International Journal of

Cancer and Clinical ResearchISSN: 2378-3419

Editorial Board

Sulma I Mohammed

Department of Comparative


Purdue University Center for

Cancer Research

Purdue University, USA

Dr. Sulma Mohammed is an Associate Professor of Cancer Biology at the Department of Comparative Pathobiology, Purdue Center for Cancer Research, Purdue University and Indiana University School of Medicine, Indiana, USA. Dr. Mohammed serves as a council member of the African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC) and she was the former Vice-President of North America region. She, along with her African colleagues, reactivated the AORTIC, a non-governmental organization that is dedicated to the promotion of cancer control, increasing public awareness and reducing the stigma associated with cancer. The organization has gone on to become the Pan African

Dr. Sulma Mohammed is an Associate Professor of Cancer Biology at the Department of Comparative Pathobiology, Purdue Center for Cancer Research, Purdue University and Indiana University School of Medicine, Indiana, USA. Dr. Mohammed serves as a council member of the African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC) and she was the former Vice-President of North America region. She, along with her African colleagues, reactivated the AORTIC, a non-governmental organization that is dedicated to the promotion of cancer control, increasing public awareness and reducing the stigma associated with cancer. The organization has gone on to become the Pan African cancer organization, with a membership of approximately 800 medical professionals, scientists, professors, nurses and others. It has a clear mission to facilitate research and training, and to provide relevant and accurate information on the prevention, early diagnosis, treatment, and palliation of cancer. Dr. Mohammed is also a member of the African Diaspora Health Initiative (ADHI) Executive Committee. Dr. Mohammed is a recipient of many awards, including an award from Walther Cancer Institute; the American Association for Cancer Research-Cancer research Foundation of America fellowship in Prevention Research award; the AACR Minority Scholar Award in Cancer Research; and the National Cancer Institute (NIH) fellowship. Dr. Mohammed is also the recipient of a Certificate of Appreciation for Excellence and Leadership in the Field of Breast Cancer and Health Awareness in African countries.

Gianluigi Taverna

Head of the Prostate Diseases Section

Humanitas Research Hospital

Milan, Italy

Dr. Gianluigi Taverna specialized in Urology from the University of Milan in 1995, currently is employed as Head of the "Prostate Diseases Section" at the Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy. His surgical activity relates to the use of robots for the kidney, ureteral and prostate disease. His research activity concerns new surgical techniques and the complex dynamics underlying the behaviour of prostate cancers, for which he uses a translational approach with the aim of developing new predictive and therapeutic strategies.

Dr. Gianluigi Taverna specialized in Urology from the University of Milan in 1995, currently is employed as Head of the "Prostate Diseases Section" at the Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy. His surgical activity relates to the use of robots for the kidney, ureteral and prostate disease. His research activity concerns new surgical techniques and the complex dynamics underlying the behaviour of prostate cancers, for which he uses a translational approach with the aim of developing new predictive and therapeutic strategies.

Eva Kassi


Assistant Professor

Department of Biological Chemistry

Medical School, University of Athens

Athens, Greece

Tel: +302107462699

Dr. Eva Kassi is Assistant Professor of Biochemisty/Molecular Endocrinology, in the Department of Biological Chemistry, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She graduated from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Medical School in 1991. She then completed her internal medicine training and residency in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, "G.Gennimatas" General Hospital of Athens, and she became a certified endocrinologist. She was research fellow at the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. She received PhD (2005) in Biochemistry. In 2006 she became

Dr. Eva Kassi is Assistant Professor of Biochemisty/Molecular Endocrinology, in the Department of Biological Chemistry, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She graduated from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Medical School in 1991. She then completed her internal medicine training and residency in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, "G.Gennimatas" General Hospital of Athens, and she became a certified endocrinologist. She was research fellow at the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. She received PhD (2005) in Biochemistry. In 2006 she became Lecturer in the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University General Hospital ‘Attikon’, Athens, Greece. Since 2011, she works as Assistant Professor of Biochemisty/Molecular Endocrinology, in the Department of Biological Chemistry, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
She is author or coauthor of over 50 peer-reviewed publications (original, review, case reports and scientific letters) published in prestigious scientific journals, such as Circulation, Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, BMC Medicine) as well as six international textbooks and electronic volumes (three chapters in EndoText.Ogr). She is member of the Editorial Board of "Hormones" and "Journal of Geriatric Cardiology", "Aperito Journal of Endocrine System and Enzymology". She currently serves as a regular peer-reviewer for several journals (more than 20), including International Journal of Cancer, Rheumatology, Journal of Endocrinology, PLoS One, European Journal of Endocrinology, Endocrine, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. Her scientific research (project's leader) has been funded by National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), by National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and by Hellenic Endocrine Society etc.

Kapil Mehta


Departments of Experimental Therapeutics

University of Texas, USA

Tel: 713-792-2649

Kapil Mehta is a Professor in the departments of Experimental Therapeutics at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX (USA). He holds adjunct Professorship in the department of Biochemistry, Universityof Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. He is internationally recognized for his scientificcontributions in the fields of drug delivery, inflammation, and cancer therapeutics. He pioneered the identification of a novel inflammatory signaling pathway that is activated in response to aberrant expression of the stress response gene (TGM2) and promotes drug resistance and metastatic competence in epithelial cancer cells.
He holds 12 patents for various discoveries related to

Kapil Mehta is a Professor in the departments of Experimental Therapeutics at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX (USA). He holds adjunct Professorship in the department of Biochemistry, Universityof Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. He is internationally recognized for his scientificcontributions in the fields of drug delivery, inflammation, and cancer therapeutics. He pioneered the identification of a novel inflammatory signaling pathway that is activated in response to aberrant expression of the stress response gene (TGM2) and promotes drug resistance and metastatic competence in epithelial cancer cells.
He holds 12 patents for various discoveries related to his research. He serves on Editorial Boards of several journals and has chaired or co-chaired many scientific meetings. He has published more than 180 scientific articles,reviews, editorials, and book chapters in the area of his research. He has authored three books, including the most recent one on "Chemoresistance in Cancer Cells".
Key words-Cancer, Drug resistance, Metastasis, Cancer stem cells, EMT, Inflammation, Cell signaling etc.

Wu Zhou

Associate Professor of Medicine

Department of Molecular Diagnostics

The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University

Wenzhou, China

Tel: +86-0577-55579726

Wu Zhou is a Director of the Department of Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory in The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, the member of both The Chinese Society for Immunology (CSI) and Chinese Anti-cancer Association. He received his associate professor of medicine from Wenzhou Medical University. He was selected "551 talent project" of Wenzhou Municipal People's Government and "Youth Elite Project" of the Frist Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University(The First Provincial Wenzhou Hospital of Zhejiang). His current research interests include personalized medicine, mechanisms of multidrug resistance and their suppression, pathogenesy and biomarker of prostate cancer, regulative mechanisms of expression

Wu Zhou is a Director of the Department of Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory in The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, the member of both The Chinese Society for Immunology (CSI) and Chinese Anti-cancer Association. He received his associate professor of medicine from Wenzhou Medical University. He was selected "551 talent project" of Wenzhou Municipal People's Government and "Youth Elite Project" of the Frist Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University(The First Provincial Wenzhou Hospital of Zhejiang). His current research interests include personalized medicine, mechanisms of multidrug resistance and their suppression, pathogenesy and biomarker of prostate cancer, regulative mechanisms of expression in biological growth, His research obtained grants frequently from The Natural Science Foundation of China, Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation, Wenzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau et al.

Marisa Cabeza


Depto. de Sistemas Biologicos

Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco

Mexico, USA

Tel: 52-55-5483-7260

Marisa Cabeza has been researcher and professor at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco since 1976. She was born in Mexico City, where she got her Ph.D degree in Basic Biomedical Research in 1995 at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in Mexico City. Since 1972 Professor Cabeza has been postgraduate professor in biochemistry, biomedical sciences, physiology and other disciplines related to medical sciences at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana. She began her research work as research assistant in the field of hormones in 1972 at the Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades de la Nutricion Salvador

Marisa Cabeza has been researcher and professor at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco since 1976. She was born in Mexico City, where she got her Ph.D degree in Basic Biomedical Research in 1995 at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in Mexico City. Since 1972 Professor Cabeza has been postgraduate professor in biochemistry, biomedical sciences, physiology and other disciplines related to medical sciences at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana. She began her research work as research assistant in the field of hormones in 1972 at the Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades de la Nutricion Salvador Zubiran, later to become head of research on steroidal hormones at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana. Her work has been recognized by Conacyt, which named her National Researcher level III in the National System of Researchers in Mexico. She is the author of many publications in international journals, of two books, as well as of many book chapters related to hormones. She obtained a patent related to the production of anti-acne ointment that contains steroidal hormones. Dr. Cabeza has directed "licenciatura", master's and Ph.D theses at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana. In 1984 she was awarded the prize for the best contribution to Pharmacy by the Mexican Pharmaceutical Association. In 2003 she was awarded the prize for the best contribution to Urology and Nephrology by the National Hospital of Mexico.
She belongs to the Western Pharmacology Society, to the Asociacion Mexicana de Bioquimica Clinica and to the Endocrine Society. At the moment she is a member of the Biological Systems Department at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Xochmilco as full professor and researcher, and has focused her research in the field of the biological effects of new steroidal compounds which have been synthesized by the group which Dr. Cabeza co-directs. This research has the aim to find molecules with potential therapeutical use as antiandrogens, to improve diseases such as benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer.

Teruo Inamoto

Associate Professor

Chief of Outpatient Care

Department of Urology

Osaka Medical College

Takatsuki, Osaka, JAPAN

Tel: +81-72-683-1221

As the Chief of Outpatient Care of Urology Unit at Osaka Medical College Hospital,one of a tertiary medical center in Osaka, and Associate Professor of the Department of Urology at Osaka Medical College School of Medicine, DrInamoto is involved in the daily clinical care of varying urologic disorders. DrInamoto is a board certified endoscopic surgeon practicing endourology and endoscopic surgery. Dr. Inamoto offers some of the latest surgical techniques, including endoscopic reconstructive surgery plus robotic surgery. The lab work focuses on research exploring the molecular events surrounding the urologic malignancies, including prostate cancer, renal cancer, and bladder cancer, specifically looking at

As the Chief of Outpatient Care of Urology Unit at Osaka Medical College Hospital,one of a tertiary medical center in Osaka, and Associate Professor of the Department of Urology at Osaka Medical College School of Medicine, DrInamoto is involved in the daily clinical care of varying urologic disorders. DrInamoto is a board certified endoscopic surgeon practicing endourology and endoscopic surgery. Dr. Inamoto offers some of the latest surgical techniques, including endoscopic reconstructive surgery plus robotic surgery. The lab work focuses on research exploring the molecular events surrounding the urologic malignancies, including prostate cancer, renal cancer, and bladder cancer, specifically looking at transcriptional regulatory mechanisms, along with host-cancer reactions. Clinical research interests involve developing novel molecular and clinical candidate markers for the improved overall survival. Especially, DrInamoto is interested in treatment outcomes using large patient databases such as Japan Study Group of Prostate Cancer. The robustness of such models will help clinicians more accurately analyze an individual patient''s risk and help with patient decision-making about treatment.

