Trauma Cases and ReviewsISSN: 2469-5777

Early Online

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510110

Sociodemographic, Therapeutic and Functional Aspects of Upper Femoral Epiphyiolysis in Ouagadougou: A Preliminary Study of 10 Cases

Magloire Dingamnodji, Porgo A, Tinto S, Tapsoba E, Djobo N, Ngamai K and Tall M

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: January 18, 2025

This was a retrospective descriptive study based on eight available patient files over a four-year period. Functional results were assessed using the Postel and Merle d'Aubigné (PMA) score, with a mean follow-up of 34 months....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510109

Place of Hackethal-Type Fasciculated Pinning in the Treatment of Diaphyseal Fractures of the Humerus at the University Hospital Centre of the Renaissance of N'djamena


Article Type: Research Article | First Published: January 08, 2025

This was a descriptive cross-sectional study covering a 54-month period from January 2019 to June 2023 in the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatological Surgery. All patients aged 18 or over who underwent surgery and were followed up at SCOT during the study period and had a usable clinical record were included. The AO and Gustillo/Anderson (G/A) classifications were used to classify lesions....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510108

Management of Partial Ear Amputation due to Bull Attack: Case Report

Francisco Carcelen Arce, Salvador Ollalve Bove and Debora Mariduena Tascon

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: December 23, 2024

Unprovoked animal attack injuries in the facial region are not frequent in the emergency departments of Venezuelan hospitals, especially bull attacks, so there are no established management protocols. Injuries to the auricular pavilions, whether lacerations, avulsions or partial amputations, are wounds that require a detailed evaluation to make appropriate decisions for their approach, especially when talking about animal attack wounds, which require a detailed evaluation, adequate irrigation an...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510107

A Z-Fibula Osteotomy Lengthening and Medial Malleolus Osteotomy for Mal-United Ankle Fractures- A Case Report and Literature Review

Feng Yao, MD and Jike Lu, MD, PhD

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/12/22

As we know that ankle fracture union has been compromised by persistent syndesmotic diastasis following mal-reduction and inappropriate internal fixation, both external rotation and shortening of the fibula have been identified as prominent features combined with mal-union of medial malleolus fractures. We present cases of medial malleolus mal-union with secondary talus lateral translation and syndesmotic incongruence. At the same time mal-union of the distal fibula was present....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510106

A Recurrent Case Report of Bizzarre Parosteal Osteochondromatous Proliferation (Nora Disease) and Literature Review

Feng Yao, MD, Qiao Xu Bai, MD, Lu Jing Jing, MD and Jike Lu, MD

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/12/14

A 30-year-old man, presented to our outpatient clinic with pain and a tender palpable mass at the middle phalanx of his right index finger (Figure 1a). He reported a recent increase in the size of the mass, and the pain was unremitting and related to touching or rubbing on. He denied any history of injury but he has a habit of chewing his right index finger for the past a few years when he got in nervous situations....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510105

Rapid Revascularization Following Application of Ovine Forestomach Matrix Graft in Complex Facial and Scalp Trauma

Anthony N. Dardano DO, FACS, Iakov Efimenko, MD, Taylor Florio, MD, Monali Mahedia, MD and Andrew M. Klapper, MD

Article Type: Case Reports and Case Series | First Published: 2024/09/06

Facial and scalp trauma can result in significant aesthetic and functional impairment. Despite the head and neck having excellent blood supply, severe soft tissue injuries can compromise perfusion and limit healing of underlying bony fractures. Ovine forestomach matrix (OFM) has demonstrated well-documented success in regenerating native tissue and promoting wound healing and was selected as a part of surgical management....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510104

A Distinct Paradigm in the Management of Pancreatic Trauma

Elizabeth Tan, Owen McKay, Xin Wei Tan, Tom Clarnette3 and Daniel Croagh

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: 2024/05/17

Historically with pancreatic trauma, complete disruption of the main pancreatic duct (MPD), classified as Grade IV-V by the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST), necessitated a damage-control laparotomy. This was to avoid mortality, shorten diet upgrade timeframe, and hence shorter length of stay. However, acute pancreatic resection entailed complications of pancreatic fistulas and leaks....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510103

Early and Isolated Cerebral Fat Embolism in a Trauma Patient with Multiple Fracture - A Case Report

Adriano Braile, Carlo Maurea, Giuseppe Toro, Antonio Bove, Nicola Orabona and Giovanni Matino

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/03/03

Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is defined as the presence of fat particles (i.e., > 100 particles per mm2) in the blood circulation that result in symptoms and/or organ failure. FES could result from mechanical causes, trauma or sepsis and, even if very rare, is a fatal disease that develops within 12-72 hours. FES manifestations can vary from mild cognitive changes to coma and even cerebral edema and brain death. The exact incidence of FES stemming from traumatic long bone injuries varies in liter...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510102

Early Experience with Ovine Forestomach Matrix for the Reconstruction of Abdominal Defects following Emergency Open Abdomen Surgery at a Level 2 Trauma Center

Roberto Taarea, DO, Abigail Florence, MD, Blake Bendixen, MD and Christine A Castater, MD

Article Type: Case Series | First Published: 2024/02/10

Abdominal defects resulting from emergency open abdominal (OA) procedures require complex treatment algorithms and continue to burden both patients and healthcare providers due to increased risk of morbidity and complications. When primary closure of the abdominal subcutaneous and dermal tissues cannot be achieved, negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is among the most common treatment options. ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510101

Removal of a Bent Intramedullary Nail in Lower Extremity: Review of Removal Techniques

Mahircan Demir and Caner Citak

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: 2023/11/25

Intramedullary nailing (IMN) is a standard orthopedic procedure for treating fractures in the lower extremity. While IMNs are generally effective, rare complications, such as nail bending, can present challenges for both patients and surgeons. This article presents a case report of a patient with a bent intramedullary nail in the lower extremity and provides a comprehensive literature review on the management of this unusual complication. ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510098

Acute Lower Extremity Posterior Compartment Syndrome: A Rare Complication of Apixaban Use

Jennifer Adams, BS, Jose H Ramos, MD, Shyama Appareddy, MD and Gustavo Garcia, MD, FACP

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: April 15, 2022

Apixaban is an oral anticoagulant that directly inhibits Factor Xa and is indicated for the prophylaxis and treatment of deep venous thrombosis and stroke prevention in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Acute lower extremity Posterior Compartment Syndrome is a rare complication of Apixaban use. We present a 78-year-old male with significant medical morbidities taking Apixaban for Atrial Fibrillation presenting with post-traumatic extensive hemorrhagic bullae on the left proximal pretibial region ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5777/1510097

Complex Sacral Fracture and Associated Soft Tissue Injuries: A Case of Multidisciplinary Management in Polytrauma

Italia Odierna, MD, Carlo B Bussemi, MD, Fulvio Scarpato, MD, Daniele Scarano, MD, Iolanda Esposito, MD, Emanuela Apicella, MD, Salvatore Guerriero, MD and Vincenzo Stridacchio, MD

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: April 08, 2022

Treatment of high-energy trauma of the lumbosacral region is a challenging entity for clinicians. They are complex and often associated with other injuries such as active bleeding and substantial soft tissue injuries. Therefore, good wound healing is reliant on multiple local and systemic factors. Only a multidisciplinary approach between the trauma team and subspecialists will dictate the most appropriate management for these patients, and recent data has shown that best outcomes are obtained w...

Volume 8
Issue 1