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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510108

Left Out in the Cold: Dementia Care Partners during COVID-19

Christine Miller, MPH, MD (C)

Article Type: Commentary | First Published: March 29, 2021

The coronavirus disease 2019 has led to a reduction in hospital services across the globe in an attempt to manage existing and potential new cases of COVID-19. While Northern Ontario, Canada has not seen the influx in cases it had expected, many hospitals changed their visitor policies to limit or stop visitors from entering hospitals during this time period. Currently, many visitor policies in northern hospitals permit “essential care partners” for pediatric patients, laboring patients, pal...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5793/1510139

Micronutrient Nutrition Perspectives for Low Income Countries in the Context of COVID-19

Edgar Okoth, Violet Wanjihia and Zipporah Bukania

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: April 03, 2021

The origin of COVID-19 originally named Novel coronavirus was Wuhan in China in December 2019. Renamed COVID-19 by the World Health Organization on February 11th 2020 the virus is severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (WHO. Novel Coronavirus-China, 2020). Investigations linked the virus to a local Huanan South China Seafood Market in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. Coronavirus is a major pathogen belonging to a family of viruses that target the human respira...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5750/1510097

Dowling-Degos Associated to Verneuil Disease: A New Case Report

Meryem Khalidi, Hasna Kerrouch, Mohammed El amraoui, Naoufal Hjira and Mohammed Boui

Article Type: Original Research | First Published: April 08, 2021

It’s about a 50-year-old woman, with no notable medical history, who consulted for skin hyperpigmentation of the folds and face that had appeared for 6 years before. The clinical examination showed hyperpigmented reticulated macules of the lateral faces of the neck and face, the nape of the neck, axillary, under breast and inguinal folds associated with cysts and comedones and suppurative nodulocystic and fistulous formations under breast and inguinal resulting in deep irregular scars. The pat...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-567X/1510074

Subclinical Iron Overload Hampers the Beneficial Effect of Human Pegivirus (Hpgv) On Disease Progression in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 Infected Blood Donors

Debasish Chattopadhya, Alice Verghese, Uma Sharma and Arvind Rai

Article Type: Researc h Article | First Published: March 31, 2021

A prospective study on HIV-1 disease progression was undertaken in three HIV-1 infected blood donor subgroups at early asymptomatic stages: Those with HPgV co-infections (n = 60), with TTV co-infections (n = 48) and without the two co-infections (n = 54). Within each subgroup, both replacement and voluntary donors are examined. The markers of HIV-1 disease progression included the following virological and immunological parameters: Rate of increase in plasma HIV-1 viral load, rate of fall in CD4...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-461X/1710046

Performance Evaluation of Malaria HRP-2 Rapid Diagnostic Test among Febrile Patients with Malaria in Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria

Oladosu Oladipo O, Adedokun Victoria A, Adeniyi Akinkunle V and Oyibo Wellington A

Article Type: Original Research | First Published: March 31, 2021

Diagnosis of malaria is a fundamental component of malaria case management. Parasitological confirmation of malaria before treatment was recommended for endemic countries. Microscopy diagnosis of malaria, the gold standard as constraints such as: level of expertise, quality of equipment and reagents may lead to misdiagnosis. The histidine rich protein 2 (HRP-2) based rapid diagnostic test (RDT) detects Plasmodium falciparum only. We therefore evaluated the performance of malaria HRP-2 rapid test...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5718/1510183

Season Impact on the Technical and Physical Training Load in Professional Volleyball

Thiago A.G. Horta, Maurício G. Bara Filho, Bernardo Miloski, Daniel G.S. de Freitas and Jeferson M. Vianna

Article Type: Original Investigation | First Published: February 28, 2021

The development or maintenance of fitness and the enhancement of biomotor skills are two important components in the preparation of intermittent team sports athletes for the frequent and substantial demands faced in competition. On the other hand, the interpretation of training data contextualized with the period in which the team is in the season, are of extreme importance to avoid negative adaptations, injuries, and illnesses to athletes. Fourteen male athletes participated in the study. The T...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4563/1710027

Is there an Association between Vaginal Cancer and Genital Prolapse? A Data-Analysis and Review of Literature

Heidrun Männle, Birthe Osorio, Felix Momm and Karsten Münstedt

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: March 13, 2021

Primary vaginal cancer represents a rare disease. The main risk factor for vaginal carcinoma is a persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. However, chronic mechanic irritation of the vagina, have long been suspected to contribute to the development of vaginal cancer. This study examined to assess possible associations between genital prolapse and the incidence of vaginal cancer. We conducted a systematic literature search regarding the association between vaginal cancer and genital prola...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-3634/1410137

Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Youth with Diabetes in the Dominican Republic, 2000 to 2016

Jessica Duska, MPH, Paige P Hornsby, PhD, Aaron Pannone, PhD, Jack Capra, MPH, Noris Solano, MD, Omar W Ebrahim and Ammar Ibrahim, MD

Article Type: Original Article | First Published: March 31, 2021

The incidence of Type 2 diabetes is growing among adults in the Dominican Republic (DR), with little data regarding diabetes among youth. Our primary objectives were to describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of pediatric diabetes patients in the DR. We conducted a retrospective chart review of 874 pediatric diabetes patients from 2000-2016. Data were abstracted and analyzed using SAS. The number of pediatric patients seen in the diabetes clinic grew over the study period, with an ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-3634/1410136

Associations between Physical Functioning and Psychosocial Factors in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

Christy B Adeyege, Taofeek O Awotidebe, Olufesola M Fasakin, Taofiq O Afolabi, Rufus A Adedoyin and Babatope A Kolawole

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: March 31, 2021

Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) could impact on both physical performance and psychological well-being. However, the link between physical functioning (PhF) and psychosocial factors (PsF) of patients with T2DM remains unclear. This study investigated the associations between PhF and PsF in patients with T2DM. This cross-sectional study involved 140 patients with T2DM receiving treatment at a Nigerian tertiary hospital using purposive sampling technique. Socio-demographic data were recorded. PhF ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-3634/1410135

Relationships between Hand Grip Strength, Upper Limb Anthropometric Characteristics and Hand Disability in Middle- Aged and Older Adults with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

Taofeek Oluwole Awotidebe, PT, PhD, Marufat Oluyemisi Odetunde, PT, PhD, Margret Ada Okonji, PT, MSc, Adekola John Odunlade, PT, MSc, Olufesola Motunrayo Fasakin, RN, MSc, Abayomi Andrew Olawoye, PT, DPT, Bamikole Paul Ayesoro, BMR, PT, Rufus Adesoji Adedoyin, PT, PhD and Babatope Ayodeji Kolawole, MBChB, FWACP

Article Type: Researc h Art icle | First Published: March 29, 2021

Progressive decline in muscular strength at middle age coupled with the presence of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) may define hand disability (HdD) as age progresses. However, there is paucity of information on the link between hand grip strength (HGS), upper limb anthropometric characteristics (ULAC) and hand disability (HdD) in patients with T2DM. This study investigated the relationships between HGS, ULAC and HdD as well as factors associated with HdD in middle-aged and older people with T2D...

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Right Ventricular Mass: A Unique Approach to Tissue Diagnosis

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Cyclopia, A Rare Congenital Malformation: A Case Report in a Resource-Limited Setting in Sub-Saharan Africa

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LigaSure for Management of Obstructed Hemivagina with Ipsilateral Renal Anomaly (OHVIRA) Syndrome

Haven Nicole Frazier, DO and Glendell de Guzman, MD

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