Leung Ping Chung


The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Tel: 852-2252-8868

Professor LEUNG Ping Chung, OBE, JP, Hon DSSc, DSC, MBBS, MS, FRACS, FRCS(Edin), FHKCOS, FHKAM(Orth); is Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine; Director of Centre for Clinical Trials on Chinese Medicine, Institute of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Director, State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China (Partner Laboratory in The Chinese University of Hong Kong). Professor Leung's research areas including Orthopaedics, Osteoporosis, Microsurgery Health, Traditional Chinese Medicine and General Education. He is also the author of over 800 scientific manuscripts in journals and 27 books.

Professor LEUNG Ping Chung, OBE, JP, Hon DSSc, DSC, MBBS, MS, FRACS, FRCS(Edin), FHKCOS, FHKAM(Orth); is Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine; Director of Centre for Clinical Trials on Chinese Medicine, Institute of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Director, State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China (Partner Laboratory in The Chinese University of Hong Kong). Professor Leung's research areas including Orthopaedics, Osteoporosis, Microsurgery Health, Traditional Chinese Medicine and General Education. He is also the author of over 800 scientific manuscripts in journals and 27 books.

Shou-Ching Tang


Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Program

Georgia Regents University Cancer Center



Dr. Shou-Ching Tang, MD, PhD, FACP, FRCPC, is currently the Professor and Leader of Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Program at the Georgia Regents University Cancer Center. He recently served as the Adjunct Professor at the University of Minnesota and as Martha Macon Stimpson Endowed Chair in Medical Oncology at the Virginia Piper Cancer Institute, Director of Clinical Research with the Allina Health System Breast Cancer Program and Scientific Advisor for the US Oncology Research and Breast Research Committee. He was the former Professor and Chief of Hematology/Oncology at the Denver Health Medical Center, University of Colorado, Professor of Medicine and Director

Dr. Shou-Ching Tang, MD, PhD, FACP, FRCPC, is currently the Professor and Leader of Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Program at the Georgia Regents University Cancer Center. He recently served as the Adjunct Professor at the University of Minnesota and as Martha Macon Stimpson Endowed Chair in Medical Oncology at the Virginia Piper Cancer Institute, Director of Clinical Research with the Allina Health System Breast Cancer Program and Scientific Advisor for the US Oncology Research and Breast Research Committee. He was the former Professor and Chief of Hematology/Oncology at the Denver Health Medical Center, University of Colorado, Professor of Medicine and Director of Breast Cancer Program at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Scottsdale, Arizona and as Director of Solid Tumor Oncology, Associate Cancer Center Director for Clinical Research at the University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. He is certified in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology by both the American Board of Internal Medicine and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Dr. Tang is an experienced researcher whose primary interests include clinical trials in breast and lung cancers and has chaired and participated many national and international clinical trials in the area. He was the Founding Member of the Breast Cancer International Research Group (BCIRG) and served on its Scientific Advisory Board. He was also a member of the ECOG Thoracic Core Committee and Biotherapy Sub-Committee. He was the Principle Investigator on ATAC and MA.17 and has co-authored several landmark studies of the anastrozole and decetaxel in breast cancer, including the ATAC trial in the Lancet and the BCIRG 001 study in the NEJM. He is very active in basic research in the molecular characterization and clinical application of anti-apoptotic protein BAG-1, use of BAG-1 as a clinical prognostic factor in solid tumors and the development of novel targeted therapy. He is accredited for the independent discovery of BAG-1 and was the first to publish the prognostic significance of BAG-1 in breast and lung cancers. BAG-1 is one of the 16 test genes in the FDA-approved OncotypeR RT-PCR multi-gene prognostic and predictive gene test in early breast cancer. His research work has been funded through several MRC/CIHR/NCIC operating grants (RO1 equivalent), and his patent for monoclonal antibodies against different isoforms of BAG-1 protein is currently pending. One of his monoclonal antibodies to BAG-1 has been licensed by Santa Cruz Inc. in San Diego. Dr. Tang serves as Editor for the Journal of Modern Oncology and the Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer, and has published extensively in his fields of research.

Chang Ming Charlie Ma

Professor and Vice Chair

Department of Radiation Oncology

Director, Radiation Physics

Fox Chase Cancer Center

Philadelphia, USA

Dr. C-M Charlie Ma received his Ph.D. in medical physics from the University of London, London, UK in 1992. Dr. Ma continued his radiotherapy research and clinical training at the Royal Marsden Hospital/Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK until 1993. He was a research officer at the National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada from 1993 to 1996, and an associate professor at Stanford University, Stanford, CA from 1996 to 2001. Currently, he is Professor, Director of Radiation Physics and Vice Chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Ma is recognized internationally

Dr. C-M Charlie Ma received his Ph.D. in medical physics from the University of London, London, UK in 1992. Dr. Ma continued his radiotherapy research and clinical training at the Royal Marsden Hospital/Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK until 1993. He was a research officer at the National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada from 1993 to 1996, and an associate professor at Stanford University, Stanford, CA from 1996 to 2001. Currently, he is Professor, Director of Radiation Physics and Vice Chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Ma is recognized internationally as an expert in radiation dosimetry, image guidance, plan optimization and treatment delivery for advanced radiation therapy. He has published extensively in these areas. He was elected Fellow of ACMP, AAPM, IOP, and ASTRO. He has served as members on numerous professional committees, journal editorial boards and scientific review panels. His research interests include radiation dosimetry, Monte Carlo simulation, radiation biology, image guided radiotherapy, treatment optimization, proton and carbon therapy, high intensity focused ultrasound, radio-dynamic therapy.

Tamara Minko

Distinguished Professor and Chair

Department of Pharmaceutics

Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Rutgers

State University of New Jersey


Tamara Minko is a Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutics and member of the Cancer Institute at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Dr. Minko'scurrent research interests include nanoscale-based targeted delivery of drugs, peptides, and nucleic acids in order to enhance the efficiency of treatment and imaging; preclinical in vitro and in vivo evaluation of anticancer therapeutics; personalized medicine; mechanisms of multidrug resistance and their suppression. She is an author and co-author of more than 400 publications. Dr. Minko is a Fellow of AAPS, CRS and AIMBE, recipient of numerous awards, Executive Editor of Advanced Drug

Tamara Minko is a Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutics and member of the Cancer Institute at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Dr. Minko'scurrent research interests include nanoscale-based targeted delivery of drugs, peptides, and nucleic acids in order to enhance the efficiency of treatment and imaging; preclinical in vitro and in vivo evaluation of anticancer therapeutics; personalized medicine; mechanisms of multidrug resistance and their suppression. She is an author and co-author of more than 400 publications. Dr. Minko is a Fellow of AAPS, CRS and AIMBE, recipient of numerous awards, Executive Editor of Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Editor of Pharmaceutical Research, member of editorial board of ten scientific journals, Elected Member of Board of Directors of the CRS and a member of Study Sections at NIH and other national and international review panels. Her research is supported by grants from NIH, NSF, DOD, etc.

Longgui Wang

President/CEO and Chief Scientist

Natrogen Therapeutics

International, Inc

New York University Cancer Institute


I was trained in medical sciences and medicine with extensive research experience in the field of molecular biology/pharmacology, oncology and immunology. My current interests are research and development of new drugs for treating cancer and autoimmune/autoinflammatory diseases. I am one of founders of Natrogen Therapeutics International, and a chief scientist and president of the company with an adjunct position at New York University School of Medicine since December 2006. I was an assistant professor at the New York University School of Medicine from 2003 to 2006 and at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine from 1996 to 2003. My postdoctoral

I was trained in medical sciences and medicine with extensive research experience in the field of molecular biology/pharmacology, oncology and immunology. My current interests are research and development of new drugs for treating cancer and autoimmune/autoinflammatory diseases. I am one of founders of Natrogen Therapeutics International, and a chief scientist and president of the company with an adjunct position at New York University School of Medicine since December 2006. I was an assistant professor at the New York University School of Medicine from 2003 to 2006 and at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine from 1996 to 2003. My postdoctoral training was at Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. I published over 60 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals most of which I was listed as a senior author, appeared as a speaker at symposiums, and granted 9 patents in treating cancer and autoinflammatory diseases while many other patents are currently in pending.

Frank E Mott


Associate Program Director

Hematology-Oncology Fellowship

Georgia Regents University Cancer Center

Augusta, USA

Dr. Mott has nearly 20 years of experience in Medical Oncology and four years in the field of pharmacy before that. He is currently a Professor of Medicine in the Dept of Hematology-Oncology at Georgia Regents University Cancer Center (GRU-CC) in Augusta, Ga., where he serves as Acting Medical Director of Clinic Operations, Assistant Hematology-Oncology Fellowship Program Director, and Co-Leader of the Multidisciplinary Head-Neck and Neuro-Oncology Teams and Head-Neck Cancer Translational Research Team. His interest is in thoracic and head/neck cancers. His position at GRU-CC also involves directing development of translational research protocols for head/neck malignancies, including targeted therapies for

Dr. Mott has nearly 20 years of experience in Medical Oncology and four years in the field of pharmacy before that. He is currently a Professor of Medicine in the Dept of Hematology-Oncology at Georgia Regents University Cancer Center (GRU-CC) in Augusta, Ga., where he serves as Acting Medical Director of Clinic Operations, Assistant Hematology-Oncology Fellowship Program Director, and Co-Leader of the Multidisciplinary Head-Neck and Neuro-Oncology Teams and Head-Neck Cancer Translational Research Team. His interest is in thoracic and head/neck cancers. His position at GRU-CC also involves directing development of translational research protocols for head/neck malignancies, including targeted therapies for both HPV-positive and-negative disease. Dr. Mott is an NCI-registered principal investigator and is or has been active in NCI-accredited cooperative group trials through the Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG), Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG), National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP), Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB),and Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG), as well as numerous industry trials and Investigator-initiated studies. In addition to the International Journal of Cancer and Clinical Research, Dr. Mott has served on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine and has been a peer reviewer for the Ochsner Journal, the Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care, the Louisiana State Medical Journal, Clinical Lung Cancer, and Lancet.

