance, and economics. Dr. Younis is often invited to speak about the challenges in the healthcare industry and other related topics to health economics, finance, and research. He has presented topics, such as, healthcare reform, ownership structure, profitability, unit cost, payment system and efficiency in management, at a variety of forums and conferences in Europe, Asia and Middle East.

Norhasmah Sulaiman

Associate Professor

Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Tel: +603-97692460

Dr. Norhasmah Sulaiman, have been a member of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in Universiti Putra Malaysia, since February 2013. Previously, Dr. Sulaiman served as a lecturer at the Department of Resources Management and Consumer Studies, Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia (2000-2013). Her specialization in Community Nutrition includes household and individual food security, development of instrument, nutrition among low-income households, sustainable consumption, food and culture as well as health and nutrition among the indigenous people (Orang Asli). Dr. Sulaiman's active involvement in research, consultancy work and community service has led me

Dr. Norhasmah Sulaiman, have been a member of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in Universiti Putra Malaysia, since February 2013. Previously, Dr. Sulaiman served as a lecturer at the Department of Resources Management and Consumer Studies, Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia (2000-2013). Her specialization in Community Nutrition includes household and individual food security, development of instrument, nutrition among low-income households, sustainable consumption, food and culture as well as health and nutrition among the indigenous people (Orang Asli). Dr. Sulaiman's active involvement in research, consultancy work and community service has led me to write and publish or collaborate with other researchers to produce journal articles, books and chapters in books, as well as modules and technical reports. To date, she have published 80 journal articles, 3 books, 10 book chapters, 6 modules and 4 technical reports.

Lilian Tzivian

Associate Professor

Department of Medicine

University of Latvia



Dr. Lilian Tzivian is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at University of Latvia. She completed her master's degree in Human and Animal physiology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia and PhD in Social epidemiology from Ben Gurion University of Negev, Israel. Dr. Tzivian performed her postdoctoral research on Environmental epidemiology in the Institute of Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, Centre of Health and Society, Heinrich Heine University of Dusseldorf, Germany. She holds a certificate of 'Epidemiology' on qualification of epidemiologist and head of epidemiological projects. In 2009 she received 'Best lecturer' award

Dr. Lilian Tzivian is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at University of Latvia. She completed her master's degree in Human and Animal physiology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia and PhD in Social epidemiology from Ben Gurion University of Negev, Israel. Dr. Tzivian performed her postdoctoral research on Environmental epidemiology in the Institute of Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, Centre of Health and Society, Heinrich Heine University of Dusseldorf, Germany. She holds a certificate of 'Epidemiology' on qualification of epidemiologist and head of epidemiological projects. In 2009 she received 'Best lecturer' award from Nurses and Emergency Medicine Department, Ben-Gurion University of Negev. Dr. Lilian Tzivian is also active member in scientific committees like 28th annual ISEE conference, Rome, Italy, 29th Annual Scientific Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, etc. Dr. Tzivian research interests were related to effects of air pollution and traffic noise on human health.

Luo Jiin Chyuan John

Associate Professor

Department of Occupational Medicine

Chang Gung University



Dr. Luo Jiin Chyuan John is currently working as an Associate Professor and Head in the Department of Occupational Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taiwan. He received his MD degree in 1980 at National Taiwan University Medical College, Taiwan and PhD degree in Occupational Medicine and Molecular Epidemiology at Columbia School of Public Health, USA in 1994. He has worked as Clinical Instructor in Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center, USA, Dr. John research interest includes Molecular epidemiology, Occupational medicine, Toxicology, Family medicine.

Dr. Luo Jiin Chyuan John is currently working as an Associate Professor and Head in the Department of Occupational Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taiwan. He received his MD degree in 1980 at National Taiwan University Medical College, Taiwan and PhD degree in Occupational Medicine and Molecular Epidemiology at Columbia School of Public Health, USA in 1994. He has worked as Clinical Instructor in Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center, USA, Dr. John research interest includes Molecular epidemiology, Occupational medicine, Toxicology, Family medicine.

Angel G Polanco Rodriguez


Department of Social Medicine and Public Health

Autonomous Yucatan University


Tel: +520-459-9924-46441

Dr. Angel G Polanco Rodriguez Currently working as a Researcher in the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health at Autonomous Yucatan University, Mexico. He is a chemist and completed his Master's Degree in Management and Conservation of Natural Resources at Autonomous University of Yucatan, Mexico and PhD in Marine and Coastal Management, on Water Pollution Line at the University of Cadiz, Spain. Dr. Rodriguez has International certification on Geographical Information System (GIS) and Satellite Technologies. He has international research collaborations with diverse universities and Research Centers like Mexico, Spain, Africa, India, USA and Italy. Dr. Rodriguez has International publications

Dr. Angel G Polanco Rodriguez Currently working as a Researcher in the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health at Autonomous Yucatan University, Mexico. He is a chemist and completed his Master's Degree in Management and Conservation of Natural Resources at Autonomous University of Yucatan, Mexico and PhD in Marine and Coastal Management, on Water Pollution Line at the University of Cadiz, Spain. Dr. Rodriguez has International certification on Geographical Information System (GIS) and Satellite Technologies. He has international research collaborations with diverse universities and Research Centers like Mexico, Spain, Africa, India, USA and Italy. Dr. Rodriguez has International publications on water pollution, bio accumulation of pollutants in blood and breast milk as well as works of qualitative research on risk perception. Currently Dr. Rodriguez continues to develop research projects on the impacts of the environment on the public health from a multidisciplinary point of view.


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ClinMed Journals Index Copernicus Values

Clinical Medical Image Library: 93.51

International Journal of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine: 92.83

International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine: 91.84

International Journal of Womens Health and Wellness: 91.79

Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Treatment: 91.73

Journal of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology: 91.55

Journal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology: 91.55

Clinical Medical Reviews and Case Reports: 91.40

International Archives of Nursing and Health Care: 90.87

International Journal of Ophthalmology and Clinical Research: 90.80

International Archives of Urology and Complications: 90.73

Journal of Clinical Nephrology and Renal Care: 90.33

Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention: 89.99

Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and Treatment: 89.54

Journal of Dermatology Research and Therapy: 89.34

International Journal of Clinical Cardiology: 89.24

International Journal of Radiology and Imaging Technology: 88.88

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Cases - Reviews: 88.42

International Journal of Blood Research and Disorders: 88.22

International Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Research: 87.97

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International Journal of Clinical Cardiology

ISSN: 2378-2951 | ICV: 89.24



Obstetrics and Gynaecology Cases - Reviews

ISSN: 2377-9004 | ICV: 88.42



Journal of Hypertension and Management

ISSN: 2474-3690 | ICV: 87.69



International Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Research

ISSN: 2377-3634 | ICV: 87.97



Journal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology

ISSN: 2474-3658 | ICV: 91.55