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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-461X/1710024

Results of the First Phase of Educational Intervention in Schoolchildren of Marianao Municipality on Intestinal Parasitosis 2017-2019

Osvaldo Batista Rojas, MSc

Article Type: Original Research | First Published: August 31, 2019

An intervention study was carried out, quasi-experimental, retro-prospective with the students of the Primary School "Hugo Camejo" and their parents in the period 2017-2019. The universe was constituted by 627 students and the sample by the 83 schoolchildren of 4th grade, with the objective of developing an intervention strategy to increase the level of knowledge about intestinal parasitosis. Reaching the following conclusions: Only half of the children before the intervention had adequate hygie...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5718/1510142

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Platelet Rich Plasma: Systematic Review


Article Type: Research Article | First Published: September 07, 2019

The aim of this study was reviewed the scientific evidence of the relationship that could exist between the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) after the reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). We performed a systematic using the following key words: platelet rich plasma AND anterior cruciate ligament. Abstracts were screened by a single reviewer. For those studies meeting the eligibility criteria, full-text articles were obtained. From 127 studies found only 5 articles were includ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5718/1510141

A Comparison of Physical Activity Levels between On-Line and Campus University Students

Kelly R Rice, Justin S Fuller, Darren J Dutto, John M Schuna Jr and Timothy K Behrens

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: September 05, 2019

A total of 238 participants enrolled at a regional university in Oregon with a significant online presence (58% of student head count).PA levels of on-campus and online students were assessed during April 2014 via an online electronic questionnaire. PA queries were based on the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) questions regarding PA. Costs to treat diseases associated with a lack of regular physical activity have a distinctly negative impact on the American health care system...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5718/1510140

The Relationship between Anaerobic Power Output and Race Performance during Marathon Canoe and Kayak Competition

Andrew Hatchett, Charles Allen, Kaitlyn Armstrong and Brittany Hughes

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: August 26, 2019

Paddle sports are low impact activities that result in high aerobic demand. Although this sport relies on the aerobic system, with the addition of shorter distances in competition settings it has led to interest in the importance of anaerobic capacity. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between anaerobic power and endurance paddle race performance. Fifty (n = 50) endurance paddle athletes completed a 13-mile course either by kayak or canoe. A modified Wingate anaerobic po...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5718/1510139

Burundi Population Awareness about Gout and the Pivotal Role Played by Physical Exercise in Prevent and Managing Gout Relating Problems

NGAYIMBESHA Adrien, BIZIMANA Jean Berchmans and GAKIMA Marie Stella

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: August 26, 2019

Prevalence and incidences of gout disease had shown an increasing trend all over the world including in developing countries. In underdeveloped countries like Burundi, there is no information about this disease situation, and the population may lack sufficient knowledge to prevent this metabolic pathology. Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that may sometimes be called gouty arthritis. Gout develops in some people who have high levels of uric acid in their body and bloodstream, a condition...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5718/1510138

Balance in Transitional Age Youth with Autism Spectrum and Neurodevelopmental Disorders during a 6-Week Comprehensive Wellness Program

Eve Spratt, MD, MSCR, Carrie Papa, Conner McDonald, COM, Martina Mueller, PhD, Nicole Gribben, MPH-PAPH, PhD Student, Carolyn Peterseim, COM, Mary Ashley Mercer, MD, Ali Serpe, MD, Tatiana Baier, PhD and Janis Newton

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: August 25, 2019

Young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are at an increased risk of poor balance and coordination due to sensory deficits. Specifically, reactive postural control impairments have been well documented among individual’s with ASD, however, research suggests that interventions can improve these associated deficiencies. The Piece It Together (PIT) program is a community-based comprehensive program designed to provide wellness opportunities among teens and young adults with ASD and other ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3516/1410118

Posterior Vitreous Detachment Prevalence in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Hatice Daldal, Musa Yigit and Yavuz Bardak

Article Type: Original Article | First Published: August 31, 2019

142 eyes of 71 consecutive patients with COPD who are applied to ophthalmology clinic were included in the retrospective study from January 2012 to August 2013. Trauma, ophthalmologic surgery history, diabetic retinopathy, uveitis, chorioretinitis, retinitis pigmentosa, retinal detachment and tears in the anamnesis and ophthalmologic examination were excluded from study. The visual acuity of the patients was assessed using Snellen chart. Intraocular pressure was measured with applanation tonomet...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3516/1410117

Management of Obstructive Bronchial Fibrolipoma Bronchoscopically

Sinem Nedime Sokucu, Cengiz Ozdemir, Ozlem Kahya, Seda Tural Onur and Levent Dalar

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: August 29, 2019

Lipomas are unsual tumors endobroncially and they make 0.1 - 0.5% of lung tumors. Diagnosis is often misleading due to these non-specific symptoms and the appearance of the mass on imaging studies. Biopsy is the key feature for the diagnosis. The treatment for endobronchial lipoma is surgical or endoscopic resection. Early treatment may prevent distal lung damage. A patient with a mass lesion as a coincidental finding after chest trauma diagnosed as endobronchial fibrolipomatosis. Endobronchial ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3235.1510053

Injuries Caused by Safety Belt Following a Traffic Accident

Juan-Jose Delgado-Moraleda, MD, Pablo Nogues-Melendez, MD, Luisa Londono-Villa, MD, Jose Melo-Villamarin, MD, Anca Oprisan Anca, MD and Diana Veiga-Canuto, MD

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: August 28, 2019

Wearing seat belt makes driving safer. Nevertheless, it can cause particular lesions. In this case report, we present a woman suffering the characteristic safety belt lesions on bowel, spine and aorta. A 40-year-old woman is brought to the Emergency Room after a high-speed traffic accident. At the time of rescue, the patient was wearing a seatbelt. On examination, she presented tachycardia, hypotension and abdominal rigidity. A CT angiography of the abdominal aorta is requested for suspected aor...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3235.1510052

An Atypical Case: Bilateral Radiation Necrosis

Ali Murat Koc, Hulya Cetin Tuncez, Ozgur Esen and Zehra Hilal Adibelli

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: August 28, 2019

Temporal lobe necrosis (TLN) is often seen in nasopharyngeal carcinoma secondary to less frequent other extracranial malignancies. Radiotherapy is one of the most frequently used methods in the treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. This method can have many side effects. One of the side effects associated with high-dose radiotherapy is cerebral necrosis. Cerebral radiation is the sum of the dose of radiotherapy given as the most important risk factor for necrosis. It is often seen within the fi...

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Right Ventricular Mass: A Unique Approach to Tissue Diagnosis

Bistees George, MD, Marina Sharif, MD, Rishi Bolla, BS, Shaheen Muhammad, MD and Stephen Cook, MD

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Cyclopia, A Rare Congenital Malformation: A Case Report in a Resource-Limited Setting in Sub-Saharan Africa

Therence N. Dingana, Carlson Sama, Nuh T. Zeh, Herbert Fonteh, Achuasah M. Tah-Atam and Gloria Ashuntantang

DOI: 10.23937/2378-3656/1410435

LigaSure for Management of Obstructed Hemivagina with Ipsilateral Renal Anomaly (OHVIRA) Syndrome

Haven Nicole Frazier, DO and Glendell de Guzman, MD

DOI: 10.23937/2377-9004/1410248

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