Subhash C. Chauhan


Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Cancer Research Center

University of Tennessee

Memphis, TN, USA

Tel: 901-448-2175

Research Interest: Developing Molecular Markers for Early Cancer Diagnosis and Targeted Cancer Therapy Biomarkers for Early Cancer Diagnosis: Primary research interest of Dr. Chauhan's lab is to identify and characterize the diagnostic and therapeutic targets for cancer. Main focus of our research group is to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of cell-cell adhesion and anti-adhesion molecules that cause cancers. This research is aimed for the identification and characterization of biomarkers that aberrantly express or localize in cancer cells in order to develop newer tools for early disease diagnosis. We are utilizing genomics and proteomics approach for identification of novel early diagnostic markers.

Research Interest: Developing Molecular Markers for Early Cancer Diagnosis and Targeted Cancer Therapy Biomarkers for Early Cancer Diagnosis: Primary research interest of Dr. Chauhan's lab is to identify and characterize the diagnostic and therapeutic targets for cancer. Main focus of our research group is to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of cell-cell adhesion and anti-adhesion molecules that cause cancers. This research is aimed for the identification and characterization of biomarkers that aberrantly express or localize in cancer cells in order to develop newer tools for early disease diagnosis. We are utilizing genomics and proteomics approach for identification of novel early diagnostic markers. Recently we have identified a novel trans-membrane mucin MUC13 which is highly over-expressed ovarian and pancreatic and colon cancer cells. This may be potential biomarker for early cancer diagnosis as well as a good target for antibody guided targeted cancer therapy. My laboratory is also conducting cancer health disparity research.

Ariel Halevy


Chairman, Division of General Surgery

Tel: 972-8-9779500

Graduate of the University of Bologna Medical School (Cum Laude) Residency in General Surgery at the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center affiliated to the Tel-Aviv University Medical School. Israeli Board Certification in General Surgery. 2 1/2 years fellowship at the Hammersmith Hospital, Royal Post graduate Medical School under Prof. L.H. Blumgart, in the field of Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Surgery. Further fellowship at the National Cancer Institute, Milan. Professor of Surgery of the Tel-Aviv University Medical School. Member of the American College of Surgeons. Author and Co-author of 200 papers in the field of Surgical Oncology and Laparoscopy. My main fields of interest

Graduate of the University of Bologna Medical School (Cum Laude) Residency in General Surgery at the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center affiliated to the Tel-Aviv University Medical School. Israeli Board Certification in General Surgery. 2 1/2 years fellowship at the Hammersmith Hospital, Royal Post graduate Medical School under Prof. L.H. Blumgart, in the field of Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Surgery. Further fellowship at the National Cancer Institute, Milan. Professor of Surgery of the Tel-Aviv University Medical School. Member of the American College of Surgeons. Author and Co-author of 200 papers in the field of Surgical Oncology and Laparoscopy. My main fields of interest are in the field of Surgical Oncology, Laparoscopy and Surgical Endocrinology.

Pei, Desheng


Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chongqing Insitute of

Green and Intelligent Technology


Desheng Pei, Ph.D, the professor, and the recipient of "Hundred Talents Program" of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and the dean of Research Center for Environment and Health (RCEH), Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CIGIT, CAS). Dr. Pei got his Ph.D. degree from Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB, CAS) in 2003. From Jun 2006 to Feb 2009, Dr. Pei worked on the Center of Aquatic Environment and Human Health in IHB as an assistant professor. From Feb. 2009 to Feb. 2011, as a Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dr. Pei concentrated his

Desheng Pei, Ph.D, the professor, and the recipient of "Hundred Talents Program" of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and the dean of Research Center for Environment and Health (RCEH), Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CIGIT, CAS). Dr. Pei got his Ph.D. degree from Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB, CAS) in 2003. From Jun 2006 to Feb 2009, Dr. Pei worked on the Center of Aquatic Environment and Human Health in IHB as an assistant professor. From Feb. 2009 to Feb. 2011, as a Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dr. Pei concentrated his study on the mechanisms of DNA damage and repair in Northeastern University. Thereafter, Dr. Pei worked as Research Fellow in Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School to study on the mechanism of carcinogenesis of neuroblastoma from Feb. 2011 to Feb. 2013. His discoveries have been published in PLOS Genetics, Nucleic Acids Research, Cancer Cell, BMC Development Biology, Theriogenology, Analytical Biochemistry and Development Dynamics, etc.
Research Interests: Development of novel monitoring methods on environmental pollutants; the mechanisms of toxicology and carcinogenesis of environmental pollutants.

Jack A Schalken


Department of Urology

Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre

Nijmegen, Netherlands

Tel: 024-3556321

Jack A Schalken (55) received his PhD at the science faculty of the University of Nijmegen in 1987, on a topic related to differential gene expression in cancer. He initiated the urological research program at the UMC St Radboud from 1986 onwards. His main focus is on the molecular life sciences aspects of GU pathologies, and his laboratory is housed in the Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences (NCMLS) at Nijmegen campus, integrating groups using similar approaches to combat various diseases. He was appointed full professor of oncology at the University of Utrecht veterinary school (1996-2002), which he combined

Jack A Schalken (55) received his PhD at the science faculty of the University of Nijmegen in 1987, on a topic related to differential gene expression in cancer. He initiated the urological research program at the UMC St Radboud from 1986 onwards. His main focus is on the molecular life sciences aspects of GU pathologies, and his laboratory is housed in the Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences (NCMLS) at Nijmegen campus, integrating groups using similar approaches to combat various diseases. He was appointed full professor of oncology at the University of Utrecht veterinary school (1996-2002), which he combined with his Nijmegen position. He was appointed professor of experimental urology in 2001 at the Nijmegen University. Prof Schalken has (co) authored 338 peer reviewed papers, 87 chapters and is often invited as lecturer.

William C. Cho

Department of Clinical Oncology

Chartered Scientist


Dr Cho’s main research interests have been focusing on cancer studies to discover biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, treatment prediction and prognostication. As a seasoned researcher, Dr Cho has conducted cancer research in using molecular biology, proteomics, genomics, immunology, bioinformatics as well as Chinese medicine, his current H-index is 57. Dr Cho have published over 400 peer-reviewed papers (Lancet Oncology, Annals of Oncology, Advanced Science, Nature Communications, PNAS, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, Clinical Cancer Research, Clinical Chemistry, Molecular Cancer, Theranostics, etc) covering cancer biomarkers, proteomics, microRNAs, Chinese medicine and dozens of books including "MicroRNAs in

Dr Cho’s main research interests have been focusing on cancer studies to discover biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, treatment prediction and prognostication. As a seasoned researcher, Dr Cho has conducted cancer research in using molecular biology, proteomics, genomics, immunology, bioinformatics as well as Chinese medicine, his current H-index is 57. Dr Cho have published over 400 peer-reviewed papers (Lancet Oncology, Annals of Oncology, Advanced Science, Nature Communications, PNAS, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, Clinical Cancer Research, Clinical Chemistry, Molecular Cancer, Theranostics, etc) covering cancer biomarkers, proteomics, microRNAs, Chinese medicine and dozens of books including "MicroRNAs in Cancer Translational Research", "An Omics Perspective on Cancer Research", "Supportive Cancer Care with Chinese Medicine", “Drug Repurposing in Cancer Therapy: Approaches and Applications” etc. The accumulated impact factors of the journals over 2,400 and these papers have received >15,000 citations.

Yuanjie Niu

Professor & Director

Department of Prostate Disease

Tianjin Institute of Urology


Dr. Yuanjie Niu is a Vice-President of Tianjin Institute of Urology, Professor & Director of the Department of Prostate Disease in Tianjin Institute of Urology and Deputy director of the Department of Urology, Tianjin Medical University Second Hospital. He received his Ph.D in Urology from Tianjin Medical University and post-Doc in Pathology from the University of Rochester.

Dr. Yuanjie Niu is a Vice-President of Tianjin Institute of Urology, Professor & Director of the Department of Prostate Disease in Tianjin Institute of Urology and Deputy director of the Department of Urology, Tianjin Medical University Second Hospital. He received his Ph.D in Urology from Tianjin Medical University and post-Doc in Pathology from the University of Rochester.

Peter William Melera


Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

New Jersey


Over 40 years of experience as a molecular and cell biology researcher with more than 70 publications in leading journals including Science, The Journal of Biological Chemistry and the Journal of Molecular and Cell Biology, and Cancer Research. A highly effective communicator with exceptional management and people skills. Functional strengths include: Research Management, Business Development, Entrepreneurship, Written/Oral Communications, Organizational Leadership, Scientific Program and Facilities Evaluations. Mentor for over 40 graduate students and direct advisor for 12 doctoral candidates and 12 post-doctoral fellows who now occupy positions at Columbia University, Merck, Sloan Kettering, UMDNJ, Emory University, Oncogene Science, Harvard and UCSF. Served

Over 40 years of experience as a molecular and cell biology researcher with more than 70 publications in leading journals including Science, The Journal of Biological Chemistry and the Journal of Molecular and Cell Biology, and Cancer Research. A highly effective communicator with exceptional management and people skills. Functional strengths include: Research Management, Business Development, Entrepreneurship, Written/Oral Communications, Organizational Leadership, Scientific Program and Facilities Evaluations. Mentor for over 40 graduate students and direct advisor for 12 doctoral candidates and 12 post-doctoral fellows who now occupy positions at Columbia University, Merck, Sloan Kettering, UMDNJ, Emory University, Oncogene Science, Harvard and UCSF. Served as Chairman of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, President's Conflict of Interest Committee that reviewed all business ventures of the UMB faculty for compliance with the Maryland Public/Private Partnership Act. Presently, Chairman of the Rutgers Biomedical Health Science Conflict of Interest Committee. Have served for 16 years as a Member of the Board of Trustees of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Extensive experience as a member of a number of peer review groups at the NIH, NSF and the Veterans Administration including 5 years on the Experimental Therapeutics Study Section at NIH; 2 years on the Cell Biology Advisory Panel at NSF, and three years as a grant reviewer for the VA In addition have served as a member of 8 different NCI Cancer Center Site Review teams and twice as an ad hoc member of the NCI cancer Center Review Parent Committee. Also served as a reviewer for the National Institute of Aging and as a member of four Program Project review teams for NCI, and for three years as a member of the Board of Visitors of the Brain Tumor Research Center at UCSF. In addition have served as a scientific consultant to a variety of companies including Grace Chemical, and provided one of the initial scientific reviews of PPL Therapeutics whose technology led the way toward large animal cloning and the use of transgenics to mass produce pharmaceutical peptides.

Chulso Moon

President, The JS YOON Memorial Cancer Research Institute

The Head and Neck Cancer Research Institute

Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, USA

Tel: 1-410-502-5153

Dr. Chulso Moon is the founder and President of the JS Yoon Memorial Cancer Research Institute. Dr. Moon is a MD PhD physician scientist and earned his PhD in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His doctoral work included the cloning of the human gene for AQP1, a unique water channel molecule, under the mentor ship of the Nobel Laureate Dr. Peter Agre. After he finished his internal medicine and oncology training, he had served as an attending physician in Johns Hopkins Cancer Center and faculty in Johns Hopkins Medical School. He

Dr. Chulso Moon is the founder and President of the JS Yoon Memorial Cancer Research Institute. Dr. Moon is a MD PhD physician scientist and earned his PhD in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His doctoral work included the cloning of the human gene for AQP1, a unique water channel molecule, under the mentor ship of the Nobel Laureate Dr. Peter Agre. After he finished his internal medicine and oncology training, he had served as an attending physician in Johns Hopkins Cancer Center and faculty in Johns Hopkins Medical School. He also has served as a thesis ad visor for the Human Genetics Program. Most recently, he has completed his tenure as a director of medical oncology at the “Francis Hugh Cancer Center” in East Strasbourg, PA. Presently, he has been board certified in internal medicine and medical oncology from American Board of Internal Medicine.

Ratna Chakrabarti

Associate Professor

Burnett school of Biomedical Sciences

College of Medicine

University of Central Florida

Tel: 407-882-2258

Dr. Ratna Chakrabarti is an Associate Professor at the Burnett school of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine,of University of Central Florida. Dr. Chakrabarti''s research program is focused towards understanding the molecular basis of development of drug resistant cancer and the translational approach of basic research, such as identification of prognostic markers and development of effective therapeutic strategies. Specific areas include regulation of actin cytoskeleton modulatory proteins, microRNA functions, cell cycle regulatory kinases and mitotic disorders. Using genome wide profiling approach Dr. Chakrabarti''s group has identified signature microRNAs and their targets that are altered during progression of drug-sensitive prostate cancer to

Dr. Ratna Chakrabarti is an Associate Professor at the Burnett school of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine,of University of Central Florida. Dr. Chakrabarti''s research program is focused towards understanding the molecular basis of development of drug resistant cancer and the translational approach of basic research, such as identification of prognostic markers and development of effective therapeutic strategies. Specific areas include regulation of actin cytoskeleton modulatory proteins, microRNA functions, cell cycle regulatory kinases and mitotic disorders. Using genome wide profiling approach Dr. Chakrabarti''s group has identified signature microRNAs and their targets that are altered during progression of drug-sensitive prostate cancer to the-resistant ones. Dr. Chakrabarti also has strong interests in nanoparticle based targeted delivery of small molecules, peptides, DNA and RNA. Dr. Chakrabarti has more than 25 years of experience in cancer research, published her research in reputed journals, has patents and served as a manuscript reviewer for a variety of journals. Dr. Chakrabarti has been continuously served in various review panels of DOD since 2006 and has her own research funded by grants from NIH and DOD.

Dianqing Sun

Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy

University of Hawaii

Hilo, USA

Tel: 808-933-2960

Dr. Dianqing Sun is an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy, University of Hawaii at Hilo. He is also an affiliated member of Natural Products and Experimental Therapeutics Program at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center. Before joining UH-Hilo, Dr. Sun was a Research Associate in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the College of Pharmacy at University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Dr. Sun received his Master degree from East China University of Science and Technology and his Ph.D. from the University of Memphis in Organic Chemistry, and received his postdoctoral training

Dr. Dianqing Sun is an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy, University of Hawaii at Hilo. He is also an affiliated member of Natural Products and Experimental Therapeutics Program at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center. Before joining UH-Hilo, Dr. Sun was a Research Associate in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the College of Pharmacy at University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Dr. Sun received his Master degree from East China University of Science and Technology and his Ph.D. from the University of Memphis in Organic Chemistry, and received his postdoctoral training in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Tennessee. He is a member of the American Chemical Society (Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Divisions). Research in his laboratory focuses on the discovery and development of novel small molecule and natural product-inspired antibacterial, anticancer, and cancer chemopreventive agents, using classical organic synthesis and highthroughput chemistry approach, followed by traditional medicinal chemistry optimization of the emerging lead compounds. His research programs are currently funded by the National Institutes of Health and Hawaii Community Foundation.

Aristoteles Rosmaninho

Head of Department of Dermatology and Venereology

Unidade Local de Saude do Alto Minho

Estrada de Santa Luzia

Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Dr. Aristoteles Rosmaninho is currently Head of Department of Dermatology and Venereology at Unidade Local de Saude do Alto Minho, E.P.E, Portugal. He previously worked as Dermatovenereologist Hospitalar Assistant at Centro Hospitalar do Porto. He received his medical degree from Medicine Faculty, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. He is member of the Portuguese Society of Dermatovenereology. He participated in several clinical trials, mainly in the psoriasis area and use of nanoparticles for the improved therapy of severe skin diseases. His research interest includes: skin cancer, dermatological oncology, neutrophilic dermatosis and psoriasis. He published more than 40 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals

Dr. Aristoteles Rosmaninho is currently Head of Department of Dermatology and Venereology at Unidade Local de Saude do Alto Minho, E.P.E, Portugal. He previously worked as Dermatovenereologist Hospitalar Assistant at Centro Hospitalar do Porto. He received his medical degree from Medicine Faculty, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. He is member of the Portuguese Society of Dermatovenereology. He participated in several clinical trials, mainly in the psoriasis area and use of nanoparticles for the improved therapy of severe skin diseases. His research interest includes: skin cancer, dermatological oncology, neutrophilic dermatosis and psoriasis. He published more than 40 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals and act as a reviewer for several indexed journals.

Jizhen Lin

Associate Professor

Department of Otolaryngology

Head and Neck Surgery, Cancer Center

University of Minnesota School of Medicine

Minnesota, USA

Tel: 612-626-9885

Dr. Jizhen Lin is an Associate Professor at the Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Cancer Center, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Minnesota, USA. Dr. Lin serves as a Guest Professor of Fujian Medical University (FMU) for many years and currently is the Vice-President of the Institute of Immunotherapy, FMU. He, along with his American and Chinese colleagues, established an antibody engineering facility that is dedicated to the small-scale production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies for head and neck cancer and others. The facility has been used to produce many therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and facilitate research and teaching relevant

Dr. Jizhen Lin is an Associate Professor at the Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Cancer Center, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Minnesota, USA. Dr. Lin serves as a Guest Professor of Fujian Medical University (FMU) for many years and currently is the Vice-President of the Institute of Immunotherapy, FMU. He, along with his American and Chinese colleagues, established an antibody engineering facility that is dedicated to the small-scale production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies for head and neck cancer and others. The facility has been used to produce many therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and facilitate research and teaching relevant to cancer immunotherapy. Dr. Lin is interested in the immune and inflammatory aspects of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, with a focus on the immunotherapy of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

Dezso Toth

Associate Professor

Department of General Surgery

Kenezy Teaching Hospital

Debrecen, Hungary

Tel: 00-36-30-93-888-67

Dr. Dezso Toth MD, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of General Surgery at the Kenezy Teaching Hospital in Debrecen, Hungary. He is the head of the Ambulatory Surgery Unit and he is a founder member of the County's Breast Center. He graduated from University of Debrecen, Medical School in 1997 and in Medical Economics in 2001. He is certified in General Surgery and Clinical Oncology and he received his Ph.D. in 'Examination of lymph node involvement in solid neoplasms-Sentinel lymph node biopsy' with suuma cum laude in 2013. Dr. Dezso Toth's research area is in surgical oncology,

Dr. Dezso Toth MD, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of General Surgery at the Kenezy Teaching Hospital in Debrecen, Hungary. He is the head of the Ambulatory Surgery Unit and he is a founder member of the County's Breast Center. He graduated from University of Debrecen, Medical School in 1997 and in Medical Economics in 2001. He is certified in General Surgery and Clinical Oncology and he received his Ph.D. in 'Examination of lymph node involvement in solid neoplasms-Sentinel lymph node biopsy' with suuma cum laude in 2013. Dr. Dezso Toth's research area is in surgical oncology, especially in the field of gastric and breast cancer. He is author and co-author of over 20 peer-reviewed publications (original article, review, chapter and case reports) published in prestigious scientific journals, such as Gastric Cancer, The Breast, Molecular Cancer and World Journal of Gastroenterology.

Hernanz De La Fuente

Associate Professor of Surgery

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

University of Cantabria

Santander, Spain

I am an Associate Professor of Surgery at the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain) and Clinical Chief of the Department of General Surgery at Hospital Valdecilla, Santander (Spain), being responsible for the Breast Unit. I published as author or co-author 33 publications indexed at Pub Med, mainly in the field of breast surgery with 7 h-index. My current research is focused on clinical practice, specially, on oncoplastic breast surgery. I was founded member of the scientific society AECIMA (Asociacion Española de Cirujanos de la Mama) and I am a member of the AEC (Asociacion

I am an Associate Professor of Surgery at the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain) and Clinical Chief of the Department of General Surgery at Hospital Valdecilla, Santander (Spain), being responsible for the Breast Unit. I published as author or co-author 33 publications indexed at Pub Med, mainly in the field of breast surgery with 7 h-index. My current research is focused on clinical practice, specially, on oncoplastic breast surgery. I was founded member of the scientific society AECIMA (Asociacion Española de Cirujanos de la Mama) and I am a member of the AEC (Asociacion Espanola de Cirujanos).

Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway

Associate Professor, Vice Chair,

and Director of Graduate Program Committee

Department of Epidemiology

College of Public Health

University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)

Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Tel: 402-559-5387

Dr. Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway is an Associate Professor, Vice Chair and Director of Graduate Program Committee at the Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). Dr. Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway is a member in Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health, Society for Epidemiologic Research, Public Health Association of Nebraska (PHAN) and American Public Health Association (APHA). Her research interests/expertise are: rural cancer screening treatment issues, cancer disparities among Native Americans, HPV infection and cervical cancer prevention & control.

Dr. Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway is an Associate Professor, Vice Chair and Director of Graduate Program Committee at the Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). Dr. Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway is a member in Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health, Society for Epidemiologic Research, Public Health Association of Nebraska (PHAN) and American Public Health Association (APHA). Her research interests/expertise are: rural cancer screening treatment issues, cancer disparities among Native Americans, HPV infection and cervical cancer prevention & control.

Beverly E Barton

Adjunct Associate Professor

Department of Surgery/Division of Urology

New Jersey Medical School

Rutgers University

New Jersey, USA

Dr. Barton is an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Surgery/ Division of Urology at New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University in Newark, NJ. In addition, she is consults for various pharmaceutical companies and writes content for continuing medical education. In 2007, Dr. Barton was awarded a large research and development merit award from the Veterans Administration to develop novel anti-tumor therapies for prostate cancer. In 2004, she was given the Magic Bullet Award at the World Conference on Dosing of Anti-Infectives, a symposium organized to honor the 150th birthday of Paul Ehrlich, for her work on targeted anti-cancer therapy.

Dr. Barton is an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Surgery/ Division of Urology at New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University in Newark, NJ. In addition, she is consults for various pharmaceutical companies and writes content for continuing medical education. In 2007, Dr. Barton was awarded a large research and development merit award from the Veterans Administration to develop novel anti-tumor therapies for prostate cancer. In 2004, she was given the Magic Bullet Award at the World Conference on Dosing of Anti-Infectives, a symposium organized to honor the 150th birthday of Paul Ehrlich, for her work on targeted anti-cancer therapy. She was the conference co-chair for the symposium presentations on cancer chemotherapeutics. Also in 2004 Beverly won a Prouts Neck Prostate Cancer Award, which is given in alternate years to investigators doing promising and novel research on prostate cancer.

Adisorn Ratanaphan

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Prince of Songkla University

Hat-Yai, Songkhla, Thailand

Tel: 66-7428-8867

Dr. Adisorn Ratanaphan serves as an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. He received his B.Sc. in Chemistry from Prince of Songkla University, M.Sc. in Biochemistry from Mahidol University, Thailand, and Dr. rer. nat. in Biotechnology & Biochemistry from Universitat Regensburg, Germany. He received post-graduate training at Chiba University, Japan where he conducted mutation-oriented research, and attended the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Course on Biotechnological Processing at Institute of Biotechnology, National University of Mexico, Cuernavaca, Mexico. He joined the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Technical University of

Dr. Adisorn Ratanaphan serves as an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. He received his B.Sc. in Chemistry from Prince of Songkla University, M.Sc. in Biochemistry from Mahidol University, Thailand, and Dr. rer. nat. in Biotechnology & Biochemistry from Universitat Regensburg, Germany. He received post-graduate training at Chiba University, Japan where he conducted mutation-oriented research, and attended the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Course on Biotechnological Processing at Institute of Biotechnology, National University of Mexico, Cuernavaca, Mexico. He joined the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Technical University of Munich where he carried out studies on high-throughput genotyping of the dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase gene among German breast cancer patients. His current research is emphasized the potential of using the dysfunctional BRCA1 proteins as an important determination of platinum/ruthenium-based chemotherapy response in breast cancer.

Horuzsko Anatolij

Associate Professor

Member, Molecular Oncology Program

Cancer Center

Georgia Regents University

Augusta, USA

Anatolij Horuzsko, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Medicine and member of the Cancer Center at Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA. Dr. Horuzsko's current research interests include mechanisms of intrinsic and extrinsic inflammation in cancer, inflammation-induced cancer, metabolic alterations, and mechanisms of transplantation tolerance.Dr. Horuzsko is a recipient several awards, member of national and international review panels. His research is supported by grants from NIH, Roche Organ Transplantation Foundation, Carlos and Marguerite Mason Trust, etc.

Anatolij Horuzsko, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Medicine and member of the Cancer Center at Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA. Dr. Horuzsko's current research interests include mechanisms of intrinsic and extrinsic inflammation in cancer, inflammation-induced cancer, metabolic alterations, and mechanisms of transplantation tolerance.Dr. Horuzsko is a recipient several awards, member of national and international review panels. His research is supported by grants from NIH, Roche Organ Transplantation Foundation, Carlos and Marguerite Mason Trust, etc.

Robert James Griffin

Associate Professor and Director

Radiation Biology section

Department of Radiation Oncology

University of Arkansas for Medical Science


Received a B.A. in biology from St. Olaf College in 1991 and a PhD in Biophysical Sciences from the University of Minnesota focusing on Radiation Biology in 1998. In 16 years since finishing graduate school, Dr. Griffin held postdoctoral associate and assistant professor positions in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Minnesota from 1998-2006 before coming to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in 2007. Since that time he has been Associate Professor and director of the division of radiobiology in the department of radiation oncology and is also the associate director of the Arkansas Nanomedicine

Received a B.A. in biology from St. Olaf College in 1991 and a PhD in Biophysical Sciences from the University of Minnesota focusing on Radiation Biology in 1998. In 16 years since finishing graduate school, Dr. Griffin held postdoctoral associate and assistant professor positions in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Minnesota from 1998-2006 before coming to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in 2007. Since that time he has been Associate Professor and director of the division of radiobiology in the department of radiation oncology and is also the associate director of the Arkansas Nanomedicine Center. He focuses on innovative methods to deliver radiation and drug therapeutics to the tumor microenvironment. In particular, anti-vascular nanoparticle or liposome-based agents designed to selectively deliver drugs to the tumor microvasculature and synergize with radiation therapy or other chemotherapy has been the focus of his laboratory in recent years.

Robert Cormier

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical Sciences

University of Minnesota

Medical School

Duluth, USA

Dr. Cormier received his B.S. (Honors, Cell and Molecular Biology) and Ph.D. (Oncology, McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Dr. Cormier received his Ph.D. training in the laboratory of Prof. William Dove where his Ph.D. thesis focused on the genes of the Mom1intestinal cancer modifier locus, including the secretory phospholipase Pla2g2a. Dr. Cormier's research area is the genetics of colorectal cancer employing studies in genetically engineered mouse models and human cancers. Dr. Cormier's research has been published in leading journals including Science, Nature Genetics, Cancer Research, Oncogene, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of

Dr. Cormier received his B.S. (Honors, Cell and Molecular Biology) and Ph.D. (Oncology, McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Dr. Cormier received his Ph.D. training in the laboratory of Prof. William Dove where his Ph.D. thesis focused on the genes of the Mom1intestinal cancer modifier locus, including the secretory phospholipase Pla2g2a. Dr. Cormier's research area is the genetics of colorectal cancer employing studies in genetically engineered mouse models and human cancers. Dr. Cormier's research has been published in leading journals including Science, Nature Genetics, Cancer Research, Oncogene, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.At the University of Minnesota Medical School Dr. Cormier is a member of the Department of Biomedical Sciences where he holds the Essentia Health Chair in Cancer Biology. Dr. Cormier is an ad hoc reviewer for more than twenty journals in the field of cancer biology and he participates in grant review panels in the United States (National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense) and internationally (Medical Research Council, UK; Dutch Cancer Society; Dutch Digestive Foundation).

Theresa C. Brown

Cytogenetics Director

Hayward Genetics Center SL-31

Tulane University Medical School


I have close to 30 years of experience in the field of genetics, beginning as a cytogenetic technologist, then gaining experience in molecular genetic testing, and for the past seventeen years as a director of cytogenetic laboratories including IMPATH, Genzyme Genetics, CSI laboratories, City of Hope, and my current position at Tulane University Hayward Genetics Center and Delta Pathology. My area of expertise is cytogenetics of leukemias and lymphomas, with experience in growing small clinical laboratories. I am certified by the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics in Clinical Cytogenetics and currently completing the alternate pathway for certification in

I have close to 30 years of experience in the field of genetics, beginning as a cytogenetic technologist, then gaining experience in molecular genetic testing, and for the past seventeen years as a director of cytogenetic laboratories including IMPATH, Genzyme Genetics, CSI laboratories, City of Hope, and my current position at Tulane University Hayward Genetics Center and Delta Pathology. My area of expertise is cytogenetics of leukemias and lymphomas, with experience in growing small clinical laboratories. I am certified by the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics in Clinical Cytogenetics and currently completing the alternate pathway for certification in molecular genetics.


Department of Pathology

The Lundquist Institute at Harbor UCLA Medical Center


Adjunct Professor, Biochemistry and Genetics, Charles R. Drew University. I am the PI and research investigator in the laboratory directing the R&D of oral mucosal epithelial cell sheet technology. I am the PI on a study conducted at Harbor UCLA Medical Center. Research Subjects were screened and enrolled to donate a small biopsy of buccal tissue. The isolated cells were used to produce a human oral mucosal epithelial cell sheet

Adjunct Professor, Biochemistry and Genetics, Charles R. Drew University. I am the PI and research investigator in the laboratory directing the R&D of oral mucosal epithelial cell sheet technology. I am the PI on a study conducted at Harbor UCLA Medical Center. Research Subjects were screened and enrolled to donate a small biopsy of buccal tissue. The isolated cells were used to produce a human oral mucosal epithelial cell sheet

Vladimir Mouraviev

Director of Clinical Research

Associated Medical Professionals of NY

Syracuse, New York, USA

Tel: 315-558-6636

Dr. Vladimir Mouraviev completed his medical school training and surgical internship at Kirov State Military Medical Academy in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and went on military service as a surgeon. Then he completed his surgical and urological residency at the Department of Military Surgery of Kirov State Military Academy specializing in urogenital injuries and reconstructive urology, and rose there from the ranks of Instructor to Assistant Professor in Surgery and Urology. He also defended a PhD thesis in uropathology of urethral posterior injury after crushed injury to the pelvis. Following this, Dr. Mouraviev received a

Dr. Vladimir Mouraviev completed his medical school training and surgical internship at Kirov State Military Medical Academy in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and went on military service as a surgeon. Then he completed his surgical and urological residency at the Department of Military Surgery of Kirov State Military Academy specializing in urogenital injuries and reconstructive urology, and rose there from the ranks of Instructor to Assistant Professor in Surgery and Urology. He also defended a PhD thesis in uropathology of urethral posterior injury after crushed injury to the pelvis. Following this, Dr. Mouraviev received a training in oncological urology and endourology in clinics of Germany (Duseeldorf, Munich) , Sweden (Stockholm) and Poland (Bydgocz). In North America he completed two clinical and two research fellowships in urological oncology and endourology sequentially at Baylor College of Medicine, Vancouver Prostate Center, Duke University Medical Center and University of Cincinnati. At Duke, he was also Director of the Prostate Cancer Center Outcome Database and developed a concept of focal therapy for prostate cancer organizing 3 International symposia on this topic. He has over 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals and has authored four textbooks in traumatic surgery, image-guided ablative procedures in urology and focal therapy of prostate cancer. He serves as a reviewer for eight urological journals. Dr. V. Mouraviev research and clinical interests have focused on application of novel image-guided navigation systems for targeted biopsy, ablation technologies using needle and extracoproreal thermal energies such a cryosurgery, high intensity focused ultrasound, laser therapyand minimally invasive robotics. His research and clinical interests have focused on application of novel image-guided navigation systems for targeted biopsy and ablation technologies using needle and extracoproreal thermal energies such a cryosurgery, high intensity focused ultrasound, laser therapy etc. In addition, other clinical interests include investigation of new drug pipelines for advanced prostate, bladder and kidney cancer conducting different clinical trials. surgeryfor kidney and prostate cancer etc. In addition, other clinical interests include investigation of new drug pipelines and its clinical implementation of different clinical trials for urogenital malignancies.

Anait S Levenson

Associate Professor of Pathology

Adjunct Associate Professor of

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Cancer Institute

University of Mississippi Medical Center

Jackson, USA

Tel: 601-815-6072

Dr. Anait S. Levenson is Associate Professor of Pathology, adjunct Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology and full member of Cancer Institute, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS. Her educational background includes an MD degree from the Second Moscow State Medical Institute and a PhD in Clinical Immunology from Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow, Russia. Upon completion of her postdoctoral training at University of Virginia, Charlottesville and Northwestern University, Chicago, she joined the Northwestern University Medical School faculty where she served for ten continuous years. Dr. Levenson joined UMMC faculty in 2010. Levenson‘s interest is in cancer research, specifically, in

Dr. Anait S. Levenson is Associate Professor of Pathology, adjunct Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology and full member of Cancer Institute, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS. Her educational background includes an MD degree from the Second Moscow State Medical Institute and a PhD in Clinical Immunology from Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow, Russia. Upon completion of her postdoctoral training at University of Virginia, Charlottesville and Northwestern University, Chicago, she joined the Northwestern University Medical School faculty where she served for ten continuous years. Dr. Levenson joined UMMC faculty in 2010. Levenson‘s interest is in cancer research, specifically, in molecular mechanisms of hormone-dependent breast and prostate cancer. For the past several years her laboratory has focused on understandingepigenetic mechanisms of prostate cancer progression and metastasis and on utilization of dietary agents, such as resveratrol and its analogs for cancer chemoprevention and treatment. Dr. Levenson is an active reviewer for numerous journals, serves on the Editorial Boards of several journals, and is a member of national and international review panels. Dr. Levenson is the author of 40 peer-reviewed publications, three book chapters and more than 60 abstracts. As an invited speaker at national and international meetings, Levenson gave presentations in Greece, Sweden, England, Italy, Denmark, and Japan. She has been continuously funded throughout her career, and is currently funded by the Department of Defense, Prostate Cancer Research Program, IDEA Development Award.

Eddy Shih-Hsin Yang

ROAR Southeast Cancer Foundation Endowed Chair

Scientist, UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center

Associate Professor

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Tel: 205-934-2762

Eddy S. Yang, MD, PhD, is the inaugural holder of the ROAR Southeast Cancer Foundation Endowed Chair and Associate Professor of radiation oncology; cell, developmental, and integrative biology; and pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He received his bachelor degree at the John Hopkins University and MD and PhD degrees at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He then trained at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine radiation oncology residency program as an American Board of Radiology Holman Research Scholar. Dr. Yang is a physician scientist who aims to translate basic

Eddy S. Yang, MD, PhD, is the inaugural holder of the ROAR Southeast Cancer Foundation Endowed Chair and Associate Professor of radiation oncology; cell, developmental, and integrative biology; and pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He received his bachelor degree at the John Hopkins University and MD and PhD degrees at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He then trained at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine radiation oncology residency program as an American Board of Radiology Holman Research Scholar. Dr. Yang is a physician scientist who aims to translate basic research findings into the clinic by targeting DNA repair pathways as part of therapeutic strategies against cancer. Additionally, he has a strong interest in molecular profiling of cancer-related pathways using the Nanostring nCounter platform. Ultimately he aims to not only improve patient outcomes, but, more importantly, preserve patient quality of life.

Delva Shamley

Deputy Director

Clinical Research Centre

University of Cape Town

Old Main Building, J52

Groote Schuur Hospital

Cape Town, South Africa

Tel: 0743775287

Dr Shamley received her degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. As a physiotherapist and a medical scientist she has been in academia for 26 years, 13 of which were spent in the UK. Her research training and experience was acquired in Oxford with the Centre for Medical Statistics, Oxford University. She has been Head of Department of Physiotherapy and Deputy Director for Research in the UK and has contributed to clinician training courses in Oxford, London and Dorset. In the UK she setup and ran a Clinical Trails Unit. Dr Shamley is currently Deputy Director of the

Dr Shamley received her degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. As a physiotherapist and a medical scientist she has been in academia for 26 years, 13 of which were spent in the UK. Her research training and experience was acquired in Oxford with the Centre for Medical Statistics, Oxford University. She has been Head of Department of Physiotherapy and Deputy Director for Research in the UK and has contributed to clinician training courses in Oxford, London and Dorset. In the UK she setup and ran a Clinical Trails Unit. Dr Shamley is currently Deputy Director of the Clinical Research Centre at the University of Cape Town, SA. Her current research focusses on the proteomics and genomics of latent effects of adjuvant therapy in breast cancer. In this field her work covers laboratory based research and translation into practice. She has a track record of postgraduate student supervision, publications and grant success. Research Interests include: Risk-based early warning systems in cancer, Axillary web syndrome, Technology assisted rehabilitation programmes, Pain lateralisation in breast cancer.

Yongbok Kim

Associate Professor

Department of Radiation Oncology

University of Arizona



Yongbok Kim, PhD, is an ABR (American Board of Radiology) board certified medical physicist and an Associated Professor at the Department of Radiation Oncology in the University of Arizona. Dr. Kim received his PhD degree from the University of California, Berkeley and was trained in the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Kim has been doing research on brachytherapy treatment technique for prostate, breast, lung, and skin cancer as well as biological modeling for external beam radiation therapy. Dr. Kim has been actively involving in several AAPM (American Associate of Physicists in Medicine) scientific task group (TG) committees and particularly

Yongbok Kim, PhD, is an ABR (American Board of Radiology) board certified medical physicist and an Associated Professor at the Department of Radiation Oncology in the University of Arizona. Dr. Kim received his PhD degree from the University of California, Berkeley and was trained in the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Kim has been doing research on brachytherapy treatment technique for prostate, breast, lung, and skin cancer as well as biological modeling for external beam radiation therapy. Dr. Kim has been actively involving in several AAPM (American Associate of Physicists in Medicine) scientific task group (TG) committees and particularly chairing AAPM TG 236 (3D image-based brachytherapy). Clinically, Dr. Kim covers all aspects of radiation physics in Radiation Oncology. His research interest includes image guidance technologies for radiation therapy (external beam and brachytherapy), biological modeling to evaluate dosimetric parameters related with clinical outcomes, and new hardware and software development for radiation therapy.

Qiao-Hong Chen

Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry

California State University

Fresno, California, USA

Tel: 559-278-2394

Qiao-Hong Chen received her Ph.D. degree from Sichuan University, China. Appointed as a Lecturer in 2001, she was promoted to the position of Full Professor in 2003 at Sichuan University. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow for three years at the University of Alberta in Canada and a Senior Research Fellow for six years at Virginia Tech in the USA. She started her current position as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at California State University, Fresno, in 2012 and is a recipient of 2013/2014 Provost’s Award for Promising New Faculty With her research interests focused on natural products-based anticancer agents, she

Qiao-Hong Chen received her Ph.D. degree from Sichuan University, China. Appointed as a Lecturer in 2001, she was promoted to the position of Full Professor in 2003 at Sichuan University. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow for three years at the University of Alberta in Canada and a Senior Research Fellow for six years at Virginia Tech in the USA. She started her current position as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at California State University, Fresno, in 2012 and is a recipient of 2013/2014 Provost’s Award for Promising New Faculty With her research interests focused on natural products-based anticancer agents, she is working to engineer drug-like analogs of dietary natural products and marine macrolides for the potential treatment of prostate cancer.She has published over 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications.

Rachel C Jankowitz

Assistant Professor

Womens Cancer Program

University of Pittsburgh

Cancer Institute


Rachel C. Jankowitz, MD, is a medical oncologist and hematologist at UPMC CancerCenter at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC. Dr. Jankowitz received her medical degree from Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pa. She completed her residency and fellowship in hematology-oncology at UPMC. Her research focus on Breast cancer.

Rachel C. Jankowitz, MD, is a medical oncologist and hematologist at UPMC CancerCenter at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC. Dr. Jankowitz received her medical degree from Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pa. She completed her residency and fellowship in hematology-oncology at UPMC. Her research focus on Breast cancer.

Xiuling Lu

Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

University of Connecticut, USA

Tel: 860-486-0517

Xiuling Lu, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics at the University of Connecticut received her Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. She joined the University of Kentucky as a Postdoctoral Scholar in 2006 and received a prestigious Benedict Cassen Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award from the Education and Research Foundation for the Society of Nuclear Medicine to work on dual imaging-therapeutic nanovectors in 2008. She continued this line of research as a Research Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 2008 to 2011, and then joined the University of Connecticut School

Xiuling Lu, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics at the University of Connecticut received her Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. She joined the University of Kentucky as a Postdoctoral Scholar in 2006 and received a prestigious Benedict Cassen Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award from the Education and Research Foundation for the Society of Nuclear Medicine to work on dual imaging-therapeutic nanovectors in 2008. She continued this line of research as a Research Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 2008 to 2011, and then joined the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy in 2011. Dr. Lu's research interests include nanoparticle-based drug delivery platforms for improving therapeutic indices of anti-cancer agents, image-guided drug delivery for optimizing cancer diagnosis and therapy, and neutron-activatable nanoparticles for radiation therapy. Dr. Lu is an ad hoc reviewer for more than 20 journals. Her research is supported by NIH, American Cancer Society, FDA,NSF,etc.

Jeremy Mark Alexander Pantin

Assistant Profess

Hematology, Medical Oncology

and Bone Marrow Transplantation

Georgia Regents University

Augusta, USA

Dr. Jeremy Pantin is an Assistant Professor at Georgia Regents University, Augusta GA. He obtained his medical degree at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad and completedresidency in Internal Medicine at Howard University Hospital, Washington, DC. Following this, Dr. Pantin completed fellowships in Hematology, Medical Oncology and Blood and Marrow Transplantation at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. During his fellowship, he developed small and large animal models of intrabone hematopoietic-cell transplantation. His research interests include immune tolerance and graft-versus-host disease. His original work was presented at national meetings of

Dr. Jeremy Pantin is an Assistant Professor at Georgia Regents University, Augusta GA. He obtained his medical degree at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad and completedresidency in Internal Medicine at Howard University Hospital, Washington, DC. Following this, Dr. Pantin completed fellowships in Hematology, Medical Oncology and Blood and Marrow Transplantation at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. During his fellowship, he developed small and large animal models of intrabone hematopoietic-cell transplantation. His research interests include immune tolerance and graft-versus-host disease. His original work was presented at national meetings of the American Society of Hematology and the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.

Selcuk Sozer Tokdemir

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine

Istanbul University

Visiting Assistant Professor

Mount Sinai School of Medicine

New York, USA

Selcuk Sozer Tokdemir has received her M.D. degree from Istanbul University, School of Medicine in 1997 in Istanbul, Turkey and PhD from University of Kentucky in 2004 in Kentucky, USA. She performed her postdoctoral studies at University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY. She is now working as an assistant professor at the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine at Istanbul University, Turkey and as a visiting assistant professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY. Her research interest includes characterization and immunophenotyping of hematopoietic and cancer stem cells, impact of mutations on endothelial cell

Selcuk Sozer Tokdemir has received her M.D. degree from Istanbul University, School of Medicine in 1997 in Istanbul, Turkey and PhD from University of Kentucky in 2004 in Kentucky, USA. She performed her postdoctoral studies at University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY. She is now working as an assistant professor at the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine at Istanbul University, Turkey and as a visiting assistant professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY. Her research interest includes characterization and immunophenotyping of hematopoietic and cancer stem cells, impact of mutations on endothelial cell survival and pro-hematopoietic genetic programs activation and effects of chemotherapeutical agents on cancer stem cells used in the treatment of hematopoietic malignancies.

Nada Lukkahatai

Assistant Professor

School of Nursing

University of Nevada

Las Vegas, USA

Tel: 702-895-3527

Dr. Lukkahatai is an assistant professor at School of Nursing, University of Nevada Las Vegas. She graduated her PhD from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and was trained as a post doctoral fellow at Symptoms biology Unit, National Institute of Nursing Research, Bethesda, Maryland. Her research interest is cancer related symptoms such as pain, fatigue and depression and translation research from bench to bedside. As a postdoctoral fellow at National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH, she carried out the gene expression study and the proteomic study in the fatigued prostate cancer patients. She published number of publication in

Dr. Lukkahatai is an assistant professor at School of Nursing, University of Nevada Las Vegas. She graduated her PhD from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and was trained as a post doctoral fellow at Symptoms biology Unit, National Institute of Nursing Research, Bethesda, Maryland. Her research interest is cancer related symptoms such as pain, fatigue and depression and translation research from bench to bedside. As a postdoctoral fellow at National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH, she carried out the gene expression study and the proteomic study in the fatigued prostate cancer patients. She published number of publication in the genomic and proteomic in symptom biology area.

Yong-Jie Lu

Barts Cancer Institute-a CR-UK

Centre of Excellence

Queen Mary University of London

John Vane Science Centre

Charterhouse Square, London

Tel: 020-7882-3597

Dr. Yong Yong-Jiehas been actively involved in cancer genetic and biomarker studies for more than 20 years. He have worked on a number of human cancers with a major focus on prostate cancer in the last ten years. He has developed a number of novel genetic analysis methodologies and recently identified the genomic difference among cancers in different risk populations and illustrated the mechanisms in generating specific genomic changes.He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed articles in leading medical and scientific journals such as The Lancet,Nature Genetics,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, Journal Clinical Oncology, Cancer Research and Oncogene. He established

Dr. Yong Yong-Jiehas been actively involved in cancer genetic and biomarker studies for more than 20 years. He have worked on a number of human cancers with a major focus on prostate cancer in the last ten years. He has developed a number of novel genetic analysis methodologies and recently identified the genomic difference among cancers in different risk populations and illustrated the mechanisms in generating specific genomic changes.He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed articles in leading medical and scientific journals such as The Lancet,Nature Genetics,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, Journal Clinical Oncology, Cancer Research and Oncogene. He established a Chinese prostate cancer collaborative study group with member teams from all the major geographic regions of China. Dr. Lu has received several awards during his career, including the Pezcoller Foundation Scholar-in-Training Award, 2002. He has successful trained many PhD students and medical researchers. Research Interests: The major research interests are identified prostate cancer genetic alterations and prognostic/predictive biomarkers, with recent focus on prostate cancer metastasis and circulating tumour cells. Additional research interests are: The genetic and environmental factors associated with prostate cancer development, Functional investigation of the mechanism and consequence of genomic alterations in cancer development, Genetic mechanism of therapeutic resistance, Gene targeted therapy.

Palma Rocchi

Prostate Cancer Group Leader

Molecular Oncology Department

Marseille Cancerology Research Center

Aix-Marseille University

Marseille, France

Tel: +334-86-97-72-67

Palma Rocchi received her PhD in 2002 from the Medicine Faculty of Marseille evaluating the molecular mechanisms involved in the castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). In her three years as post-doctoral fellow in the University of British Columbia Prostate Centre in Dr Gleave's Lab. Palma Rocchi completed her formation by receiving advance training in targeting genes associated with CR and treatment resistance in PC. She developed a drug (OGX-427) using oligonucleotide antisens and siRNA approach able to significantly dose-dependent down-regulate Hsp27 protein expression level. OGX-427 has been patented and obtained an international license by the University of British Columbia and Oncogenex

Palma Rocchi received her PhD in 2002 from the Medicine Faculty of Marseille evaluating the molecular mechanisms involved in the castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). In her three years as post-doctoral fellow in the University of British Columbia Prostate Centre in Dr Gleave's Lab. Palma Rocchi completed her formation by receiving advance training in targeting genes associated with CR and treatment resistance in PC. She developed a drug (OGX-427) using oligonucleotide antisens and siRNA approach able to significantly dose-dependent down-regulate Hsp27 protein expression level. OGX-427 has been patented and obtained an international license by the University of British Columbia and Oncogenex and clinical trials phase II is now in process in Canada and United States to evaluate the effect of OGX-427 in patients with prostate and bladder cancer ( She has now completed her post-doctoral fellowship and found a position as an independent senior principal investigator in PC translational research at the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research. She is now leading a group of ten peoples focusing on translational research leading to improve treatment resistance in PC. Her principal research interest is focused drug discovery for the treatment of CRPC.

M. Raza Zaidi

Assistant Professor

Fels Institute for Cancer Research & Molecular Biology

Temple University School of Medicine

Philadelphia, USA

Tel: 215-707-3821

Dr. M. Raza Zaidi is currently an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Fels Institute for Cancer Research at the Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He obtained his doctoral degree from Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers University, New Jersey, and performed postdoctoral research at Columbia University, NY, and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, MD. He is a two-time recipient of NCI Director's Innovation Award and several Technology Transfer Awards from the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Zaidi's research program is dedicated to understanding the pathogenesis of ultraviolet radiation (UV)-induced melanoma and translating these findings

Dr. M. Raza Zaidi is currently an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Fels Institute for Cancer Research at the Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He obtained his doctoral degree from Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers University, New Jersey, and performed postdoctoral research at Columbia University, NY, and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, MD. He is a two-time recipient of NCI Director's Innovation Award and several Technology Transfer Awards from the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Zaidi's research program is dedicated to understanding the pathogenesis of ultraviolet radiation (UV)-induced melanoma and translating these findings to devise effective preventive and therapeutic strategies for this disease. Research interests include, Molecular Biology of cancer, Melanoma, Ultraviolet radiation-induced malignancies, Stress-induced epigenetic mechanisms in cancer, Stress-induced microRNA-based mechanisms in cancer, Carcinogen-induced cancers, Molecular Biology of colon cancer.

Victor Macias Hernandez

Radiation Oncology

Salamanca University Hospital

Paseo de San Vicente

Salamanca, Spain

Tel: +34-687-48-11-66

Victor Macias (47) obtained his medical degree at the University of Salamanca, Spain. Then he completed his radiation oncology residency at the Tenerife University Hospital and also defended a PhD thesis in Acute and late toxicity after hypofractionated radiotherapy in prostate cancer at the University of Barcelona (UB). He set up and directed the Brachytherapy Unit at the Institute for Cancer Research of Turin, Italy (2001-2003). He developed the hypofractionated radiotherapy for prostate cancer research program at the Catalonia General Hospital from 2004 to 2009. Currently, he is Section Head of the Radiation Oncology department at the Salamanca University Hospital,

Victor Macias (47) obtained his medical degree at the University of Salamanca, Spain. Then he completed his radiation oncology residency at the Tenerife University Hospital and also defended a PhD thesis in Acute and late toxicity after hypofractionated radiotherapy in prostate cancer at the University of Barcelona (UB). He set up and directed the Brachytherapy Unit at the Institute for Cancer Research of Turin, Italy (2001-2003). He developed the hypofractionated radiotherapy for prostate cancer research program at the Catalonia General Hospital from 2004 to 2009. Currently, he is Section Head of the Radiation Oncology department at the Salamanca University Hospital, where he has initiated a SBRT programme from 2009 onwards. He has (co) authored 23 publications in peer-reviewed journals( and 10 chapters in textbooks. Dr. Macias research and clinical interests have focused on prostate cancer, Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy, hypofractionation, health-related quality of life, dose escalation, patient information and interaction radiotherapy-hormonal therapy. The research group he belongs is obtaining public grants since 2003. He is finally envolved in undergraduate and post-graduate teaching.

Ian Hubert Kunkler

Consultant and Honorary Professor in Clinical Oncology

Lothian University Hospitals NHS Trust

West Lothian, UK

Tel: 0131-537-3454

Professor Ian Kunkler is Consultant in Clinical Oncology at the Edinburgh Cancer Centre, University of Edinburgh. He qualified in Medicine at Cambridge University and undertook clinical training at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London. After training in general medicine in Nottingham, he moved to Edinburgh and trained in Clinical Oncology under Professor Bill Duncan. He spent a year as a French Government and EEC research fellow in the Department of Curietherapy with Professor Daniel Chassagne and Dr Alain Gerbaulet. He was appointed Consultant in Clinical Oncology in Sheffield, specialising in the treatment of brain tumours, breast cancer and lymphomas. He returned

Professor Ian Kunkler is Consultant in Clinical Oncology at the Edinburgh Cancer Centre, University of Edinburgh. He qualified in Medicine at Cambridge University and undertook clinical training at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London. After training in general medicine in Nottingham, he moved to Edinburgh and trained in Clinical Oncology under Professor Bill Duncan. He spent a year as a French Government and EEC research fellow in the Department of Curietherapy with Professor Daniel Chassagne and Dr Alain Gerbaulet. He was appointed Consultant in Clinical Oncology in Sheffield, specialising in the treatment of brain tumours, breast cancer and lymphomas. He returned to Edinburgh in 1992 where he is senior specialist in Clinical Oncology for breast cancer.His research interests are in adjuvant trials of radiotherapy for breast cancer, the development of biosensors in cancer management and the application of telemedicine in cancer care. He is Chief Investigator of the BIG 2-04 MRC/EORTC SUPREMO trial, the PRIME 2 trial and Principal Investigator at Edinburgh University in the European FP7 large scale integrating project (METOXIA) on translating the hypoxic microenvironment. He has edited two editions of Walter and Miller's Textbook of Radiotherapy and published over 100 articles. He is a past President of the British Oncological Association.

Fernando Lista Mateos

Department of Urology

Hospital Universitario de Getafe

Madrid, Spain

Tel: +34 678454771

Born in Madrid in 1981, developed Bachelor of Medicine at the Autonoma University of Madrid, completing them in 2008. Performs its Residency in Urology at the University Hospital of Getafe, Madrid. Now performs his work at the Department of Urology at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Madrid. Specializing in oncologic surgery using laparoscopic and minimally invasive procedures, endourology, stones and prostate cancer focal teraphy whose field develops his doctoral thesis at the European University of Madrid since 2011. He has over 20 papers in national and international conferences as well as several books and publications in scientific journals. He has

Born in Madrid in 1981, developed Bachelor of Medicine at the Autonoma University of Madrid, completing them in 2008. Performs its Residency in Urology at the University Hospital of Getafe, Madrid. Now performs his work at the Department of Urology at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Madrid. Specializing in oncologic surgery using laparoscopic and minimally invasive procedures, endourology, stones and prostate cancer focal teraphy whose field develops his doctoral thesis at the European University of Madrid since 2011. He has over 20 papers in national and international conferences as well as several books and publications in scientific journals. He has completed numerous courses and has the fellow title of European Urology Asociation as well as e-BLUS title as an expert in laparoscopic procedures.

Przemyslaw Waliszewski

Department of Urology

Ameos Clinics


Dr. Przemyslaw Waliszewski is a board-certified urologists and a mathematician. He was both a Fulbright scholar and a research fellow at the Department of Cancer Biology in the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio working there on his PhD thesis in molecular oncology. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Urology, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City and at the Department of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. As an academic surgical urologist, he got his training at the Department of General and Gastroenterological Surgery at the University Medical School in Poznań, Poland. Then, he specialized in

Dr. Przemyslaw Waliszewski is a board-certified urologists and a mathematician. He was both a Fulbright scholar and a research fellow at the Department of Cancer Biology in the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio working there on his PhD thesis in molecular oncology. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Urology, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City and at the Department of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. As an academic surgical urologist, he got his training at the Department of General and Gastroenterological Surgery at the University Medical School in Poznań, Poland. Then, he specialized in urology at the German universities in Halle, Marburg and Giessen. He isa co-founder of the Będlewo Institute for Complexity Research in Poznań, Poland. His research interests focus on the science of complexity. He is interested in the application of fractal geometry to image analysis of prostate carcinomas and their stratification into classes of complexity as well as the identification of the quantitative criteria for active surveillancein low-risk prostate cancer. Also, he investigates from the perspective of complexity growth of cells and tissues as auniversal biological phenomenon.

Andrii Puzyrenko

Resident Physician

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Medical College of Wisconsin


Residency program in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin. Associate Professor, Pharmacology Department, All Saints University School of Medicine, Roseau, Dominica

Residency program in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin. Associate Professor, Pharmacology Department, All Saints University School of Medicine, Roseau, Dominica

Rojymon Jacob

Department of Radiation Oncology

University of Alabama

Birmingham, USA Tel: 205-934-2280

Dr. Rojymon Jacob is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the Radiation Oncology Department. He is board certified with the American Board of Radiology and the National Board of Medical Examiners in India (Radiation Oncology). His professional consultanships include visiting Assistant Professor and Lecturer at the University of California, Davis and at the Regional Cancer Centre, Kerala, India. He received specialty training from the Fox Chase Cancer Center - US as well as Velindre NHS Trust - the United Kingdom. He is a member of several professional societies including the ASTRO (American Society

Dr. Rojymon Jacob is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the Radiation Oncology Department. He is board certified with the American Board of Radiology and the National Board of Medical Examiners in India (Radiation Oncology). His professional consultanships include visiting Assistant Professor and Lecturer at the University of California, Davis and at the Regional Cancer Centre, Kerala, India. He received specialty training from the Fox Chase Cancer Center - US as well as Velindre NHS Trust - the United Kingdom. He is a member of several professional societies including the ASTRO (American Society of Radiation Oncologist), ESTRO (European Society of Radiation Oncologists) and RCR (Royal College of Radiologists, London). Dr. Rojymon Jacob teaching experience spans from visiting lecturer in Kumarakom, India and Radiotherapy Tutor in Trivandrum, Kerala (India) to Oncology Project Tutor at the University of Wales College of Medicine in the UK.

Laurent Quero

Attending Physician

Saint Louis Hospital

Radiation Oncology Department

INSERM U965, University Paris Denis Diderot

Paris, France

Laurent Quero, MD, PhD is a radiation oncologist at Saint Louis University Hospital in Paris. He received his MD degree from Pierre-et-Marie Curie University in 2004 in Paris and his PhD degree in radiobiology from Paris Sud University in 2011. He received a translational research fellowship award from the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) in 2009. He was visiting researcher at Maastricht University (MAASTRO Lab) in the Netherlands in 2010. Laurent Quero's areas of medical interest include prostate cancer, gastrointestinal cancers and cancers in HIV infected-patients. His research interests include radiation therapy and hormone therapy combination in prostate

Laurent Quero, MD, PhD is a radiation oncologist at Saint Louis University Hospital in Paris. He received his MD degree from Pierre-et-Marie Curie University in 2004 in Paris and his PhD degree in radiobiology from Paris Sud University in 2011. He received a translational research fellowship award from the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) in 2009. He was visiting researcher at Maastricht University (MAASTRO Lab) in the Netherlands in 2010. Laurent Quero's areas of medical interest include prostate cancer, gastrointestinal cancers and cancers in HIV infected-patients. His research interests include radiation therapy and hormone therapy combination in prostate cancer, hypoxia and predictive markers of tumor response to radiation therapy.

Saadettin KILIÇKAP


Hacettepe University Institute of Cancer


Prof. Saadettin KILIÇKAP MD, Msc, was currently I am working as Medical Oncologist and researcher at Hacettepe University Institute of Cancer, Department of Preventive Oncology. Currently I am working as Medical Oncologist and researcher at Hacettepe University Institute of Cancer, Department of Preventive Oncology. I was graduated from Gazi University School of Medicine there at the third place, and then began my internship at the Department of Internal Medicine at Hacettepe University School of Medicine in 1998. I have completed my training there in 2003 as an Internal Medicine Specialist, and then earn the degree of Specialist of Medical Oncology

Prof. Saadettin KILIÇKAP MD, Msc, was currently I am working as Medical Oncologist and researcher at Hacettepe University Institute of Cancer, Department of Preventive Oncology. Currently I am working as Medical Oncologist and researcher at Hacettepe University Institute of Cancer, Department of Preventive Oncology. I was graduated from Gazi University School of Medicine there at the third place, and then began my internship at the Department of Internal Medicine at Hacettepe University School of Medicine in 1998. I have completed my training there in 2003 as an Internal Medicine Specialist, and then earn the degree of Specialist of Medical Oncology in 2009 at the Department of Medical Oncology in Hacettepe University School of Medicine. At the same time, I completed my post-graduate studies in the department of Preventive Oncology at Hacettepe Institute of Oncology and was granted my MSc (Master of Science) degree in Cancer Epidemiology. In the year 2009, I worked as an observer physician for four months in the department of Hematology-Oncology at Regensburg Univerity Medical Center in Germany. I was granted my Professor in 2016. I have more than 150 scientific articles, 100 of which were published in journals registered to the SCI-Expanded catalogue. Lung cancer, melanoma, gastrointestinal system tumors and cancer epidemiology are my interests.

Soyeun Park

Associate Professor

College of Pharmacy

Keimyung University

Daegu, South Korea

Tel: 82-53-580-6654

Soyeun Park received her Ph.D. in the field of biophysics from The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Physics in 2003. She was an assistant professor of Physics Department at Texas Tech University. She is now working as an associate professor of College of Pharmacy at Keimyung University, Daegu in South Korea. Her current research interests include the cellular nano-mechanics with a special emphasis on the cancer diagnosis and prognosis and the anti-cancer drug resistance. Her research topic is unique in a sense that it combines high-end nano-imaging tool such as atomic force microscopy and nano-fabrication techniques in order

Soyeun Park received her Ph.D. in the field of biophysics from The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Physics in 2003. She was an assistant professor of Physics Department at Texas Tech University. She is now working as an associate professor of College of Pharmacy at Keimyung University, Daegu in South Korea. Her current research interests include the cellular nano-mechanics with a special emphasis on the cancer diagnosis and prognosis and the anti-cancer drug resistance. Her research topic is unique in a sense that it combines high-end nano-imaging tool such as atomic force microscopy and nano-fabrication techniques in order to investigate cancer biology and anticancer drug development. She is an author and co-author of many publications and member of review panels and editorial boards of scientific journals. Her research is supported by grants from National Research Foundation of Korea and others. Key words: atomic force microscopy, nano-bio-mechanics, cancer diagnosis, cancer prognosis, anticancer drug resistance, adhesion, motility, Young's modulus, nano-sphere lithography, mechanotransduction, tumor microenvironment, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, oral cancer, pancreatic cancer, actin cytoskeleton, keratin and focal adhesion.

Ondrej Slaby

Associate Professor

Research Group Leader

Central European Institute of Technology

Molecular Oncology II

University Campus Bohunice

Czech Republic

Tel: +420543136902

Ondrej Slaby obtained his PhD degree in Oncology at the Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University in 2008, and Associate Professor of Biochemistry degreeat the Faculty of Science at Masaryk University in Brno in 2012. He is currently working asscientific secretary at the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute in Brno and research group leader (Molecular Oncology II) at the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Dr. Slaby has published extensively in the area of non-coding RNAs. He published more than forty impacted papers and three scientific monographs.His main research interests are in the non-coding RNAs

Ondrej Slaby obtained his PhD degree in Oncology at the Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University in 2008, and Associate Professor of Biochemistry degreeat the Faculty of Science at Masaryk University in Brno in 2012. He is currently working asscientific secretary at the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute in Brno and research group leader (Molecular Oncology II) at the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Dr. Slaby has published extensively in the area of non-coding RNAs. He published more than forty impacted papers and three scientific monographs.His main research interests are in the non-coding RNAs significance in solid cancer and their translational potentialin diagnostics and as the therapeutic targets (Sum of the times cited: 1189, h-index 18).Dr. Slaby is a member of American Association of Cancer Research, European Association for Cancer Research, Czech Society of Oncology, Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (member of FEBS), and others. In 2009, dr. Slaby founded Cancer Biology Section of Czechoslovak Biological Society and in 2012 co-founded Neurooncological Section of Czech Oncological Society. In 2010 and 2012 received Award of Czech Oncological Society, in 2014 Award for Medical Research of Czech Minister of Health.Heis a member of the editorial board of the World Journal of Gastroenterology, World journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Biomarker Research and Clinical Oncology. As a peer-reviewer collaborates with a number of respected scientific journals from the field, for instance Cancer Research, Science Reports, International Journal of Cancer, British Journal of Cancer, European Journal of Cancer, PLoS ONE, Cancer Letters, Oncology, Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, Biomarkers in Medicine, CurrentPharmacogenomics and PersonalizedMedicine, Human Pathology, etc. and several international grant agencies (Association of International Cancer Research, HRB Irelnd, WellcomeTrust,ZonMw, etc.) and charities.


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